Tuesday, May 10, 2011

so if i dont get health insurance i will go to jail?

if i understand this correctly if i dont get health insurance i will go to jail if this bill passes?
You will not go to jail if you don't have health insurance. You will however have to pay a fine. If you fail to pay the fine you will be be enjoying correspondence from the IRS regarding their rather significant legal powers of persuasion...

Does Obama really believe his comparison between auto insurance and health insurance is legitimate?

Even W sees the holes in that argument. Is Obama trying to fool the least of us ?
I agree, comparing the two is like apples and oranges.

Why do Mass Health Insurance employees deny that they recieved paperwork?

I have a handicapped sister. My other sister is her guardian. The paperwork has been diligently submitted and they deny that they got it. We are getting an attorney. What is the problem?
Send it registered mail.

Why do republicans love the private health insurance industry so much?

I just want to try to understand the perspective of people who apparently have nothing but love for these companies.
I love the choices I have, which *should* be mine to make. I love the basic right of choosing quality care for myself, and future children. No one's arguing against reform. Obamacare is not reform. It's an overhaul of the system, wherein rationed care & lack of treatment options will be a reality.

Why don't all these Liberals complaining about healthcare start their own health insurance company?

Then they can cover everybody that they feel sorry for and pay every penny of every single expense their customers incur as a result of illnesses and surgeries. Why don't they do that? Is it because they're hypocrites and don't want to pay for it themselves? They'd rather taxpayers pay it? Is that why?
Because that's the thing. They don't want to pay it themselves, they want taxpayers too and they want to force EVERYBODY to get on it so they can have control and micromanage our lives.

What income would be needed to survive with health insurance and home insurance in upper rural new england?

and the midwest.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthplans.bebto.com

Does this make sense when it comes to health insurance?

A person does not get charged a Higher premium for health insurance if they are smokers, yet they will flat out deny a person with type 2 diabetes if he/she was not previously insured, even if this type 2 diabetic is in general very healthy does not drink or smoke and is not overweight. How does this make sense?
Actually the regulations governing health insurance (through ERISA - the employee retirement and income security act) forbid discrimination between enrollees except for documented health conditions (e.g. diabetes). Since smoking is highly correlated with many diseases but the causative factor is not identified it cannot be used as a discriminator. Many companies that self insure and are therefore exempt from ERISA do choose to provide nonsmokers rebates on their premiums. Unfortunately the Federal regulations do not permit these types of provisions in fully insured plans.

What are some sample average monthly health insurance payments for a 25-year-old male?

If that's not enough information, make any assumptions necessary.
Assumptions: 1) You are healthy 2) Your zip code is 80233 (Denver) 3) NO tobacco use A lowest priced policy available has a $7,500 deductible, $1,000 separate deductible for prescriptions, and no doctor copays. Monthly premium is $36.23. An HSA type policy with a $5,000 deductible costs $54.74 per month. A "good" policy with a $500 deductible, $1,000 in co-insurance, and co-pays for doctor visits & prescriptions costs $197 per month. Hope this is what you were looking for. Don http://mtnhealthinsurance.com

If I start w/ a new health insurance provider on Jan 1st will the previous provider cover bills before then?

I had a hospital bill and other doctors bills from a few weeks ago. If they're not paid right away by my current provider will they still handle them since the services took place before the Dec 31st expiration date?
Yes. For medical office visits, hospital visits, and medical procedures, the date of service is the key determiner. The insurance in effect on the date of service, would be the one that pays on the bill. Most insurance claims for medical, can be filed up to a year after the date of service. Some carriers have a shorter period. For many medical procedures it takes a few days at least to prepare the insurance claim, so this kind of processing is routine for doctors and insurance companies.

What is the whole universal Obama health insurance all about?

Explain it and no ranting or raving or stating your own opinions, that does nothing to address the problem or explain what its about, I want only facts and nothing else, if you don't know anything about it or don't know what your really saying its not needed. Thanks
This is a great interactive article that tells you how you will be affected based on your status (employed/unemployed, insured/uninsured, etc) Look through and see for yourself. Don't let either side make your decision for you.

How much do you pay for health insurance in College?

For single student, how much premium per year? and deductable? can it be covered by your parents even you are 30 yo? do you need to pay additional for optics?
Generally, health insurance is covered through your parents, so long as they opt to leave you on there. Also, often you need to be considered a dependent of your parents and leave your permanent residency as their house. Health care through your parents usually ends when you turn 23-25 years old, depending on the plan. If you're 30 years old, there's almost no way you will be covered through their plan, and you will have to buy your own insurance. Your parents can pay for this if they want, but they can't include you in their work plan. Yes, vision insurance is totally separate from health insurance. VSP is the main provider I've seen for this. You can buy this if you want it, google VSP. Your premium and deductible are choices you have to make. I would suggest researching what insurance your college offers or recommends, and also google search the local blue cross blue shield insurance in your area, and google search for student health insurance plans. Be careful to look into prescription coverage if you have or expect to need prescriptions, because some plans are screwy on what amount they cover and what specific drugs they will cover. Also, try to pick a plan that's centered in your geographic region (preferably with hospitals and doctors considered "in-plan" by where you live), and if you have a primary doctor, make sure that doctor is covered under the plan. If you're healthy most of the time and don't go to the doctor much, you don't to need go for the lowest deductible possible, but try to keep your deductible under $1,000.

