Saturday, January 15, 2011

Over 40 million people in this country have no health insurance because?

they can't afford it. So what does the government propose to do to help them? FORCE them to buy their own private health insurance or face massive fines. Excuse me, but I didn't need some faceless bureaucrat to tell me this, I could have done this myself. The whole reason we need health insurance reform in the first place is precisely because it is unaffordable- HELLO? This is just another SICKENING example of how clueless and out of touch politicians are with the average person. What do you think?
Yes!! Politicians are extremely out of touch with the average person. Health Insurance reform is what is needed and not on a grand scale. Treat it like Auto Insurance and allow cross country sales in all states. It would create competition and drive prices down. Further I do not believe the government has the right to force anybody to buy health insurance. This though, sadly is how politicians work....they can never seem to let go of a bad idea.

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