Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who is responsible for health insurance?

I have seen several questions and responses here that suggest that it is a sign of failure that 47 million Americans are uninsured. Isn't insurance something that responsible people purchase? If individuals put a higher value on cars, vacations, entertainment and other things, is it really the failure of their government or their fellow Americans that they lack insurance? In cases of catastrophic illness or injury, where the limits of private insurance is exceeded, perhaps there should be some plan to help individuals and families. For those truly in need, there are programs to provide health care. Perhaps those programs need to be addressed if they are not meeting the needs of the indigent. But, for working people with sufficient means, shouldn't the responsibility for insurance be theirs and not the country's?
I can see your reasoning. But imagine this. a family of 4 lives quite comfortably for years. They have simple life long aliment like Asthma and allergies that are easily controlled with medication. the children are now grade schoolers and the father who for years has been responsible for insurance has the company fold underneath him leaving him with out coverage. Mom does work but for her to pick up the insurance it is 700 per month. With the needs for medication they can spent 500 a month and that is only if no one get sick and needs to see a doctor. With the insurance that drops to only 300. The could sell a car or break the law in the state and stop car insurance but no matter it still leaves them with paying a minimum of 1000 a month minimum on medical stuff. that comes out of 2300 a month in wages be fore taxes and other bills. That would sound like a lot to your average single person but to a family that can barely feed and house them. let alone pay taxes and put clothing on growing kids. Why is Heath insurance so expensive? I know 15 years ago when I first needed to get my own My parents needed to help me and I was paying 200 a month and that didn't cover the hospital trip when I tore a tendon. Not even an X-ray. In essence heath insurance is not always a financial possibility. For those truly in need....This family does not fall into this category, because they have employment that offers health insurance. The system is broken. there are no temporary fixes an everyone has opinions. But there are not enough workable options. And too top that off there are many people who believe that people with families get too many breaks. weather they be tax breaks or extra insurance coverage by their employer's expense. You used the word indigent. I would not classify this family as that. This is were there is failure. That people who are not the poorest of the poor or even considered poor are put in this position. Yes I know this family well and personally. I also know a family who in the middle of a complicated pregnancy suddenly found themselves without insurance. It was a mismanagement of the companies policy. Who's responsibility was that? Just my 2 cents worth.

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