Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What is everyone's view on what is going on with Education and Health Insurance in this Country? *****?

***** Does everyone believe that all persons are entitled to a free Higher (college) Education and that everyone should have Health Insurance (even if we have to pay for it)? If some needs a cat scan or brace or medical device or particular procedure and the Health Insurance Company denies that person payment for that device, should the person (or his family, if the person has died) be allowed to sue the insurance company? These are serious questions and your answers toward finding a solution are needed.
Our public education system stinks. You want the government to take over HIGHER education? Zug, we'll have doctors who are illiterate. No, I don't believe that all persons are "entitled" to anything. The whole entitlement attitude is EXACTLY what's wrong with our public education system. There aren't enough working Americans to PAY for Health Insurance for the world. That's just the way it is. And it's not fair to effectively enslave them, the working Americans, I mean, to make the attempt. Health insurance doesn't deny medical care, and they don't deny devices, or procedures. They only deny payment. If it's a life threatening issue, it's up to your friends, family, and church to find a way to make it work. People are ALREADY allowed to sue insurance companies. That's why HMO's have changed from the way they were originally intended to work, so that they're almost unrecognizable. That's why RATES have jumped through the roof. Keep in mind, when you make a business - including an insurance company - pay for SOMETHING, well, think about where they get the MONEY for it. FROM THE CUSTOMER. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. SOMEONE pays. Or the lunch stops. Period.

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