Thursday, June 23, 2011

Anyone have any great health insurance policies?

I need a family plan, am relatively healthy but need prescriptions.
The idea of a "Great" plan will differ with every person you like, I can give you some ideas on what is available and I hope this helps. First let me start by sayiing the fact that you need prescriptions may or may not affect you qualifying for a plan, please consult with a qualified Health Insurance Agent in your area, or a Health Insurance Company in your state. Plans and what is available in the USA: PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) This type of plan is most popular, whereas you can visit physicians and medical professionals, hospitals ET that are within the network and receive services at pre-negotiated rates. This type of plan will offer Deductibles, Co-Insurance, Co-pays. You will only pay for services if needed, or as you go along. The advantage with a PPO is that they allow you to visit thousands of different doctors, the Disadvantage is that you must pay deductibles, co-insurance, copays- which can cost you thousands if you actually use the plan. HMO (health maintence organization) with this type of plan you pre-pay for medical needs. You will pick one physician as your primary care physician and see her/him for all your medical needs. They include Co-pays, and some now include deductibles for hospitalization. Advantages, excellent for someone who wants to use lots of services -little or no out of pocket costs for medical services. Disadvantages, Primary care physicians can be very busy and you will be locked in, referrals must come from the primary care physician. HSA (Health SAvings Accounts) these are the newest type of plans, called "Consumer Driven Healthcare" perfect for anyone self employed and healthy. They have High Deductibles, the consumer will pay for all medical needs up to deductible, and can open a HSA account at a financial institution in order to save money (fed. tax free)!! to pay toward his/her deductible. I personally have this type of plan, these are the fastest growing types of plans in USA. Advantages, Low premiums, Tax savings are wonderful, long term savings can benefit your retirement account. Disadvantages, with no HSA account funded the consumer could pay a high deductible for medical needs.

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