Monday, March 21, 2011

While under my parents health insurance do I have any privacy from an emergency room visit or will they know?

I am 19 years old and was recently referred to the emergency room for possible tubal pregnancy. It turned out after an ultrasound and a few tests that it was a normal pregnancy. The problem is that I am covered under my parents health insurance and I was wondering if there is anyway to keep them from finding out about this. And will the insurance company be automatically billed? Is there any privacy for me? Please help.
Chances are your parents will find out that you went when they get mailed what is called an "explanation of benefits." This is basically a statement of all the services rendered, and what the insurance paid and what your parents will owe for the services rendered. They won't know much about why you actually went there, the diagnosis is not on the EOB, they will just see that you saw a doctor and had certain tests performed. Since you are 19, everything that happened between you and the hospital and doctor is confidential, so they will not be able to call and find out anything more than what they see on the EOB. So if you want to make up a story about feeling pain in your ovaries and it turning out to be a cyst or something like that, they are not likely to find out you are lying. But you really should tell them the truth.

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