Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How is being "forced" to buy car insurance any different than being "forced" to buy health insurance?

Surely if the latter is socialism/communism then the former must be the same....
Driving is a privilege and choice people are free to make. If someone can't afford the minimum liability insurance then they can't afford to drive and must make another choice. But if someone can't afford health insurance you don't punish them by fining them thousands of dollars. Fined for being poor? That's a Debtor's Prison mentality, and typical of this administration. 0bama is obviously in bed with the insurance companies and the medical & drug industry, trying to guarantee their income with our tax money. The trick isn't to guarantee their obscenely high income, it's to get them to lower their fees to a reasonable rate. Drug companies frequently charge a markup of thousands of percentage points, raking in obscene profits for drugs people absolutely must have in order to survive. And why rag on Mopar Mike? Are you truly so ignorant you believe New York is the only city with public transportation? My wife & I live in a comparatively small town 100 miles from the nearest big city. I drive, she does not. If I can't give her a ride, then she calls a cab or takes the bus. Yes, bus. Even our small town has them, just like many small towns across America. Fail. Try again.

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