Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What percentage of Americans currently lack health insurance?

So this bill has no public option, no cheaper drugs, a mandate to buy private insurance and according to the Congressional Budget Office will help cover 94% of Americans. So how many people are currently uninsured?? Do you think covering an extra few percentage of people is worth spending $850 billion??…
No one knows for sure. Originally the President said it was 47 million and then last week changed it to 30 million. Some say the 17million is illegal ones, others say it's kids, but that is not right as the kids up to 18 are covered by Chips. Also CHips covers illegal immigrants kids, so not that either. So not sure how they get the number. Others state that it is 11 million. One thing for sure in 2003 the medicare prescription drug deal was to cost $500 billion* over ten years, but whoops it was revised by the CBO right after it wa signed up to over a trillion and now it's like $2.3 trillion. So this deal will be more like $4 trillion. Also the health care lobby has thrown HALF A BILLION* in 2008 at the House and Senate members and they will be taken care of. the drug program has cost people up to 50% more and now they flood the country with dubious 3rd world drugs. Talk about quality control. So it's a joke and now it may not start till 2015 which means if 75,000 perish each year without it, then that means 450,000 will perish. Too bad they got to hid so much and pay off the corporations, as they could have done an actual head count at health departments and come up with a deal to help them now and real cheap. Oh well. So look for medicare to be overloaded gain and the health people to get paid insurance to make a mint and the drug companies to sell the high price drugs all over. ONe thing they don't understand is this will drive the economy over the edge. Some know as Gold is heading to $1,200 and the market will crash and that's that. The answer above me is a great one, he has the documentation. take care.

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