His wife & kids are also covered. They can't reach financial agreement about division of assets so separation has been working for us. My boyfriend & I have been living together for years now and our relationship is not a secret. I need health insurance and since I'm his dependent I don't see what the problem should be. Will he have to list me as his "life partner" like same sex unions?
"babydust ttc"? Please put those plans on hold until after you are insured....and after your boyfriends other marriage is officially dissolved. It will make life easier for everyone (especially your unborn kid). But no. You can't claim your wife AND your girlfriend on your insurance benefits.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Can my employer deny me health insurance benefits if I'm working full time?
My coworker has been working at our company for nine months. She was hired as a temporary employee, with the promise of being made full time. She works full time, but they never gave her full time status and refuse to offer her health insurance. Is this legal?
I believe you mean that she was hired as temp with the promise of being made permanent. If she did not get that agreement in writing, she doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. If the company only offers insurance to all full-time permanent employees, they have not broken any laws, since she is still classified as a temporary employee. But she should check the employee handbook or info she was given at her hire.
I believe you mean that she was hired as temp with the promise of being made permanent. If she did not get that agreement in writing, she doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. If the company only offers insurance to all full-time permanent employees, they have not broken any laws, since she is still classified as a temporary employee. But she should check the employee handbook or info she was given at her hire.
Where can I buy good Health insurance?
Anyone know where I can buy health insurance. Im an independent contractor who needs good, cheap rates.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From Medical, vision, Rx and Dental and more. I love this very affordable plan. No deductibles and no limits which is perfect for my family. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From Medical, vision, Rx and Dental and more. I love this very affordable plan. No deductibles and no limits which is perfect for my family. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
Indiana health insurance for my unborn child?
I am having a baby in May and I am trying to find health insurance quotes but everywhere I look, they want more information than I have (again the baby isn't even born yet). How can I find health insurance quotes for my baby? If it matters, I live in Indiana.
Try this site heinsurance.notlong.com In this site you can get quotes from different companies in Indiana, I hope it helps.
Try this site heinsurance.notlong.com In this site you can get quotes from different companies in Indiana, I hope it helps.
Being self employed Where can i get reasonable health insurance?
I am self employed and i am currently paying a small fortune for health insurance in MA. Where can i look into getting better prices without sacrificing coverage?
Massachusetts? roflmao your legislature fixed you right up ... and emptied your wallet with required coverages and community rating. try eHealthInsurance.com -- they'll at least find you a few offers, but don't say you weren't warned about the prices.
Massachusetts? roflmao your legislature fixed you right up ... and emptied your wallet with required coverages and community rating. try eHealthInsurance.com -- they'll at least find you a few offers, but don't say you weren't warned about the prices.
Tax Question: If I pay my own health insurance premiums, is it tax deductible?
I do not get the health insurance that is offered through my employer. I get my health insurance on my own and pay for it with my money that taxes have already been taken from. So I am paying with Post-income taxed money.
It sounds as though you may be able to as long as you itemize and meet all the other criteria. See the link below for more details.
It sounds as though you may be able to as long as you itemize and meet all the other criteria. See the link below for more details.
Does the new Health Care Bill apply to insurance policies that were issued before the bill is signed into law?
There is a section of the "Reconciliation Act of 2010. H.R. 4872" titled "SEC. 162. Ending health insurance rescission abuse". Does this apply to insurance policies issued BEFORE the bill is signed into law? If you answer, please tell me where you got your information.
That section is about stopping the insurance companies from rescinding policies because one gets sick or they discover that one of those covered is discovered to have had a pre-existing condition. If you are asking if it covers one that has already had there coverage rescinded before it was signed into law, I don't think it is retroactive.
That section is about stopping the insurance companies from rescinding policies because one gets sick or they discover that one of those covered is discovered to have had a pre-existing condition. If you are asking if it covers one that has already had there coverage rescinded before it was signed into law, I don't think it is retroactive.
will medical marijuana show up on my company health insurance?
I live in california and I just got a medical marijuana prescription from a legal doctor. I just want to make sure that this prescription will not show up on any of my company health insurance. I did not present any type of insurance or medical history when I got the marijuana prescription, and the only type of legal information they have is my driver's license. I am not trying to get my company to cover any marijuana costs, I just want to make sure that the two stay separated.
They have no access to your health records, just that dr so-and-so has cleared you for work
They have no access to your health records, just that dr so-and-so has cleared you for work
Removing someone from a health insurance policy?
