Friday, February 25, 2011

Will health insurance cover a nanny if my wife was put on bed rest by her OB for the rest of her pregnancy?

We are pregnant with our second child and have a 15 month old son. My wife is at home with him and is his only caretaker. Due to some complications with the pregnancy, she has been put on modified bed rest -- which means no more lifting our son, or running after him. We now need a babysitter to be here when I am not. I wonder if there is a way to get our health insurance to cover (some) of the cost of the babysitter since my wife is physically incapable of caring for our son.
No, insurance isn't going to cover something like that. This is just one of those things that are part of parenthood sometimes. Thousands of women have to be put on bed rest or have lifting restrictions during pregnancy when they have other kids. You will have to help her all that you can. Is there anyone in your family, like one of your parents, that could possibly come over and help your wife during the day? If you can afford it, you can take off work on FMLA (family medical leave) for up to 12 weeks if you have worked at your job for a consecutive 12 months. Unfortunately it is just something you guys will either have to figure out or hire someone to come in and help your wife take care of your other child. But you will have to pay for it yourself.

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