Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer but he has no health insurance.?

Does anyone know a cheap health insurance or some other methods to get treatment? Any ideas will be helpful, my family and I are very worried. Thank You.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he will not qualify for any individual health plan, cheap or otherwise, to help him with the costs. He does have three options. First option; get a job with health benefits. There may be a waiting period but at least he'll get coverage. Second option; apply for Medicaid. He will have to qualify with low income and low assets. Third option; pay cash. You can negotiate a cash price for the services received, which can be as low as half of what they normally charge. If you can't pay all at once, most doctors and hospitals will work with you for payment. You may get answers here concerning medical discount cards. Be very wary of these cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well.

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