I was wondering how you would go about removing a person that you have covered under your employer health insurance policy. The person is 18 and a full time student and is covered under her parents health insurance policy. They want to remove her. How long does it take? Can they just call the insurance and say "hey I want to take her off now, today" Or is there like paperwork you may have to file to fully remove the person?? BTW, it is CIGNA PPO in case that makes a difference. Thanks!
First inform the whomever at parent's employer handles employee insurance matters - usually the HR department. Then notify CIGNA. Both notifications should be in writing and dated.
First inform the whomever at parent's employer handles employee insurance matters - usually the HR department. Then notify CIGNA. Both notifications should be in writing and dated.
How Can I Get Health Insurance?
I am 18 and have a preexisting condition. I want to move out of my parents house but am not a full time student so I will be kicked of their insurance when I leave and I can't get health insurance through my job. Is there any way I can get health insurance?
You don't mention what the pre-existing condition is. Is it a wart? Is it cancer? Is it a cut? Is it diabetes? 'Pre-existing' tells us nothing.
You don't mention what the pre-existing condition is. Is it a wart? Is it cancer? Is it a cut? Is it diabetes? 'Pre-existing' tells us nothing.
How do I get on Birth Control with no medical/ health insurance?
I'm looking into getting on birth control but I don't have the health insurance to cover the visit to the doctor. I'm 19 and don't plan on having a kid anytime soon. So I'd like to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting pregnant this soon. and I am a college student. If anyone could help point me to the right services to help me I would greatly appreciate it.
If you don't have a Planned Parenthood near you, Your local Health dept. would be your best bet. They give free check ups and birth control. Better yet they will give you birth control pills, and condoms. We all know BC pills don't prevent STD"s
If you don't have a Planned Parenthood near you, Your local Health dept. would be your best bet. They give free check ups and birth control. Better yet they will give you birth control pills, and condoms. We all know BC pills don't prevent STD"s
Wouldn't the term on the Health Care bill making people have insurance if not pay a fine unconstitutional?
Liberals bring up the argument of having car insurance, but it's flawed because car insurance is to allow people to drive a car, which is a privilege, one doesn't have to drive if they don't want to and they don't have to have car insurance if they don't own a car. So isn't forcing someone to have health insurance or face being fined $750 or 2% of your income unconstitutional even if the person doesn't want health insurance. I see a lot of lawsuits in the future because of this provision.
There are already suits being prepared. There is nothing in the constitution that grants the federal government the power to require purchasing something as a criteria for residence.
There are already suits being prepared. There is nothing in the constitution that grants the federal government the power to require purchasing something as a criteria for residence.
Which do you prefer, forcing people to buy health insurance? or permitting emergency rooms to turn away?
people that can't pay? it seem to me that if you don't want to be forced to buy health insurance then you should not expect essentially free emergency health care.
I prefer forcing people to get insurance. Note the reforms only force people to get cover. They do not have to buy it if they can get cover elsewhere, from parents or employers for example. I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the real healthcare issues relying instead on FOX and other sources to spread lies about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad. I mean, if healthcare in nations with universal coverage is so bad, why do they keep it? Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it gives the American people value for money [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Taiwan where private companies are involved in providing healthcare [2]. Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected to do this [3]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4]. FACT American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [5]. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [6]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in any western nation with universal health coverage. If you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012. But if you disagree with the facts, please let me know. I am always willing to learn, but please provide proof. None of those who disagree with me have been able to do that so far.
I prefer forcing people to get insurance. Note the reforms only force people to get cover. They do not have to buy it if they can get cover elsewhere, from parents or employers for example. I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the real healthcare issues relying instead on FOX and other sources to spread lies about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad. I mean, if healthcare in nations with universal coverage is so bad, why do they keep it? Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it gives the American people value for money [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Taiwan where private companies are involved in providing healthcare [2]. Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected to do this [3]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4]. FACT American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [5]. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [6]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in any western nation with universal health coverage. If you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012. But if you disagree with the facts, please let me know. I am always willing to learn, but please provide proof. None of those who disagree with me have been able to do that so far.
If you have health insurance from an employer, can you add someone to that coverage?
I just recently became partnered and though my company does not offer domestic partnership, I was wondering if I could still get my partner on my health insurance?
Most companies only allow your married partner or your children. It's unfair. Good luck!
Most companies only allow your married partner or your children. It's unfair. Good luck!
