Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why did Sam Walton's wife have to demand he provide health insurance for his full time workers?

What doesn't Walmart pay a living wage? Why does Walmart have some many part time employees who work just under the min. full time hours? Why does Walmart buy some many of their products from Red China?

Will you accept the new healthcare plan to enrich health insurance industry?

Well, that is what the plan calls for and nobody should complain with what they get. Unworthy citizens get no insurance at all.
we should accept nothing less than single payor or at minimum a strong public option like an improved medicare that everyone can sign up in no matter what their income and for a reasonable price like no more than $100 a month for an adult and $30 a month for a child. I want this plan to be so good that it puts insurance companies out of business or in business of selling cadillac supplements. call everyone who represents you in washington and telling them this is what you want and you want them to stop looking out for big corporations and their profits and view health care as a human rights public utility issue.

Would government approval of allowed health insurance plans be considered a restraint of trade?

It it would negatively impact businesses in other countries, could a complaint be filed with the WTO for restraint of trade? For example, modern hospitals in India and Thailand where Americans now go for cheaper surgeries would lose business
India and other countries and most of all our government would like that better. They would not hesitate to make a deal with the Chinese either and offer to pay for the treatment (cover it under insurance), because it will save the U.S. Government billions. What it will do is bring the rates in this country lower and make it reasonable, if people started leaving for all the expensive surgeries. By the way Mayo Clinic and Harvard are already operating hospitals (the type you mentioned) in India. It is thriving and they expect to open more. This will happen whether we like it or not. Just like in any trade. If we are not competitive, we will lose out, just like we did in the automotive industry. PS: You have a creative mind, to come up with that question.

Do college football players get health insurance from the school?

i was wondering cause a player from usc went to the hospital and i wanted to know who fit the bill?
i am sure they so but i am unsure how it works i do know i worked for a eye doctor for a while and believe it or not there are a lot of eye injurys in almost all sports we were next to byu and saw every thing from football baseball basketball golf etc and byu paid it threw there insurance i think they add them to a faculty type plan

how do i fill out health insurance application?

do both my husband and i have to fill out separate applications? or can i add him on my form?
You really need to ask the person who gave you the form. However, in most cases if you are getting on the same policy you only need one form. If it's an individual policy there will be places in the health questions for both people and a place to put the spouses' name and DOB. If it's a group policy there may or may not be health questions and if there are, there may or may not be questions for both people, but there still should be someplace to name the spouse. If there is not you may or may not need two applications. Again, it depends upon the plan and the insurance company so you should ask them.

what is the difference between mandating car insurance and mandating health insurance?

can anyone tell me?
You cannot choose to 'not own' a body. Don't get me wrong, I' liberal and I support the bill but I've lived in towns and counties with outrageous car insurance premiums and had to chose not to drive for a few months. Health care is all about having a 'health'. Its still a good question though.

What do you think is a fair price for you to pay for health insurance per month?

Or do you think that it should be provided to you at no cost to yourself because its a "right"?
Lose the insurance, and let supply/demand control the cost of healthcare. Then the pricing would actually be fair. If you want capitalism, then do it right. If you prefer socialism, then use the government and not a profit taking organization to administer it. DC Maximus, the average guy DOES subsidize you- that's what insurance is: A group of people paying premiums to minimize their own risk.

What is the point of having health insurance in the United States?

If you get sick, they'll just turn down your claims anyway, then drop your policy. I'm starting to think it doesn't matter, why go to the expense?
Dude, I totally know what you mean. Even though my employer provides us with insurance, I find the quality of it (Humana) to be lousy for so much money that they're getting paid in our premiums. Coincidentally, those premiums rise every year and nothing else improves. When you go to the doctor and show your insurance card, you'd think you'd be covered. Wrong! I found out the hard way that you'd better ask if the insurance will cover the procedure. Last year I wound up $900 short b/c I had to pay for the mammogram I had done when I found a cyst. The bastards won't cover it if you're under like 30 or 35 years old. Why should I have even bothered having insurance when I could just walk into County General and get my titz looked at for free? Oh, and to Connor G, you're completely clueless. Fuzzy isn't an uneducated, unemployed freeloader, so get your facts straight before making false accusations.

What do do, pregnant and no health insurance in Tampa?

