That's where this is headed.. we've gone from "we need a change".. to "don't touch that dial" Is It possible for those of you that are so opposed to any reform to suggest what you would do as an alternative ?
Canada and the UK pay 60% of their income for healthcare??? Where did you pull that figure from..... it is NOT true. I have family and friends that live in Canada, the Netherlands, and Ireland.. and friends in Sweden.. this is such a lie. Their taxes are close to the SAME as ours! You can even go online and look at the amounts, in Canada it is 20-30% depending on what you make, just like OURS! Ours is typically 20-40% depending on your income. I am amazed at people who spout those numbers when they are not based on fact. Here is a link to the average tax rates around the world:
Their taxes are only at the higher end when their incomes are very high- meaning over $500,000. For the average person it is on the low end, and in a lot of cases it is actually lower then ours. Rumours have been spread from the conservatives and insurance companies,etc. who don't want you to know how much better health care is in other countries. Before stating something like this, why don't you travel to other developed countries, get to know the local people and find out the truth.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
What if somebody doesn't want to buy health insurance?
Will Obama force them to buy it, or pay a fine?
According to the 3 bills on the house floor, you would be fined at least 2.5% of your gross income
According to the 3 bills on the house floor, you would be fined at least 2.5% of your gross income
Affordable health insurance? My husband's work does not pay for mine nor our son's insurace so we pay out of?
pocket. We have Aetna right now but they just keep jacking our prices up. My husband has not been to the doctor at all this year and they have raised his prices too. Does anyone know of a good health insurance plan that is affordable please?? Thank you!
Well, EVERYONE keeps getting their prices jacked up, because, well, claims keep going up! There isn't any 'surcharge' for claims - when ALL the 40 year old men in your state, on average, put in more claims, then EVERYONE in that age range, will see an increase. Affordable is in the eye of the beholder. A GOOD low/no deductible family plan, is GOING to cost $1200 to $1500 a month. That's what it costs. To lower the cost, you need to lower your coverage, or raise your deductiblel, or both. But that means more out of pocket, for you, for claims. You probably should sit down with a local agent, to have them help you balance coverages and costs to find something you can afford.
Well, EVERYONE keeps getting their prices jacked up, because, well, claims keep going up! There isn't any 'surcharge' for claims - when ALL the 40 year old men in your state, on average, put in more claims, then EVERYONE in that age range, will see an increase. Affordable is in the eye of the beholder. A GOOD low/no deductible family plan, is GOING to cost $1200 to $1500 a month. That's what it costs. To lower the cost, you need to lower your coverage, or raise your deductiblel, or both. But that means more out of pocket, for you, for claims. You probably should sit down with a local agent, to have them help you balance coverages and costs to find something you can afford.
What happens to private health insurance companies if American health care is nationalized?
Few would be willing to dish out for private coverage while they are receiving health care from government taxation. Would the private health industry perhaps dwindle down to a few big players and be forced to take a hit by improving coverage and care?
~~This is a mute point because Nationalized insurance is not in the works. All the government is proposing is an alternative for people who can't get employer based insurance to be able to buy directly from the same insurance that senators and congressmen get. Otherwise, business as usual for private insurance companies.~~
~~This is a mute point because Nationalized insurance is not in the works. All the government is proposing is an alternative for people who can't get employer based insurance to be able to buy directly from the same insurance that senators and congressmen get. Otherwise, business as usual for private insurance companies.~~
how to compare health insurance companies?
I'm a new immgrant to the u.s how do I compare all health insurance companies? is there a website to compare?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Personal Health Insurance: who should obtain medical evidence?
I live in England. My Personal Health Insurance has been turned down because no medical evidence was sent in by my employer who was handling the claim. My employer says this was not up to them but it was up to the insurance company to obtain it. Who should of obtained it. I myself provided evidence to my employers but they never sent it in with my claim.
YOU need to obtain it from your prior insurer.
YOU need to obtain it from your prior insurer.
What financial class are you in (i.e. middle class) and do you have a decent health insurance/ healthcare plan
Hey, I'm writing a paper on the current health insurance system in America, and we have to present a statistic from a survey we did. I thought this would be the place that I'd find the most diverse people, so I chose that. Please, just say if you're happy with your health insurance plan and your financial class (optional). Thanks!