Obama says all Americans should have the same health insurance as Federal employees, do you agree?
It has always bothered me that we pay for the best health care insurance for our elected representatives but they have done precious little to provide us with the same coverage. They have not even protected us from the vulture insurance companies that deny care for pre-existing conditions and deliberately find ways to deny payment for needed treatments and procedures.
I absolutely agree. No matter your situation in America as citizens we should all have the same health insurance. I say this as University employee with impeccable health insurance that is free as well. I feel like everyone should have the same insurance privileges I have. It is one less thing for me to stress about and I can't even begin to tell you how great that is.
I absolutely agree. No matter your situation in America as citizens we should all have the same health insurance. I say this as University employee with impeccable health insurance that is free as well. I feel like everyone should have the same insurance privileges I have. It is one less thing for me to stress about and I can't even begin to tell you how great that is.
Where can I find good, (and fairly affordable) health insurance as a cashier?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good place to get some good health insurance at an affordable rate? Im almost 30 years old, and I work in a grocery store, and since it is only part time I have no health coverage. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have because I can't afford to keep paying for doctor appointments on my meager salary. Thanks.
no where
no where
Wouldn't the term on the Health Care bill making people have insurance if not pay a fine unconstitutional?
Liberals bring up the argument of having car insurance, but it's flawed because car insurance is to allow people to drive a car, which is a privilege, one doesn't have to drive if they don't want to and they don't have to have car insurance if they don't own a car. So isn't forcing someone to have health insurance or face being fined $750 or 2% of your income unconstitutional even if the person doesn't want health insurance. I see a lot of lawsuits in the future because of this provision.
There are already suits being prepared. There is nothing in the constitution that grants the federal government the power to require purchasing something as a criteria for residence.
There are already suits being prepared. There is nothing in the constitution that grants the federal government the power to require purchasing something as a criteria for residence.
Obama says all Americans should have the same health insurance as Federal employees, do you agree?
It has always bothered me that we pay for the best health care insurance for our elected representatives but they have done precious little to provide us with the same coverage. They have not even protected us from the vulture insurance companies that deny care for pre-existing conditions and deliberately find ways to deny payment for needed treatments and procedures.
I absolutely agree. No matter your situation in America as citizens we should all have the same health insurance. I say this as University employee with impeccable health insurance that is free as well. I feel like everyone should have the same insurance privileges I have. It is one less thing for me to stress about and I can't even begin to tell you how great that is.
I absolutely agree. No matter your situation in America as citizens we should all have the same health insurance. I say this as University employee with impeccable health insurance that is free as well. I feel like everyone should have the same insurance privileges I have. It is one less thing for me to stress about and I can't even begin to tell you how great that is.
Why does health insurance co's want capitalism only when it comes to squashing competition?
how can health insurance co's refuse to compete with public option? aren't these people free market saints?
You need to take a couple of economics classes. And stop drinking the kool aid. The 'public option' will require taxpayer subsidies and even then will have a difficult time attracting health providers to sign up with it. If you were in the healthcare indusrty - would you rather accept patients who are on private healthcare plans where you can negotiate rates and fees - or a public plan where the government pays you what they feel like paying?
You need to take a couple of economics classes. And stop drinking the kool aid. The 'public option' will require taxpayer subsidies and even then will have a difficult time attracting health providers to sign up with it. If you were in the healthcare indusrty - would you rather accept patients who are on private healthcare plans where you can negotiate rates and fees - or a public plan where the government pays you what they feel like paying?
Are there any disadvantages to being covered by 2 health insurance policies?
I am currently covered by my husband's VERY GOOD health insurance. However, now that I have reached the 5-year anniversary at my current job, I am eligible to join my company's insurance for free (no premiums). The only thing is... it sucks. It's a straight PPO, no preventative care, everything covered at 80%/20%, no pre-existing condition coverage. I would like to stay on my husband's plan, but join my employer's plan as well as a back-up in case anything major happens. Can I do this? Are there any disadvantages if the "bonus" policy is completely free? Do I choose who my primary insurance is, or do the insurance companies? What else do I need to know? Thank you so much for your help.
The insurance companies will always treat your plan as primary to you. Your husbands plan will be a back up when you exhaust your plan. There is no real good reason to do this.....As a matter of fact, this could hurt you because your benefits are less rich than your husbands.....
