Saturday, May 14, 2011

Will they take my Health insurance deductible out of my paycheck?

I didn't realize how much my blood tests cost until I recieved a benefits of service sheet in the mail, but it says at the bottom that it is not a bill. It does say that I have to pay a certian amount. Can they legally just take this out of my paycheck (so then my boss knows some of my medical information) or will they just send me an official bill? Does it have to be paid all at once do you know. It is Blue Cross PPO40
No unless you have authorized a payroll deduction to the provider (which is highly unusual) - they cannot take any payments from your paycheck. Most likely you will get a bill for anything that is not covered due to deductible ---make regular payments or call to set up a payment plan and you will keep it from going to collections. Under the H.I.P.P.A. Law - the provider nor Blue Cross can disclose any information in your medical record without your written permission for any reason.

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