Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is forcing Americans to buy private health insurance, corporatism?

I mean we know its unconstitutional, but besides that. When the government forces Americans to buy a service from a private corporation, is that corporatism?
it could be yeah since the govt is affiliated with corporations.

How much does Latisse cost with health insurance?

You know the stuff that makes you eyelashes grow long.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

How much do you pay for health insurance now?

The largest percentage of those who are uninsured are those who elect to be uninsured, generally due to age. The next largest group are illegal aliens. Socialized medicine is not free. One of these groups is not going to get away scott free. Guess who?
I guess . . . the young healthy 20 somethings.

When must an employer offer part-time employees health insurance?

How many hours a week does a part-time employee need to work before an (Ohio) employer is legally required to offer group health insurance to that employee?
unfortunately by law, employers are not required to offer insurance to part-time employees

Misconception about Obama and small businesses (health insurance)?

Obama's plan specifically exempts small businesses from any requirement to either provide health insurance or pay into an insurance pool (which is what McCain refers to as a fine). McCain continues to go back to those dire warnings of wealth-spreading. Why is he choosing to distort his opponent's plan?
Simply put Obama's plan is doomed to failure because Government run Healthcare does NOT work. I investigated both Medicaid & Medicare Fraud for 28 years and observed hundreds of millions of dollars being stolen by the Providers ( Doctors ) & the Recipients ( Patients ) from the Government. I once arrested a Dentist in Bronx, NY who billed Medicaid for $ 350 work of ficticious dental services on 40 medicaid recipients ( who were substance abusers ) each day. For 18 months until he was apprehended & arrested this Dentist paid 40 Recipients 10 dollars each to come to his Office so he could x-ray their mouth. The Dentist received a daily check of $ 13,500 per day for " working " from 10 AM - 12 Noon. I arrested another Dentist who was heard on an undercover recording explaining to her hygenist why She ( Dentist ) did not sterilyze her instruments that she used on different patients. The Dentist answered " Why do you care if I sterilyze my instruments or not ? They are all junkies with AIDS & they are all going to die anyway ! " So much for Government Run Universal Health Care

My Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer but he has no health insurance.?

Does anyone know a cheap health insurance or some other methods to get treatment? Any ideas will be helpful, my family and I are very worried. Thank You.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he will not qualify for any individual health plan, cheap or otherwise, to help him with the costs. He does have three options. First option; get a job with health benefits. There may be a waiting period but at least he'll get coverage. Second option; apply for Medicaid. He will have to qualify with low income and low assets. Third option; pay cash. You can negotiate a cash price for the services received, which can be as low as half of what they normally charge. If you can't pay all at once, most doctors and hospitals will work with you for payment. You may get answers here concerning medical discount cards. Be very wary of these cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well.

should congress be forced to get health insurance through a public option?

if they could not get any insurance coverage other than the public option that will be available to the people would that be a good thing?
Sure, why not? It's what they want to force down our throats. Are they better than us? Hell no.

Why does health insurance for small business cost more than for large busines?

The risk is the same for the individual whether they work for a small company or a large company. So why should a small business have to pay more per employee?
Numbers.............unless they have a HUGE group of like business's like the Unions, they cannot get the reduced rates.

Medicare or other affordable health insurance?

I live in NYC, just moved here and need to find relatively affordable health insurance. Up till now was covered by plans through employers. Is Medicare decent coverage? Is it very different from others?
Zippy is right on this one. You are not eligible for Medicare unless you are 65 or older, or are disabled, or have been diagnosed with renal failure. If none of these 3 apply, you cannot get Medicare coverage. Medicaid is a program administered jointly by the State and Federal government. You must meet certain income guidelines in order to qualify. If you are not employed and are looking for individual coverage, I suggest that you contact one of the big insurance carriers in NY, like Empire BC/BS, HIP of NY, to see what products they have available to individuals.

Auto liability insurance, no health insurance, shall I pay medical bill up front, then reimbursed later?

I was hit from behind while i was waiting at red traffic light. the other driver admitted it's his fault. He has State Farm. I do not have health insurance and State Farm told me that I have to pay all medical bills and get reimbursed. i have lower back pain. I do not have money for all the treatment. What shall I do?
There are lots of websites where you can get an online quote. It only takes about 5 minutes to do.

How do I choose health insurance?

It seems so complicated. I'm just a 19 year old who doesn't have much money who needs to be covered for emergencies and if I get pregnant. If I need a doctor's visit or an inhaler refill, I only want to have to pay a co pay. If I understand correctly, do I choose the plan with the lower deductible? Is it better to choose smaller insurance companies as opposed to a big company like Blue Cross Blue Shield? Can my monthly payments go up if I get hurt, like with car insurance?
Try this site here you can get quotes from different companies in your area.

Is buying health insurance online a good idea?

