Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pregnant and currently dont have health insurance ?

So we had insurance, was seeing my doc.My husband got out of the navy and the next day no more insurance. He just started his new job and will get insurance in 3 months is it healthy for me not to see a doc till then?
How far along are you? If you are healthy and are not at risk, doctors often do not see you for the first time until around 10 weeks in the pregnancy. So if you are really early, it might be ok. If you are in the second or third trimester, I would look at other insurance options and see the doctor. Discuss this with your doctor - they may have options for you. Was he not offered any sort of COBRA plan that he could pay out-of-pocket for until he had coverage at the new employer? Another factor to consider is what is 90 days? At my employer it is 90 days after the first of the month so if today was my first day of work it would be 90 days from January 1 not from today. Best wishes!

Do you have health insurance from your employer?

If so, is it enough and do you feel you over pay? If not- what are your concerns about your families health? My hubby is covered @ 1,000 ded...and me and kiddos hav ziltz...I remember when everyone was given great insurance as a perk of the job. Too bad-
I have insurance and I feel like I pay through the nose... It's very expensive and my check is pitfully small because of it. I wish that companies would still cover the cost of insurance... My insurance is fine, though I wish there wasn't such a thing as a "deductible" or "out-of-pocket expense"- I think that's crap. My insurance covers myself and my husband and any future children we may have can be added... My husband has a similar insurance benefit which costs only slightly less than mine.

Why do I need a Health Insurance agent since I can see all providers' plans on the web and apply online ?

There are web sites where you can input your age, zip code etc. and select from a very comprehensive list of medical plans from almost all providers with the monthly premium shown. You can then select a short list for side by side comparison and apply directly to the health care provider.
A good independent agent is the best thing you can have and its FREE. The plan premiums are the same whether you work thru an agent of you buy direct. So whats so good about an agent? #1) All plans have good points and bad points. There are tradeoffs. I can assure you that the customer service dept of XYZ company is not going to go out of theirway to point these things out. For example one plan has unlimited $25 doctor copays...sound great but the fine print on page 13 says only for "family physicians. A good agent gets paid from all companies. He is free to work for you!! He/she understands the big picture with all the products. When you say maternity is important he know exactly what the issues are with all the plans and is not afraid to tell you.

Any suggestions for health insurance for preexisting condition?

I was pregnant and applied for insurance through the state. About two week after I applied, I has a miscarriage. I now have the medical bills from the prenatal care I received and the ER visit from the miscarriage however was denied insurance because my income is to high. Does anyone know where I could go to try and get help in paying for the bills that I received?
Ask your husband or boyfriend to help pay, or your friends and family. You should also ask the hospital, at the very least, to reprice the bills down to a cash price.

Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?

Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.
Hi, it is very important to have health insurance, because hospital bills are around $20,000.But if you have health insurance you will pay only small % of this.So here is a site that offer you big discount.Use that link. http://CheapInsurance.Tk _________________________

I wonder where people got the idea that they have the right to health insurance?

I've read the Constitution, and I can't find it anywhere. I know you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Would you also think that would give you the right to be stupid, make stupid decisions, think stupid thoughts, and PAY THE PRICE for those thoughts, and decisions? Am I wrong here? Why?
Because we give them food, housing, utilities, etc. so they automatically think they are entitled to everything else. It's getting more and more difficult to support a family these days for those of us that try to provide for our own family. My step-sister says they can't afford insurance but they have a nice big house, two large SUVs, a four wheeler, boat, etc. They just don't want to afford it, they would rather have toys. We can't afford toys because we're paying for food and health insurance for our family. The example we're setting is much better than the example she's setting though.

How is the US handling the Flu scare for those who have no health insurance, are they being looked after?

Do these people face bankruptcy if they end up staying at the hospiltal and facing bills they cannot pay?
If the Republicans and Cons had there way that is what would happen but very shortly Obama and the Democrats are going to pass Universal Health Insurance and everyone will be covered and have a choice of what insurer they want, sort of like Medicare. Do not listen to those idiots on the Right who say it will mean less quality health care, ask them why Europe has a higher standard of living and LIves Longer than we do?

Where can i get medical/health and dental insurance!?!?!?!?!?