How much do you pay for health insurance?

Just wondering. Please include who's covered under it, maybe even what state you live in, I'm sure the price varies.
I pay nothing because I don't make enough money to be charged for it where I live we actually call it the health care tax cheers ?RfD?

Is birth control normally fall under health insurance?

I'm interested in getting birth control to help me with my cramps. Can anyone help?
As far as my knowing,it is a question with various answers,it is definitely depending on the your mind ,providing a great resource here http://www.healthinsurance-onlinetips.info for reference though.

Where can I find data about employer-based health insurance, who is offering what kind of insurance in CA?

I am planning to open a new medical clinic there.
I'd start making visits to the larger employers in the area, and do some market research. No one else compiles this.

How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?

Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!
Unfortunately, affordable for someone 54 isn't likely. Well, I guess affordable is a relative term. It depends on your geographic location. I assume that you're in CA. If so, your best bet is to apply for coverage through a group (in CA a group is 2 or more people). If you don't have a group, create one with a friend or colleague. If I'm not mistaken, groups cannot be denied coverage. The insurance companies don't have to make the coverage cheap but they have to provide it. Best of luck!

How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?

Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!
Unfortunately, affordable for someone 54 isn't likely. Well, I guess affordable is a relative term. It depends on your geographic location. I assume that you're in CA. If so, your best bet is to apply for coverage through a group (in CA a group is 2 or more people). If you don't have a group, create one with a friend or colleague. If I'm not mistaken, groups cannot be denied coverage. The insurance companies don't have to make the coverage cheap but they have to provide it. Best of luck!

with changes in health insurance laws will my under 26 year old children be covered?

I am hearing on the news that 26 year olds should now be covered under parents plans regardless of being in school or not. However, a friend told me that this does not apply if the coverage is "self insured" but only if fully funded. Our insurance is with Cigna, but it is with my husbands employer and have been told that is "self insured". So will my 22 year old who is not in school be covered or not? He has been covered until now because he was in school, but not going this term or next.
Disclaimer: I have NOT read the entire plan. But the parts I've read, I haven't seen a differentiation between a "qualified self insured" plan, and a "qualified group insurance" plan. You will need to call Cigna and ask - but I strongly suspect you can add him during open enrollment if he's already been dropped.

Is forcing Americans to buy private health insurance, corporatism?

I mean we know its unconstitutional, but besides that. When the government forces Americans to buy a service from a private corporation, is that corporatism?
No. It's civic responsibility. Health care providers have a moral obligation to treat anyone who is sick or injured. Too many people take advantage of this by neglecting to get health insurance and defaulting on their medical bills. This forces health care providers and health insurers to jack up their prices and premiums in order to stay profitable. It's time Americans stopped gambling with their health, especially since the people who don't are the ones stuck paying for the gambling losses.

Why are the insurance companies fighting the public health insurance option so hard?

Is it because they know they cannot compete against medicare?
Because while competing with the new system, they know they cannot give each of their CEOs 1.4 billion dollars in stock options in addition to his regular 33 million dollar salary. http://www.aapsonline.org/newsoftheday/0…

How much will benzos cost without health insurance?

Stuff like xanax and valium and ativan? I'm going to try and get something that will calm me down from my doctor.
not very much... probably around $10 for 30, maybe a little less

How much does Latisse cost with health insurance?

You know the stuff that makes you eyelashes grow long.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org

My Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer but he has no health insurance.?

Does anyone know a cheap health insurance or some other methods to get treatment? Any ideas will be helpful, my family and I are very worried. Thank You.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he will not qualify for any individual health plan, cheap or otherwise, to help him with the costs. He does have three options. First option; get a job with health benefits. There may be a waiting period but at least he'll get coverage. Second option; apply for Medicaid. He will have to qualify with low income and low assets. Third option; pay cash. You can negotiate a cash price for the services received, which can be as low as half of what they normally charge. If you can't pay all at once, most doctors and hospitals will work with you for payment. You may get answers here concerning medical discount cards. Be very wary of these cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn't find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well.

Auto liability insurance, no health insurance, shall I pay medical bill up front, then reimbursed later?

I was hit from behind while i was waiting at red traffic light. the other driver admitted it's his fault. He has State Farm. I do not have health insurance and State Farm told me that I have to pay all medical bills and get reimbursed. i have lower back pain. I do not have money for all the treatment. What shall I do?
There are lots of websites where you can get an online quote. http://www.autoadviceonline.com/Auto-Insurance-Quote.html It only takes about 5 minutes to do.

should congress be forced to get health insurance through a public option?

if they could not get any insurance coverage other than the public option that will be available to the people would that be a good thing?
Sure, why not? It's what they want to force down our throats. Are they better than us? Hell no.