Sunday, April 10, 2011

How many jobs will the health insurance reform bill cost?

Look at all the companies talking about the hundreds of millions of dollars it is going to cost them. Does anyone think they are going to eat the cost, or are they going to outsource jobs?
Well I'm assistant manager for a ears nose and throat doctor and considering medicare reimbursement rates,medicaid, and a load of other insurance companies have cut back and all I here about is how physicians are getting paid less and less every day I hardly think this is going to encourage jobs physicians in my county are in a panic right now. Just to clarify a physician goes to school anywhere from 8-12 years and some are struggling to pay their bills??? This makes sense.... yeah so now teachers who help develop our future are underpaid... and physicians who save our health are now also underpaid???? Don't worry I think America is going in the right direction!

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