Monday, November 22, 2010

Why does anyone think that private health insurance is the answer to all ills?

As demonstrated to me by my own insurance, health insurance is designed to protect against problems that end after a year or two. If you problem will continue through your life, they simply raise your premium until the insurance costs more than the treatments. I feel very insulted by the insistence on this site that private health insurance can be an answer for long term illness. Why does anyone think that?
They don't believe private insurance is the answer to all ills. Simply put, they are not currently experiencing any medical problems that their private insurer has denied coverage for, so they don't fully understand that millions of people WITH insurance go bankrupt in this nation every year. Ultimately, though, the real issue is, they don't care. That's your problem, your illness, and they don't have to deal with it. Until it is their problem and their illness, and their family on the line, they will continue not to care.

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