The insurance companies will always treat your plan as primary to you. Your husbands plan will be a back up when you exhaust your plan. There is no real good reason to do this.....As a matter of fact, this could hurt you because your benefits are less rich than your husbands.....
Why does Hillary want to FORCE people to buy health insurance?
Yes, under Clinton's you will be FORCED to buy health insurance. Back in the early 90s she wanted people to have proof of insurance BEFORE an employer could hire them!!! What if you can't afford it? This women is Marxist!!!! She has no right to tell me how to spend my money.....NONE!!!! Why does Hillary want to FORCE people to buy health insurance?
I would love to be able to AFFORD to buy it. My employer won't even try to get us into a group we might be able to afford. I can't afford it & the repubs have let all employers under a certain number not have to offer any thing to it's workers! I don't ask her to pay for it, but in a group, I woul dbe able to get cheaper rates! They are more per month than my rent, & my rent is half of what I make!
I would love to be able to AFFORD to buy it. My employer won't even try to get us into a group we might be able to afford. I can't afford it & the repubs have let all employers under a certain number not have to offer any thing to it's workers! I don't ask her to pay for it, but in a group, I woul dbe able to get cheaper rates! They are more per month than my rent, & my rent is half of what I make!
Should I apply for health insurance for upcoming surgery?
I do not have health insurance. I was recently diagnosed with a non-life threatening ailment which requires outpatient surgery. Should I applyfor health insurance ASAP? Or should I make a payment plan with the surgery center?
Insurance will not cover this. In fact---most insurance companies have you attest to having no pre-existing conditions when entering. While exclusions exist (for genetic defects, etc) the vast majority of the time insurance covers for events / illnesses that become known AFTER the policy if effective. Some thoughts---if you recently left a prior job--have you investigated getting COBRA? Finally---if elective, do try and secure a payment plan. Additionally, if your income level is at / below federal poverty levels, you may be eligible for state / federal aid. Check your local regs or call your states Dept of Insurance for starters. Good luck.
Insurance will not cover this. In fact---most insurance companies have you attest to having no pre-existing conditions when entering. While exclusions exist (for genetic defects, etc) the vast majority of the time insurance covers for events / illnesses that become known AFTER the policy if effective. Some thoughts---if you recently left a prior job--have you investigated getting COBRA? Finally---if elective, do try and secure a payment plan. Additionally, if your income level is at / below federal poverty levels, you may be eligible for state / federal aid. Check your local regs or call your states Dept of Insurance for starters. Good luck.
Cobra insurance eligibility - is one ineligible if one has ANY health insurance eligibility?
I am just divorced from my former wife, and lost the coverage under her policy. I have COBRA available to me, however the conditions say I am not eligible if I have available insurance that does not exclude preexisting conditions. Simultaneously, my employer has cut back our health insurance, already worse than ex-wife's, to a level that alarms me. Is there a way I can get that COBRA insurance despite the inferior insurance available to me through my employer?
Why don't you just buy an individual plan and call it a day? If you're healthy it's likely cheaper anyway...especially if your boss isn't picking up at least half the tab.
Why don't you just buy an individual plan and call it a day? If you're healthy it's likely cheaper anyway...especially if your boss isn't picking up at least half the tab.
What is 1500 Health Insurance claim form?
I have received the 1500 Health insurance claim form from a service provider. I want to ask some questions. What is 1500 Health Insurance claim form? When I receive this form, what will I do next?
The CMS 1500 (formerly HCFA 1500) is a form used for medical billing. Its what all professional providers use to bill medical claims. (Institutional providers - ex. hospitals - use the UB-04.) If your provider gave you a 1500, then I'm assuming that you're supposed to submit it to your health insurance company for reimbursement. That's the only reason you'd ever need one of those forms - to get reimbursement from a health insurance company. Did your provider complete the form for you, or do you need to fill it out yourself? If its already filled out for you, then just make a copy for your records and mail the form to your insurance company's claims address.
The CMS 1500 (formerly HCFA 1500) is a form used for medical billing. Its what all professional providers use to bill medical claims. (Institutional providers - ex. hospitals - use the UB-04.) If your provider gave you a 1500, then I'm assuming that you're supposed to submit it to your health insurance company for reimbursement. That's the only reason you'd ever need one of those forms - to get reimbursement from a health insurance company. Did your provider complete the form for you, or do you need to fill it out yourself? If its already filled out for you, then just make a copy for your records and mail the form to your insurance company's claims address.
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