Well, we're not going to be diverse - most of us here are insurance geeks, so most of us WILL have insurance. You might be better off hanging out at the grocery store. Also, you'll need to define financial class. I consider myself to be middle class, and think my health insurance is pretty good. And I'm happy with it.
Well, we're not going to be diverse - most of us here are insurance geeks, so most of us WILL have insurance. You might be better off hanging out at the grocery store. Also, you'll need to define financial class. I consider myself to be middle class, and think my health insurance is pretty good. And I'm happy with it.
Can US health insurance be used in Canada?
I have health insurance in the US with my husband and his place of work. I still have my Alberta Health Care here so I can still get medical attention. I am wondering more about the Dental part, I have coverage through him. Can I use it in Canada? Or US only?
Hmmm ... that's between you and the company that issues the health insurance. Check with it.
Hmmm ... that's between you and the company that issues the health insurance. Check with it.
Would you deny a toddler health insurance because she is underweight?
The parents of a two-year-old girl in Colorado are unable to obtain health insurance for their daughter because the insurer, United Healthcare Golden Rule, claims she is too small. In a letter sent to the family of the child, Aislin Bates, United Healthcare Golden Rule writes, "we are unable to provide coverage for Aislin because her height and weight do not meet our company standards." According to a Colorado news station, Aislin weighed six pounds, six ounces at birth, and now weighs 22 pounds. When Robert Bates, the girl's father, left his former job to start his own business, he was forced to seek out his own health insurance, and enrolled his family in an insurance plan with United Healthcare Golden Rule. "It took me by surprise," Bates told ABC 7 in Denver. "I didn't think that her size was that abnormal and that it was something that you'd consider to be unhealthy."
Yeah in republicanland this is very acceptable. They will say the kid needs to pull up his bootstraps and find a job.
Yeah in republicanland this is very acceptable. They will say the kid needs to pull up his bootstraps and find a job.
Rather than creating forced universal health care, why not create catastrophic health insurance for the young?
and healthy to buy with their own money, from their own work? This question comes from the theme that universal health insurance is a must because everyone is one catastrophic health problem away from bankruptcy.
That would make too much sense, and they wouldnt have more control
That would make too much sense, and they wouldnt have more control
So now I understand that all liberals are unemployed and have no health insurance? Do those numbers add up?
Let me see if I understand who liberals are, based on the questions posted in the last few minutes: 1. Liberals are all unemployed. 2. Liberals don't have health insurance. 3. Yet all liberals drive Volvos and drink lattes. 4. And finally, all liberals voted for Obama--all 53 million of them. Is there something wrong with this picture? Who believes that there are 53 million unemployed, uninsured, latte-drinking Volvo-driving people in this country? Just curious.
1. This liberal has a job 2. this liberal carries her own health insurance 3. This liberal drives a jeep but takes public transportation when possible and prefers to make her own coffee 4. this liberal thinks your question and statements are very generalized btw your non- liberal, tongue-lashing, latte drinking, posh automobile driving radio host..micheal savage, lives in liberal marin county of northern california
1. This liberal has a job 2. this liberal carries her own health insurance 3. This liberal drives a jeep but takes public transportation when possible and prefers to make her own coffee 4. this liberal thinks your question and statements are very generalized btw your non- liberal, tongue-lashing, latte drinking, posh automobile driving radio host..micheal savage, lives in liberal marin county of northern california
does the health care reform bill require people to have health insurance?
hr3200, does it require health insurance the same way that people need auto insurance?
Pretty much. The only way you can require insurance companies to cover everyone, and have everyone pay basically the same premium (technically called community rating versus individual rating) is to mandate that everyone be covered. Otherwise, many people would not buy insurance until they got sick, but companies would not be allowed to deny coverage to them, or even charge them higher premiums. HR 3200 (the main Democratic bill) has an employer mandate. Somehow that is thought to be politically more palatable than an individual mandate, though an economist will tell you that there's really not much difference between the two. Poor people who can't afford insurance would get assistance in the form of vouchers or refundable tax credits.
