Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is health Insurance a boon or a bane?

Extreme Unethicalness in treatment, fake surgeries, bloated medicine prices by Hospitals (Fake MRP prices in collusion with manufacturers) backed by Insurance companies who happily pay. A triumvirate of 1. Doctors/ Hospitals 2. Medical manufactureres 3. Health Insurance Please answer: 1. Do Doctors Live off the Miseries of People? 2. Is health Insurance a boon or a bane? 3. Should Medical manufactureres/ Scanning & testing centers pay commissions to doctors?
1. Yes, Yes , Yes - 2. A bane as doctors think it belongs to them, why else do they keep 2 days req patient for 1 week, do all the tests possible. 3. Yes all commisions should be tracked and made a criminal breach by government. Why else is at the same place a CT scan 2,200 & 3,200 when ref by diff doctors. Docs ref even if not necessary so they pocket the commisons.

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