Monday, December 13, 2010

No health insurance and I have a lump in my breast?

I have noticed this almost "disk" like lump on my left breast towards the inside of my chest, its really bothering me. Breast cancer runs in my family on both sides and the women have been getting it younger and younger. Now I dont have health insurance but my question is, can I go to a planned parenthood or something to get it checked out for free or with assistance?
Yes, go to planned parenthood, a health center, or maybe even a free clinic that's in your area. And if there are none of these resources available? Go to the Dr. anyway! Trust me, even if you have to pay for a dr's appt out of your pocket, you just are going to have to do this if you find a lump in your breast. ESPECIALLY if breast cancer runs in your family! You need to go as soon as you can, this is not something to be taken lightly. But also, don't freak out! Benign lumps are in women's breasts all the time, I have a lot of lumps and they are due to how much caffeine I drink! So just because you have found a lump doesn't mean you have cancer. And if it is cancer? Breast cancer is becoming easier and easier to treat with a very high success rate these days. So just try to calm down because the stress is doing you no good. Go get it checked out and then you need to go see if you qualify for medicaid. Good luck to you and go to the dr!

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