Thursday, March 24, 2011

Would it be morally correct for politicians to give up their taxpayer paid health insurance?

They have the money to pay for their own AND they get re-election money from the insurance industry.
Well, their paycheck comes from tax dollars anyway, so this hardly changes anything. On the other hand, House Resolution 615 would make a substantial difference: "That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that Members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, Federal Government run health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option." No Congressman who has gone on record supporting any form of the public option has agreed to sign onto this bill. Apparently, any such plan is good enough for taxpayers, but they think they deserve a higher standard of care. But who ever expected that there would ever be a politician who wasn't a hypocrite?

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