Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why do liberals keep bringing up the Auto Insurance answer when trying to defend Health Care as necessary?

I don't know if they understand that Auto Insurances are a State mandate not the Federal Govt, and that one doesn't need an auto insurance if they don't have a car. Which makes their argument without substance on health care. Also they can't seem to answer the constitutionality of the Federal Govt forcing people to purchase Health Insurance against their will. .
One of the many poor arguments they use to attempt to defend the flawed legislation. Auto insurance mandate is contingent on the operation of a motor vehicle and is regulated by the states while the health insurance reform is contingent on breathing and will be regulated by the Secretary of Health and Human services. The former is a choice, the latter is a mandate. A quote from the bill; "...the Secretary shall make such adjustments that are deemed necessary including, reducing benefits, establishing waiting lists or increasing premiums." This is but one of countless references to the sole discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human services.

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