Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pregnant with Aetna health insurance, without maternity insurance! What can I do?

Aetna does not offer maternity insurance in the state of FL! I make to much for medicade. I am very nervous. My question is what should I do?
-------------------- - try this one. My sister had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

what would you recommend on how to fix health insurance?

I am doing a macro project and wanted to get a different view on how can we fix or make it better?
Perhaps You may google it first ,however, if you like some direct resource ,here might be your choosing.

me and my fiance are on the same health insurance at our work, as a domestic partner to get joint benefits.?

Is is necessary to file our income taxes as jointly. we have 2 kids together, but i have always filed head of house hold and claim both kids.
You cannot file jointly unless you are married. Being a domestic partner is not a recognized status by the IRS. Filing as single is fine.

Without health insurance, what do you suppose pinworm treatment could cost?

Including the testing for it and all.
If you have pinworms then at some point you'll be excreting the worms and there will be no testing necessary, believe me! Besides prescriptions, you can instead use natural herbal parasite formulas in many cases (like Herb Pharm's nasty tasting liquid drops of Black Walnut Hulls which is about $10, or the nasty-smelling Renew Life Parazyme capsules which are about $22 from a local health food store), but the Rx wouldn't be too expensive I bet. Ask the doctor or health clinic nurse to write the Rx to allow for generics and it'll probably be a lot cheaper. You may also be able to ask a pharmacist at your local drugstore if there's anything over-the-counter that would work and not require a Rx. The herbal stuff kills worms, which also means its not good for your body if you use too much for too long, so follow the directions or call the company before you start for more info. Same is true for the Rx and OTC drugs I'm sure. Don't use this stuff on kids unless you know what you're doing or have practitioner supervision, just in case. Lastly, don't use this kind of stuff unless you know you have pinworms. Being pretty sure you have them is not good enough.. PS - your pets, if you have some, may have it too and will need vet treatment which is extremely important for them. Good luck!

If USA is the best country in the world then how come many American don't have Health Insurance?

Also our tax rate isn't that much higher than the Europeans if any, especially for the middle-income. But at least the Europeans provide national health insurance even to the homeless. In England they don't tax food to go or clothings. So why do I hear from some of the ignorant Americans saying this is the greatest country?
The US isn't the ''best country in the world,'' it's actually turned in to a police state.

I don't have any health insurance, and i might have cancer.What should I do?

I have a lump above my collarbone, about the size of a walnut above my collarbone, and My doctor told me there is a one in five chance that it could be lymphoma cancer. I have an appointment on Monday with a surgeon to take a closer look at it, and give me another diagnosis. I am in my early twenties, and I was foolish enough to think that I could put off getting a health insurance plan for a little longer. Is there anyway I can still get a health insurance plan that I can afford.I make less then 1000 dollars a month. Any info would be much appreciated.
Take a look at the site below which explains many misunderstood things about the cancer industry, and has some natural cures too. Cancer…

Cash business and health insurance ?

What options exist for someone who works in a strictly CASH business, isn't married and needs some kind of Health Insurance? The cost would need to under $300.00 a month. Do all these companies ask to you to provide the details of your income? Thanks for any suggestions.
The only time health insurance is worried about your business information is when you apply for group coverage. In order to obtain group coverage you need at least two employees and you need to file a quarterly wage and tax report. If you are looking for individual coverage your cash business will not be of interest to the insurance company. You should try using to search for health insurance brokers in your area. Don't call your auto and home agent they specialize in property and causality insurance. You need someone that specializes in health insurance. A Broker represents multiple carriers and can help you sort through all the different insurance companies and plan options in your state. The Health Savings Account would be something to look into.

Are you really paying your fair share for health insurance?

Do you have all the benefits and special treatment?
I pay cash for all medical services that I actually use and I do what I can to stay healthy so I pay doctors very little because I am generally healthy. So, I guess you could say I'm uninsured. I'm seriously f*cked if I get sick and I suspect the doctors and their outrageous bills will want to take my house at that point, but I'll probably just move to another country.

