Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why do we allow our governing bodies to spend so much time and effort trying to establish health insurance?

We spend very little trying to prevent bad health, actually bad health is sold. People in this country overeat, under exercise, and try to blame someone else.
I assume you mean the US. In the UK everyone pays an amount from their wages/tax according to their income to the Health Service. When they are ill or taken to hospital they are treated. There is no argument or questioning after this, it is paid for. The same service is given to all regardless of income or status, although there is a private treatment option for those that can afford it. This tends to just be to get treatment quicker for minor operations, or for cosmetic surgery etc. The same system covers dental treatment. What you should be asking is why hasn't the US had a similar system for years. - the answer is that the people who provide medical insurance in the US are making too much money from it to let it happen! .

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