Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where can I find basic and cheap health insurance?

I am a 25 year old part time college student looking for very basic and cheap health insurance. I had prior insurance under my father's plan but was dropped when I turned 25. Legally I can elect COBRA continuation coverage but the monthly cost is above what I can afford. I am looking for cheap insurance that would cover doctor visits and prescriptions. I am not very knowledgeable about any of this; any advice would be greatly appreciated.
sorry buddy, I do not believe there is such an animal. I think "cheap health insurance" is about as extinct as dinosaurs. Right now I am paying almost $1000 per month for a family of 5 (actually 4 because my employer supposedly pays mine). The worst part is that the stupid plan isn't worth crap. it just doesn't pay for stuff like I should. I mean d@mnit if I pay 12000/year, I would expect to be able to get something out of that plan, but there are so many loopholes and stuff that I end up paying that and a bunch on top of it. I could almost buy a car for that much money every year... Insurance companies are the biggest fraud ever passed unto the naive americans. Insurance companies are the DEVIL. We should get rid of all forms of insurance and promote personal responsibility. Yeah, like it used to be you know. You go to the doctor and pay for the services period. If doctors will have to deal directly with real people, they won't be able to charge the insane amounts they charge, because they'll have to look you in the eye. Only a couple of months ago I hurt myself with an axe. It really wasn't much. They had to do an xray and 6 stitches. and that cost me almost $800. HELLO? 6 freegin stitches and an xray should not cost that much.

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