Ok so i'm basically living on my own renting a room, going to school and working part time. And now i need to know if anyone knows where i can get health insurance? I can't get medical cause i don't have kids, so i don't qualify. Is there something cheap i can pay for monthly? I'm also looking for a good insurance company. To know that I can choose my own Doctor and Hospital etc
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

When is Target Health Insurance Open Enrollment?

When does the insurance actually take effect? Also, can you please let me know about how much the basic coverage costs for part time TMs, and what kind of coverage it is? (What is covered, how much is the deductible?). I'm already past the 90 day probationary period, so I'll be eligible upon the next open enrollment. Thanks so much!
ask your employer.

in canada, where can i get the best health insurance?

currently unemployed, so have no health coverage, and have some dental work to take care of.. cleaning and several cavities! so nothing too serious, maybe an insurance that also covers the occasional massage would be nice.. ahah would love some information about company names and their offers if possible.... looking for something short term, monthly possibly? or at most an annual rate? whats the average these days anyways? would it just be cheaper to pay for it all myself? thanks! and all the best!
Depends on your age, smoking status, gender, and what kind of coverage you need. You should expect to pay at least $50-$100 min a month for it. Of course, its worth pointing out that you can claim a non-refundable tax credit on your income taxes for the premiums paid.

How much do you pay for health insurance in the US?

How much would a single man expect to pay in premiums per month for full medical cover?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

How high will gas prices and health insurance cost get before?

Republican's are against big business with big profits? When will it be too much and when will you say, enough is enough or will you ever?
Law suit Reform and free market solutions and no taxes. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' " Ronald Regan

why are diabetics turned down for health insurance?

i had a fasting glucose test and my BS result was slightly elevated. since this is pre-diabetes will this be in my medical record and could this cause me to lose my insurance?
Another factor (besides just testing strips/meter etc) is all the expenses that come with the many diabetics who don't manage their blood sugar and end up blind or needing amputations. It's very expensive later in life if not well-managed earlier. You cannot be dropped from your current health carrier and if you are, you can sue.

Is it possible to get and IUD contraceptive without my parents knowing if i am on their health insurance?

I am 18 and I do not know if the doctor will keep it confidential, especially since their are so many steps involved.
normally doctors have a confidentiality clause to every patient they see espessially someone over 18.

How much more do women pay for pay for health insurance than men?

Is it alot more?
It depends on the age. On average women between 25-45 (child bearing years) can pay double. From 45-55 its about equal and after 55 men begin to pay more. This is from actual actuarial tables at a major insurance company. Some companies get a person premium rate from their broker where this is not broken down, It is factored in to their quotes.

Do WWE wrestlers have health Insurance?

I am curious to know ifthe WWE wrestlers have health insurance, please only answer if you know. Don't just guess.
No, due to the fact there's no "union" in professional wrestling. They must pay for their own health insurance. When Jesse Ventura ran into problems with WWF management (concerning Ventura's plans to form a wrestlers' union, similar to those found in other sports and fields of entertainment) he was released from his WWF duties. Vince McMahon is one of the true "monopolizers" in the history of the "entertainment" business. Really is quite a tough business, whether fake or not. To be putting your body at risk 300 some days, on the road constantly; then to not have the job security, or a union to fall back on makes it quite a crap-shoot. Not to mention, the lifestyles many of them live on the road, you can imagine why so many guys in our generation (80s-90s) have already died. You also have to wonder, due to the nature of their work, they must pay a hefty fee for health insurance coverage. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the guys are even covered at all. So imagine being an "indie" wrestler, who draws little to no income doing a show, who gets injured during a show, so it's quite a business to attempt to get into, with such consequences and very little reward, and rare if it ever happens at all.

where to go for perscriptions if you dont have health insurance?

My boyfriend had a heart attack last year and is now out of most of his perscriptions. He still owes the hospital alot of money for the original ER visit and cannot go back to the doctor to give him a new perscription. We pay alot in hospital bills and dish out another 400 bucks a month on perscriptions, what are my options?
ask the doctor for some samples call the mfgrs of the meds and see if they have some free or low cost programs or discount coupons get generic versions of your meds

18 and not wanting to use parent's health insurance?

Okay: So I am 18 and need to go and talk to my doctor because for the last year I have been battling depression and self harm. I need to see if there are any medications I need to help me concentrate on other things besides sadness. I want to go to the doctor but not have the records be on my parents health insurance because they do not believe in using medications to solve problems. Is there any way I can go without using their insurance and co-pay options?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Do you know of any national employers who offer health insurance for pre-existing conditions?

