Sunday, January 23, 2011

When can I go back onto my parents' health insurance plan?

I'm 24 years old... I was laid off in April of 2009 and lost my health insurance coverage. I have been without any coverage since then and in my new job they don't offer health insurance. I know that under the new plan I can go back onto my parents' plan until the age of 26... but that isn't in effect yet and no one seems to know when it's going to happen. Anyone have any information?
According to the bill it will happen when the policy renews after 9/23/10. If you don't know when the policy renews it's usually the month after open enrollment. However, there are a couple of insurance companies in my state that are saying they'll start it sooner. Exactly when is not yet known. Your other option would be to get your own individual plan. In most cases it will be cheaper and you won't have to wait.

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