Saturday, May 14, 2011

Why do the lower income workers want a flat tax rate or self funded health insurance?

To me, it appears that the lower income workers are not looking after themselves. Do you think the ultra rich will be looking after the interests of lower income earners (or rather are looking after the interest of the lower income earners)? Do these people not realize that if they do not look after themselves no one else will?
Because people hear what they want to hear and they see what they want to see. They want to see and hear that corporations and rich people don't pay hardly any taxes to the government because rich people and rich corporations get all the loop holes. They don't want to believe that when rich people's income gets to about $120,000 that deductions and credits start to melt off of the tax return. They don't want to hear that 85% of all personal income tax is paid by the top 15% of filers.

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