How long do you have to be on the job to get it? The condition is multiple sclerosis.
Assuming you live and work in the U.S.A., federal HIPAA law may provide you with some protections, depending upon your circumstances. Since there isn't enough information in your question for me to advise you, I suggest you go here:… and read through the information, particularly the booklet with the link at the bottom, titled "Protecting Your Health Insurance Coverage." I hope this helps.

Best health insurance for young single people?

I'm looking for informaiton about health insurance for a single, young man...he is 27. Are there any affordable policies out there that may provide minimal coverage (annual well visit, a couple sick visits, one prescription, some emergency?)
Since he is young and presumably healthy and is mainly protecting against major medical expenses, I recommend enrolling in a "qualified" High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). This is health insurance with high deductible amounts, so it costs less than traditional health insurance. Under federal law, the minimum deductible in a HDHP plan is $1,100 for an individual and the maximum is $5,500. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. The advantage of an HDHP is that he can shelter up to $2,850 a year from state and federal taxes in a Health Savings Account (HSA). Depending on his tax bracket and where he lives, that could save him as much as $2,971 in taxes per year, assuming a combined tax rate of 52.6%—9.3% in state income tax (California), 28% in federal income tax, and 15.3% in self-employment Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax. Another way of looking at it is that the HSA doubles his buying power, since he is using pre-tax dollars to pay for things. The contributions he makes to an HSA are his to keep, rolling over each year. The funds are not taxed, provided he uses them to pay medical expenses or withdraw them after age 65. The funds earn interest on a tax-deferred basis. Think of it as an IRA that he can use to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. To find a qualified plan, he should speak with a health insurance broker. A broker works with several insurers and can find the best plan, rates and coverage. To find a broker, log on to a website like and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Your information will be sent to a broker in your area who will contact you. Good luck!

I don't have money for health insurance, what can I do?

I am a very healthy person, and rarely need a doctor or a dentist. I am 31 years old, non smoker, non drinker and live in Michigan. The only thing that I might need someday is coverage in case I have to go to the emergency room because I broke a bone or something like that. Is there a way to get free health insurance? ps. My wife works but I don't want her to pay for it.
YES, oh course you can get free insurance. you should get on public aid they will provide you with good doctor. I'm currently on it right now because since im pregnant no one wants to hire me and its important that i have insurance. My husband works but his insurance is just enough to cover only him. You should look into it right away, you dont want to have high hospital bills and regret it later. GOOD LUCK

Why do conservatives think that people who can't afford health insurance should just suffer and die quietly?

Well cons? Stick to the question please. I don't want to see any smart-alec answers involving our president Barack, or other Democrats.
Because most Conservatives, are easily manipulated sheep who vote for leaders & initiatives that essentially dig their graves for them Like when they voted to support unlimited contributions to campaigns from Corporations. The Conservative movement is about 10% Rich & Educated (but mostly rich) people, and 90% people who are manipulated into doing things that keep that 10% rich. That's all FOX executives, Mitch McConnel, Rush Limbaugh, and the other 10% do--scare the conservatard sheep

How much is your health insurance premium?

From the moment we became a family of 4 in 2/07 the monthly premium was $1,357.64 It is as of last pay-stub on 12/09 $1,689.98 This includes my contributions as well as those of my employer
$1300.00 monthly and going up to $1400.00 next month. Family of 4. Some of these kids here don't see the full premium sheet when they sign up for their health insurance. They just see their costs - when, if they scrolled their eyes down a bit they'd see what families are paying. Or they are on their parents health insurance. So, when we say that we are paying $1400.00 per month they have no concept of how that could be so!

My health insurance company lied to me about my benefits?

In the summary of benefits my people services manager gave to me when I was deciding on my health care plan, it says that Aetna covers up to 80% on "Contraceptive drugs and devices not obtainable at a pharmacy". Yet when I try to go and get an IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) they say they don't cover it. What's the deal? Now why am a paying these people $80 a month from my paycheck? Anyone here had this happen to you?
you shouls talk to your benefits person at your work and then consult your benefits book that your insurance company gave you, they have for info then most of the customer service ppl do.