Is it normal for health insurance to not cover baby vaccinations?

I'm appalled to learn Aetna won't cover my sons shots.
Some employers don't carry the rider for pediatric well care. Aetna does cover well visits and vaccines - IF the employer selects the rider. Personally, I'd call your HR person at work and ask them - some companies don't have many people with little kids, so they don't generally offer that type of plan, but they might do something for you. Otherwise, look into state-sponsored vaccines. I know New York has this program - it's called Vaccines for Children (VFC) - the state purchases the same vaccines the doctors do, but in such a large quantity, they get a huge discount. (Vaccine companies sell the vaccines at the more you buy, the cheaper they are.) So, then the doctors get the vaccines for next to nothing and can sell them for less than $20 a dose to uninsured or underinsured (meaning: kids who have insurance that doesn't cover shots) patients. If your pediatrician's office doesn't know, call your local health department.

what is the best health insurance which covers maternity in houston?

(it must cover from the day I buy it)
If you are already pregnant and do not have health insurance then you will not be eligible for an individual health insurance plan until after you have the child. You may be able to be accepted onto a group health insurance plan but typically if you have not had prior health insurance coverage then they will not cover pregnancy or any other procedure for 12 month that you have sought medical advice or treatment for in the 6 months prior to joining the group plan. If you are not yet pregnant then you will want to compare quotes from Blue Cross Blue Shield of TX, Humana, UniCare, United Healthcare, and Aetna. Here is some more information on maternity health insurance:…

Will a new White House administration take on Big Pharmaceutical and Health Insurance Companies?

These corporations make huge profits at the expense of millions of insured and uninsured. Have our Presidential runners said ANYTHING about cracking down on them.
If McCain wins no , if Obama wins to a moderate degree. Obama plans to provide universal coverage including medication to children, initially. He would eliminate the dough nut hole in Medicare Plan D, that would mean that a person would not have to spend a total of $5,100 ot of pocket, before receiving catastrophic coverage with a 5% co payment for medication. People would be able to import medications from other countries and across state lines. This not allowed at present..The Federal Government would be able to negotiate for the whole Medicaid/Medicare complex to receive bulk discounts as does the A. Bush and McCain oppose it obviously to ingratiate themselves with big Pharma. These Obama proposals although an improvement are too week to solve the problem. The only reforms that McCain would allow is to permit people to buy insurance across State lines. Also to receive a $5,000 a year, to help pay medical and pharmacy coverage. But this would be taxed and would be of no use to low income persons. Therefore McCain would maintain the status quo. Clearly Obama's program s more progressive, and a bit of a challenge to Big Pharma and the insurance companies

I need to get tested for diabetes but i dont have health insurance?

Should i just go to the emergency room and tell them all my symptoms or what
You surely have a friend that has diabetes . Ask them to check you with their glucose meter. Fast for 8 hours or more and check. Blood Glucose Levels (Check Regularly) * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL (100 milligrams of glucose for every 10th of a liter) is normal. * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100-125 mg/dL may indicate "pre-diabetes." * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher may indicate diabetes. * A blood glucose level -- after eating -- of 180 mg/dL is considered normal. Good luck

where in the united states constitution does it say i "must buy health insurance"?

what are you in here for Bob? I didn't buy health insurance.
Nowhere, that is the individuals responsibility to buy health insurance! :-)

how can i go to a dentist with out health insurance?

I have a really bad tooth ache and need to go see a dentist if it doesn't kill me first i have no health insurance with my job i was wondering if a dentist would be able to do payments? or something monthly because i only get paid once a month but i really need to see one soon. I live in lakewood colorado and would love to find a dentist that would work with me
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Information about health insurance please?

Im looking for a cheap but good health insurance. Please let me know what your recommendations are.
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

How Do i get Health insurance? Please help!?

