Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can anybody be fined for not having health insurance?

Do you still get fined even if you are a student not under your parents health care plan? I'm sure a lot of college students would get pretty far into debt if they had to buy insurance/pay the fine. This is a stupid bill that shouldn't have been passed especially with 0% support from the opposing side.
Yes, $790.00 fine, brought to you by the IRS. Even if you bought insurance, if it is not what they deem as fit insurance you will also suffer. However, they brought the age up to 27 years of age that you can be covered under your parents, I presume you would have to be a full time college student or whatever criteria they attach to it. The whole bill is a farce, it will never stop the rising costs because they did nothing to fix it. If they would address medicare & medicaid abuse, tort reform and portability they may have accomplished fixing the real problem at hand. They just added a whole slue of problems to come. Gotta love this incompetent administration. Vote them all out!

1 comment:

  1. ooooooh!!! This frustrates me! I got my 3 nieces and nephews living with me and they are all sick.
