Monday, July 4, 2011

To those of you who oppose mandatory health insurance?

what do you propose to do with someone who gets sick and cannot pay for their treatment? Currently, hospitals are required to treat them and write off the cost, meaning that the rest of us indirectly pay through our insurance premiums. Would you support a law saying that hospitals are allowed to discharge anyone who cannot pay for treatment regardless of their condition?
Ok, Im almost 55 yrs old and I am in good health and I have my own private insurance but lets say I didn't...I think when my age and health starts failing me Im going to just bill you and tell you YOU HAVE TO PAY IT, you will love it *L*.. Doesn't sound fair does it? That's exactly how I feel... why do I want the govt telling me what kind of health care I have to have? People that can NOT afford it as of today can go to the ER and get treated... illegals do it EVERYDAY..

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