Sunday, January 30, 2011

how our health insurance companies get away with it?

ok i just watched the movie "Sicko" and i can for the life of me figure out how our health insurance companies get away with the stuff they do! can some one explain this.
Sicko is fiction. Health insurance is heavily regulated. People who get mad at denials, are getting mad because either 1. they tried to "outsmart" the insurance company, and it backfired (ie, they're dishonest) or 2. They don't understand what they are buying. Insurance is a CONTRACT. It's controlled by CONTRACT LAW. Michael Moore is a liberal, who wants to bring Socialism to the USA. Look at government run healthcare in ANY COUNTRY you want, that has it. Look at how well it's run, and how long the lines are. SHeesh. If you like government housing, you'll LOVE government healthcare. And I sure hope you like the wait times when you call the DMV, and just imagine the hold time when you try calling the doc!!! Have you tried calling the IRS or Medicare office lately?? One more thing to think about - according to Sicko, the average Cuban spends about $250 a year for all medical treatment, including medications. But Sicko doesn't mention, that in some pharmacies, you can't even get aspirin. Or, that the average annual salary of a Cuban, is $1,000 (making healthcare 25% of their income). Or, that contrary to popular belief, Floridians are NOT jumping on rafts and trying to get to Cuba.

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