Sunday, April 24, 2011

What percentage of Americans currently with health insurance oppose the health insurance mandate?

If you could point me to a poll that would be great. (That's what she said. But seriously. Thanks.)
I don't know, but I am. I have insurance paid by my employer. $5 million lifetime limit. $1500/year deductible which is reimbursed at the end of the year through a second policy (also paid for by my employer ) My wife carries through her employer a catastrophic medical insurance policy with a $6000 deduct-able. The premiums are very reasonable for her portion. Under the current Health INSURANCE, not Health Care bill we both will lose those policies. Me because of the 40% tac that will be imposed making mine too expensive for my employer to continue to offer it. My wife will lose hers because it will be illegal to have that kind of policy. Her Health Savings Account which has been more than adequate will be eliminated. We will both be forced to pay much more for our medical insurance. I will certainly have less coverage and she will have more coverage for things she will never use. In addition, my 18 year old son who has fairly decent coverage at reasonable cost to him will probably lose his. Why would his employer pay for it when the law requires that he be eligible under one of his parents policies until he is 26? Strange that when I was self employed and did not have medical insurance my wife had an emergency C Section ( at 4 A.M ) and the public did not pay for any of the cost. I did. I also paid every dime for two other kids. My wife3 did have insurance for our daughter. I would have been supportive of a bill that provided catastrophic coverage. That is what insurance is for.

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