Monday, March 28, 2011

i have this paper i have to write its about health care insurance?

so i agree with partially government funding for health care insurance, here is why... if someone doesnt want health care coverage they shouldnt be forced to have it, i think that children should always be covered no matter what... i need some ideas so whatever you have will help a million!
Government controlled insurance for kids? OK, here are some points you'll want to address: 1) Who will be covered? Set an age... 18 isn't a bad idea as it is the generally recognized age of majority... but don't forget that college kids aren't known for being burdened with an abundance of income. Should there be exceptions? Or perhaps set a financial limit: how much can a person make and be allowed to come onto the plan? Is your proposed coverage limited to Citizens of the States? What about visiting dignitaries or illegal immigrants? 2) Where's the money coming from? Keep in mind that the government is already working with one hell of a large deficet, and are not known for their careful spending. If you don't want to increase taxes, you've got to take the funds from somewhere... schools? Street maintenance? Development? Underpay the military? If you do want to increase taxes, you've got to convince a number of politicians to make that happen, (who did you want to cover again?). 3) Who will approve? Right now, in private health care, nurses and doctors are employed, by the insurance companies, to determine whether or not a procedure was medically necessary. Who will do that for the government? Who will be tasked with overseeing the claims? with auditing the organization for accuracy and checking for fraud? 4) Convince the Medical Community to Take it. Right now, more and more doctors and clinics are refusing new patients for the government sponsored programs because the government is dramatically underpaying them. So not only do you have to sell the idea to the nation that everyone has to pay for universal health care for minors (or whatever), whether you have a kid or not, but then you've got to convince Doctors, typically well educated people, that THIS government program is different: it really will pay them what they need in order to be worth accepting. 5) Plan Design You say children should be covered, no matter what. Ok. Covered at what, 100%? 80%? A fixed copay? Is there a deductible? What's the annual out of pocket maximum? How about a lifetime maximum benefit? what does the plan look like that hits the right niche of coverage v. price? That's a start. There are a lot of issues, and none of them are exactly straightforward. But that's enough to start a paper. Good luck.

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