I am an international student and im in college right now. I am 19 years old and I want to know how I can get health insurance to cover most health costs (vaccines, check up, dental work). I already have a bull sh%t insurance from my college but thats not real insurance. I need real insurance that is approved bu New York State. And How much would it cost me?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here    to solve my similiar problem.

Question about the Health Insurance Bill that just passed in the House?

I am having a hard time finding anything in the health care bill that will help to control the cost of health care in this country. Can someone explain to me how the provisions in this bill will lower the amount we spend on health care as a nation?
it wont. right now you are paying for your own health care which cost X amount. If this passes, you will have to pay for your X amount plus Y amount in taxes for the jerk off who doesn't work and expects free health care. This will cause your insurance company to raise their prices on you so you can no longer afford yours then you will have to go with government run health care. Which will eventually run every private health care company out of business. In the end you will be paying thousands more in taxes for your "free" health care than you did for your health care that only cost X amount Nationalized health care will screw us all. you will pay more for crappy coverage

Does health insurance cover marriage counseling?

I'm going to call & check when I get a chance. But I just wanted to know your experiences. We have Anthem BCBS if that matters. If insurance doesn't cover it, does anyone know about how much it costs?
My insurance pays for a certain portion of counseling.

Seeming how I get free state funded health insurance, tell me why I?

Shouldn't use the ambulance for a free ride to the hospital?
because unless it is an emergency they may not pay. but more importantly you would be taking one away from some one who really needed it. lastly if you are on state assistance.there usually is a resource that provides free shuttle or bus to and from appointments. contact your Cso.

Does Sanate bill exempt illegal immigrants from fines in case they fail to purchase health insurance?

Is it true that only American citizens and legal immigrants will be fined, and then jailed?
Probably - and we pay for them too. Sure, it's doesn't say they are paid for but if they don't check, they are paid for. Obama is a LIAR! Joe Wilson was correct.

Is it a lot harder to sell health insurance since our economy has gotten worse?

Im an considering pursing this but am terrified by a job that is solely commision based
Selling in the employer-based market is exrtremely competitive, and it always will be. Working solely for commission is always a bit scary, but can also be a great motivator. In this economy, employers are looking for new ideas, new concepts to help them balance the cost to the quality of the benefits. The purpose of employee benefits is to attract and retain quality employees. It is not an entitlement, but rather an incentive to keep the business' clients happy with the quality of their products and service. Good Luck. P.S. I agree with the NASE comment above.

For someone retiring before Medicare eligibility, what is a reasonable amount to budget for health insurance?

This seems to be a missing topic in all the online articles about retiring.
I feel that $900 per month is not a "rational" answer. This really depends on a few things: 1) What state will you be in when you retire? 2) Do you have any medical conditions? 3) What is your risk tolerance? i.e. How much of a deductible can you handle? With the above being said, it is very difficult to just throw a number at you - there are just too many variables. Minimum per person $300 Maximum per person $800 You should also look at getting into a Health Savings Account qualified plan - they keep the premium's reasonable for that age group, plus they give you the ability to open a tax advantaged savings account.

Do health insurance companies cover homebirth?

What has been your experience/knowledge? Would the insurance company pay for the midwife or for equipment? Or would they claim it was too much of a risk and only pay for a hospital birth?
I guess you're in the States. I've had two homebirths in Ontario, Canada and our health plan took care of everything. I think to know for sure, you're going to have to contact your insurance company, as I'm sure they all have different policies. It seems ridiculous to me that they would not cover it, as statistically speaking, homebirth is safer then a hospital birth, especially when you get into post-birth complications or infections from being in a foreign germ ridden environment (the hospital that is, not your home). You naturally don't use pain meds, so there's a huge savings right there.

I don't have health insurance...which Presidential candidate will help me the most and why?

We have our own business and I just got the health insurance quotes today. In order to have health insurance it will cost us the same as our mortgage payments. We budgeted in our mortgage payments as if they were to be our largest payment. I guess we were wrong. Is it that way for everyone?
probably hillary clinton, she's really big about universal health care. she likes the idea of making it free for everyone, if she can.