Sunday, November 28, 2010

Republicans, how do you figure your health insurance is not a ripoff?

If you have group coverage through you employer you are simply lucky as fewer and fewer employers offer this. However, even if you do and you think that is OK are you aware of the REAL costs? Thanks to Obama, your payment to extend your benefits after you lose your job may be lower. However, the real premium paid to your health insurer is much higher because it is subsidized by your employer. Unfortunately, your employer is becoming less willing and able to pay these high costs. So, why are you against a public option that would force insurance companies to finally offer reasonable and effective coverage?
Good question. I cannot understand why Republicans support big, rich insurance companies. By Republicans, I mean middle-class people, not politicians. We all know why those who receive millions of "election bucks" are afraid to cross insurance companies, but why are average people reluctant to force those companies into offering reasonable insurance premiums to us? Supporting something that goes against your own best interest is just crazy!

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