Tuesday, March 29, 2011

me and my partner filled out a domestic partnership affidavit for the health insurance company?

In order for me to be added to her insurance policy we had to fill out a domestic partnership affidavit, have it notarized and send it back to them. This was no problem cause we plan to get actually married in a year anyways. So we did that and everything was good but my question is since this was for the insurance company yet it was notarized is it just as good for anything else or is that paper just good to them?
OK. If you're together right now & through her employer she has you down as her DP? That affidavit of DP is only good for health insurance, & that's it. It's not binding for state benefits or any other type of insurance other that the insurance that the affidavit was specifically made for. As for when you get married? Well, that depends as well. The best person to ask this question to would be your fiance's employer's HR Personnel Management Team for benefits. There may be some changes in getting your fiance's benefits (not a negative though). The reason I say that is: My wife & I got married while it was still legal to do so in CA. She brought in our marriage license so she could add me to her health insurance, but it was turned down. Her employer said she needed to fill out an affidavit of Domestic Partnership, comply with all the legalize within that form, sign it & get it notarized. If we lied about anything on that form, it would be nullified, along with us paying back the organization's attorneys fees & benefits they bestowed on me for health care. There was 1 big problem. The form asked if we were married to another person. We are. To each other. We brought this "tiny" issue up to HR, who also overlooked our marriage license that we brought in 2wks prior to this affidavit being sent out. Long to short, the HEAD of this organization's HR Office for benefits contacted us directly to apologize for any undue hardship & that our marriage license would be sufficient.

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