Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I have does health insurance cover counseling services? I have United Health care?

I am looking for a counselor in seattle but i don't want to pay around $80 per session, do counselors take insurance? I have United, and if so, how do i find some that do? I looked on the united healthcare website but couldnt find anything
I used to pay medical and dental claims for insurance companies so I can answer this with background knowledge, even though it's been awhile. Most all insurance companies pay for mental health care when the provider is a psychiatrist. However, if your preference is a counselor you usually have to get a referral from your family doctor or a psychiatrist for the insurance co to pay. If United has a list of providers that they want you to choose from, they will pay better benefits if you use one of them. If you don't choose a preferred provider with United, they will usually pay very little or nothing at all. I would have to look at your benefit booklet to answer this question more directly. If you cannot find a provider on their website you can call United toll free and ask an agent if your provider is covered. I hope this isn't too confusing. Insurance is one of the hardest things to explain to people. If you need further info or if you are confused with something I said, feel free to email me. good luck

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