What has your experience been? Did you save money and still get good benefits and service?
Of course I'm biased because that's what I do, BUT to be clear you're not saving any money buying from my website over sitting across the desk from me. Insurance is a regulated industry and it does not matter how you buy it and health insurance shouldn't be so complicated that you need to meet with anybody to do it. I have clients around the world and right down the street and even the ones that are close by handle everything via the phone and Internet. People buy from an Internet site because it's convenient. You want to make sure you're buying from someone that does what I do. Don't go to a big firm because then you're just dealing with a customer service representative and not building a lasting relationship with an advocate that can help you. To MAKE SURE you're buying from someone reputable look at the 'About Us' section of their web site. If you can't find a physical address then don't use them, call them on the phone as well and feel them out. Finally look around the site for information. MANY sites simply gather your information to sell to agents to call you. In that case you have no idea who you're dealing with. So, if the site doesn't provide much information about the products you're looking for then it's likely just a site to capture your information. Do business with a broker and do it online or over the phone if that works for you. Also, finally everything that's good online is available offline as well. There is NO difference in the products. It's just the easier way to transact the business. AND, make no mistake that applications done online WILL BE FASTER to the tune of at least two weeks off the underwriting time (of course that differs company to company). United Healthcare can underwrite an online application in as quick as 24-48 hours. If you mail in an application it won't even arrive in their mailbox that fast. Lastly make sure you're comparing multiple companies with someone you can trust. (PS I've never seen a Nigerian health insurance company....shaking head and rolling eyes....)

Where can I go to get my eyes checked when I don't have health insurance?

For the past few weeks I have been having vision problems in one eye, not all the time but I will get blurry vision and the eye will water when I'm say, looking at the computer screen for more than a short period of time, and when I don't feel pressure/have the blurry vision it seems like I am looking more with my 'good eye' if that makes sense. I don't have health insurance (between jobs) and was wondering if anyone had any experience with low cost eye doctors in the southern California area. I can afford a little bit but money is tight...but the problem is not going away and I feel I should get it checked out. Thanks so much to all who have some ideas.
It's possible to get help through some of the agencies noted above, but there is usually a lot of red tape and waiting involved. I would call around to ask various optometrists what they charge for a basic eye exam - I know mine (I don't have vision insurance either) usually runs about 60 dollars. Some Walmarts have optometrist with fairly low charges. A basic exam would at least let you know if you have anything to really worry about. If you need further treatment, maybe you can work out some type of payment plan. Best of luck to you in whatever you decide.

Are you one of the 47 million people without health insurance?

How has it effected your life and your families? And what kind of remedies do you use since you are unable to go to the hospital?

are health insurance companies the reason healthcare is so expensive?

is it affordable health insurance or affordable healthcare that people want? people interchange the 2
Its the fees hospitals charge. Imagine paying for cancer treatment out of pocket.

Can we have double health insurance, one of them being Cobra?

My husband was laid off and we went on cobra, in the mean time we found out our son needs tubes in his ears. The surgery is September 3rd and now my husband got a job and insurance will go into effect Set. 1. We are worried that they may consider this a preexisting condition and that our doctors may not be in the new network. We are wondering if we may have to reschedule the surgery for when we are more established with the new insurance.
As long as you keep the COBRA until the new plan goes into effect, then it's not considered a preexisting condition. You don't need to keep two plans. You'll have to see if the docs are still in network, though.

Can I deduct monies that I paid for my health insurance through my employer?

I pay $200.00 a pay check for my health insurance. Is that money tax deductable?
Most deductions for health insurance are part of a Section 125 benefits plan. As such, unless you told your employer to deduct them after tax, the premiums are deducted pre-tax. Check with your employer and see if your premiums are being deducted pre-tax. If they are deducted pre-tax, you get no further deduction.

Does any company offer health insurance to spouses when newly employed?

It seems like all spouses are excluded from health insurance benefits when a company is hiring a new employee. Are there any companies in this year, 2006, that will give the spouse and/or family health insurance?
I sell health insurance in NJ and I have never seen this before. It is quite common to see the business pay a percentage of the single rate and the employee would then be responsible for any additional cost.

I am a former foster kid and a full time student, are there any cheap health insurance plans out there for me?

I'm 21, was award of the state till i was nearly 19. I am now a full time student and really needing some sort of health insurance. I have no idea where to start. My work offers plans but its around 150$ a month but that honestly is outside my budget range. if anyone can point me in the right direction where i should even start i would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

How is Av Med health insurance?

If you have some experience with this health insurance, please share. Would you recommend them?
-------------------- - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.

If America's health insurance system is soooo awesome, why have no industrialized nations?

used it as the basis for their health insurance systems?
They prefer to cover ALL their citizens. They do rely on the US for some technologies, but many countries in Europe also have robust pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?

Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer
Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, Here you can get free quotes from different health insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find an afforable health insurance with a reliable company. Best Wishes,

Do u think plastic surgery should be covered in our health insurance?

I had a boob job 6 years ago... My warranty is up in 4 years.... If one boob ruptures dont you think my health insurance should cover it... I cant walk around with one empty sack in my chest
Only if it is really necessary

Please help me choose the right health insurance?

I am in the process of choosing a health insurance plan at work. These two options are what I am considering: Anthem POS High Option - $42.00 Aetna HMO - Ohio(EPO) - $36.00 The HMO seems to have better benefits (100% coverage after $250 copayment vs 90$ coverage after $250 copayment for hospital coverage, 100% coinsurance percentage vs 90%, both have no annual deductible for in-network). The HMO option also has no annual out of pocket maximum while the POS high potion has a $1200 annual OOP maximum. Why is it that the HMO seems to have better options but costs less than the POS high option?
With the HMO not only do you need a referal to see a specialist but you also need pre-approval from the insurance company before you receive almost any medical care. You must use a doctor or hospital in the network. If you travel outside of your area you may have a hard time finding someone. The annual out of pocket maximum is actually a good thing. That is the most you will spend during a year for your health care. If you look at the summary of benefits you'll see that even though the HMO is at 100% you still have co-pays to pay for every procedure. These co-pays can add up to well over $1200 if you have major health problems.