Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How is mandating we buy private health insurance going to help us? (the paycheck to paycheck people)?

Did Obama and Pelosi make this law to benefit insurrance companies?
It is not going to help you. People are really missing the whole strategy of this. I was originally infuriated that we would all be forced to buy insurance (and I still am), because I thought that it would basically be lining the pockets of the insurance companies with new customers, while all the while Obama was claiming that those companies had been gouging us. I even regret that I posited that idea in some of these questions. I now see this for what it really is. Notice how that rule doesn't take effect until 2014. For the next 4 years, nobody new has to be forced into buying a policy. The increased taxes on people making about $250,000 don't come until 2014. But IMMEDIATELY, the insurance companies cannot deny people with preexisting conditions and they cannot cap how much your care costs (so that somebody with, say, cancer, who runs up millions of dollars of costs, can't be cut off when they reach, say, the $1M or $2M mark, as is often the case with health policies now). What will this do? Costs go up a lot immediately, but no new money goes into the system until 2014. It will drive up the cost of covering people enormously for the next 4 years. By 2014, insurance companies will either go out of business, raise their rates a lot to cover all this new expense, or even more people will just stop buying insurance because it's just too darn expensive. Pay attention here. For the next 4 years, NOTHING Obama has done is going to reign in costs. The costs of insurance are going to climb because he has heaped more requirements onto the insurers without forcing anyone new to pitch in. Therefore, when 2014 rolls around, your only choices will be the few scant remaining private insurers with outrageously high rates, and (drumroll), the Government socialized plan. You will then be FORCED to buy insurance because that will be the law. Rich people will go get their own private insurance because it will be better, and the rest of us will be stuck in the single-payer Government plan because that will be the only one you can afford. This is all a strategy to drive private insurers out and put the country on a single Government-run insurance plan.

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