Pretty much. The only way you can require insurance companies to cover everyone, and have everyone pay basically the same premium (technically called community rating versus individual rating) is to mandate that everyone be covered. Otherwise, many people would not buy insurance until they got sick, but companies would not be allowed to deny coverage to them, or even charge them higher premiums. HR 3200 (the main Democratic bill) has an employer mandate. Somehow that is thought to be politically more palatable than an individual mandate, though an economist will tell you that there's really not much difference between the two. Poor people who can't afford insurance would get assistance in the form of vouchers or refundable tax credits.
Can a step parents add a child on his health insurance?
We live in california, and i have heard that if they investigate and there is a claim and they look into it, because he has no legal coustody, then there is a possibility they would not cover the claim?? Please help, and if you reference from a website, if you could include the url that would be great.
Not true. Yes, you can add a stepchild to your health insurance. It's done ALL THE TIME.
Not true. Yes, you can add a stepchild to your health insurance. It's done ALL THE TIME.
bladder infection and no health insurance?
i have had bladder infection all my life and more when im prenant but i havent had one in the longest and now that i dont have health insurance i get one... how can i make this pass faster it is very annoying. will drinking lots of water help?
There are some over the counter products that can help. Low cost clinics (like Planned Parenthood) can also provide affordable services. That's what they're there for!
There are some over the counter products that can help. Low cost clinics (like Planned Parenthood) can also provide affordable services. That's what they're there for!
for health insurance, is the policy # the same thing as member ID?
for health insurance, is the policy # the same thing as the member ID?
~~Yes on health insurance cards.~~
~~Yes on health insurance cards.~~
Need to learn how to verify health insurance benefits for an internist office .?
Just started a job and it is a new office-would like to learn how to verify health benefits and to do authorizations -Is there anyone out there that can give me some info on this??
It's best to set up a verification sheet that has the pt's insurance name, id#'s, contact phone # (usualy found on the patients insurance card), who you spoke with there, effective date, co-pay amount (and if it's due for this type of visit) deductible (and amount met), co-insurance amount, out of pocket amount (and amount met). If pre-certification or authorization is needed for any procedures or diagnostic testing (this does not necessarily have to be done at the initial visit, only if a special test or procedure is ordered by the doctor.)Some insurance base this on the cost of the procedure (say over $1000) or if it's an out patient or in-patient procedure done in a hospital or out-patient surgery center. HMO's will almost always need prior auth from the pt's PCP. That way, this verification can be saved in the patients chart as documentation if any questions arise later.
It's best to set up a verification sheet that has the pt's insurance name, id#'s, contact phone # (usualy found on the patients insurance card), who you spoke with there, effective date, co-pay amount (and if it's due for this type of visit) deductible (and amount met), co-insurance amount, out of pocket amount (and amount met). If pre-certification or authorization is needed for any procedures or diagnostic testing (this does not necessarily have to be done at the initial visit, only if a special test or procedure is ordered by the doctor.)Some insurance base this on the cost of the procedure (say over $1000) or if it's an out patient or in-patient procedure done in a hospital or out-patient surgery center. HMO's will almost always need prior auth from the pt's PCP. That way, this verification can be saved in the patients chart as documentation if any questions arise later.
Can I get birth control at Planned Parenthood without Health Insurance?
I'm getting married in 2 months and we we're thinking it might be cheaper to try and get birthy control from Planned Parenthood instead of paying insurace monthly AND getting birth control. Is this possible?
Planned Parenthood does business based on your income. If you can't afford healthcare, then you can get birth control for Free including IUD's. If you have a healthcare provider already then even better. They'll take care of the costs. Planned Parenthood is very good about birth control, Call and talk to someone about it.
Planned Parenthood does business based on your income. If you can't afford healthcare, then you can get birth control for Free including IUD's. If you have a healthcare provider already then even better. They'll take care of the costs. Planned Parenthood is very good about birth control, Call and talk to someone about it.
what is a good health insurance?
HI i need help in looking for a good health insurance. I need one since i am unemployed. What documents should i bring in so i do not have to go back and forth. Well any advice is obliging. thank you.
Do you have a way to pay for coverage? Good health insurance is any major medical comprehensive plan that covers accident/injury/illness. Try Ususally, "good health insurance" is one plan that is an employee benefit paid by your employer and you pay the group rate for a single person at about 100 a month or less. Some offer dental and vision coverage and have different levels of care depending on how healthy you are, or if pregnant or high risk and depends if you have a chronic illness, such as diabetes, heart disease, smoking, obesity, mental/substance illness/abuse and depends on what medications you need on a regular basis. go to for comparative plans. Kaiser Permanente offers different levels of preventative/wellness/health plans depending on your state of health. Some plans require numerous authorizations for procedures. some are preventative. If you are healthy, any of the above would be helpful. The goal is to pay the least and get the most health coverage you can with the least out of pocket expenses. Good luck.
Do you have a way to pay for coverage? Good health insurance is any major medical comprehensive plan that covers accident/injury/illness. Try Ususally, "good health insurance" is one plan that is an employee benefit paid by your employer and you pay the group rate for a single person at about 100 a month or less. Some offer dental and vision coverage and have different levels of care depending on how healthy you are, or if pregnant or high risk and depends if you have a chronic illness, such as diabetes, heart disease, smoking, obesity, mental/substance illness/abuse and depends on what medications you need on a regular basis. go to for comparative plans. Kaiser Permanente offers different levels of preventative/wellness/health plans depending on your state of health. Some plans require numerous authorizations for procedures. some are preventative. If you are healthy, any of the above would be helpful. The goal is to pay the least and get the most health coverage you can with the least out of pocket expenses. Good luck.
Help! Where to get health insurance for a new immigrant who is a senior citizen?
My relative is a first time immigrant to the US. The problem is he did not worked here so he has no social security benefits. He is a senior citizen (around 67) with some hypertension problems. Where in the world can I get a low-cost health insurance for him?
if you live near a large city, there are free clinics! Private Health insurance is very expensive! tell me the State and City you live in!! if you live in Florida, I can tell you where to go for help....
if you live near a large city, there are free clinics! Private Health insurance is very expensive! tell me the State and City you live in!! if you live in Florida, I can tell you where to go for help....
Would letter of creditability from a previous insurance carrier guarantee issue of health insurance?
A doctor left his job in another state and moved to Florida. The group insurance he had expired 20 days ago. The employer advised him he should be getting a "letter of creditability". Does this mean his pre existing condition will be covered with the new insurance company and they cannot deny him? thanks
No. It guarantees only that if a policy is issued that will eventually cover the condition, then there will be no waiting period between when coverage starts and when coverage for the condition starts. it does not mean that a policy will be issued at all, and it does not mean that the policy will ever cover the condition.
No. It guarantees only that if a policy is issued that will eventually cover the condition, then there will be no waiting period between when coverage starts and when coverage for the condition starts. it does not mean that a policy will be issued at all, and it does not mean that the policy will ever cover the condition.
If the government can't compel everyone to own a firearm or printing press then why health insurance?
I don't see how this can possibly withstand a constitutional challenge
Because if you don't have health care coverage, and you're hurt or fall ill, you're still going to require medical attention, and it will be at the expense of taxpayers, regardless... by the way, it's not mandatory.. most people will be covered by their employers, who otherwise face fines for not providing health care, and even if that doesn't apply to you, you can provide proof of the financial assets necessary to cover potential medical expenses
Because if you don't have health care coverage, and you're hurt or fall ill, you're still going to require medical attention, and it will be at the expense of taxpayers, regardless... by the way, it's not mandatory.. most people will be covered by their employers, who otherwise face fines for not providing health care, and even if that doesn't apply to you, you can provide proof of the financial assets necessary to cover potential medical expenses
Know any Good Family Health Insurance?
I am searching around For a good affordable health insurance. Does any one know of someone? Thank you.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
Whats the maximum age to be on parents' health insurance?
I ask this because I know the law has changed to the age of 26 all around but has this taken effect?
After September 2010 dependents will be able to stay on their parents health insurance through age 26. Check with your health insurance carrier to see how they plan on implementing the change. I understand some companies are allowing this policy change now but others might not make the change until the following renewal.
After September 2010 dependents will be able to stay on their parents health insurance through age 26. Check with your health insurance carrier to see how they plan on implementing the change. I understand some companies are allowing this policy change now but others might not make the change until the following renewal.
Does your health insurance premiums keep going up?
My husband's is $800 a month.
Wow that's high, but not unheard of. My insurance is through work and each year the price is guaranteed for the year, but it seems to go up every year when the plan renews.
Wow that's high, but not unheard of. My insurance is through work and each year the price is guaranteed for the year, but it seems to go up every year when the plan renews.
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