I am trying to apply for medicaid but I see that you have to report your household income. I'm a nanny and live with the family so I doubt I will qualify because THEY make so much money! Does anyone know of payment plans for prenatal visits? I know university community hospital and brandon regional have payment plans for the delivery- but nothing before. Anybody know of anything?
Being a Nanny for a household does not make their income accountable for you. The income you report is what YOURS only unless you share an income say like a husband, how often, any other wages such as child support or allimony, dependents and to state any health coverage you have. Plus I know here in Ohio they have medicaid/healthy start just for pregnant women to cover the pregnancy. Apply....

If you claim independant on your tax returns do you lose your parents health insurance?

I am 21 years old and still a student in college.
That would depend on the terms of their policy not what someone on YA says.

What does this mean on a health insurance application?

Inpatient Hospital Expense---80% of allowable amount after calendar year deductible. My deductible is 5,000. Does this mean I have to meet the 5,000 dollar deductable before they pay 80%, if I was to go to the hospital?
Yes, you would have to pay the first $5,000 per calendar year. After that, the insurance company would pay 80% of allowable charges and you'd pay 20%. Note - you wouldn't have to pay the first $5,000 each time you were hospitalized, just the first $5,000 in any calendar year.

Greetings! How do I make sure of no pre-existing condition restriction on health insurance when changing jobs?

I'm starting a new job soon, from private sector to fed gov't and presently have CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield.
You will have a pre-existing if you have a 63 day lapse of coverage. So buy Cobra coverage for one month from the job you are leaving and then you'll only have a 60 day lapse and you'll be set. Or just to cover youself you can buy all 3 months until the new policy sets in.

Is it crazy to go without health insurance?

I have considered buying a plan of some kind, but it just seems like money down the drain. I never, ever go to the doctor. I believe in letting the body heal itself if possible. And if there's some major catastrophe that happens to me, I can get government assistance like pay on a sliding scale or something, right? Is this a major risk?
Let me just say that on Sept of this year I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I'm 35 Husband and Father of 2. Having Health Insurance to me even before I became ill was always important. Just remember that If you get something serious before you get Insurance they probably wont cover you.

Will Obama now have to bail all the health Insurance companies out because of the passage of health reform?

These companies will have huge losses is this the second wave of our economic collapse.
No he and the other socialists want the insurance industry to collapse. More people will be dependent on the Government program. as more people are forced onto the government dole costs will spiral because there is virtually no effective cost controlling measures in the bill. Nothing to control the cost of defensive medicine and a severe lack of service providers to cover all of the new patients. Prepare for much higher job losses as small businesses halt hiring and lay off more workers whom the taxpayers who are lucky enough to still be employed will have to pony up more. There's no such thing as a free lunch, look at all the new soul crushing taxes that are on the agenda to pay for this abortion.

Have you ever used Care Credit to pay for medical procedure not covered by your health insurance?

What is your oppinion of Care Credit?
I've used it and had no problems with it. I agree that their regular interest is high but they do offer 0% interest for X number of months if the procedure is above $300. Which is the only way I'd use it. If the procedure is less than $300 I'd prefer to either pay in cash or use another card that does give a 0% promo. If a person does get the 0% promo, it's always best to pay more than the minimum payment that they request and also try to have it paid off at least one month before the promo expires. If you do get the 0% promo rate, it's a great way to have a payment history showing on your reports without having to pay any interest.

What is the average cost of health insurance in California?

health insurance for married couple above fifty
Try to check this site, i just found it on the net recently. I guess they can help you with such things.

What is the best health insurance policy I could afford?

I'm 23 and I only make like $17,000/yr.
If you are healthy then you will want to purchase an individual health insurance policy from a big trusted company like United Healthcare, Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, etc. Compare quotes from at least 3 different companies to find the best rate. Make sure that the policy has comprehensive major medical coverage in case something major happens to you (cancer, surgery, etc.). Choose a plan with a higher deductible to lower your monthly premium cost. It is quite easy in most states to find a good plan for under $100/month at your age as long as your are relatively healthy. Here is some more information on how to find inexpensive health insurance coverage:…

What insurance company can I buy health insurance?

from that will cover lapband surgery in CT?
Try to obtain multiple insurance quotes online. Here for example. I doubt that you'll find anything cheap, but you never know. How old are you? Also don't forget to specify your condition for accurate quote. Good luck.

Where can I get health insurance for one month?

So I've looked at and and I can't find where you can buy only one month. help? I need to be insured when I attend a class I'm taking in the summer. from mid july to mid august. Also do yo know if most plans like this let me get a new glasses/ contacts?
you can call any major carrier to sign up for a short term policy.. no, you wont be able to have vision coverage.. month to month policies are generally only major medical.. think of it this way. if you could buy a month to month policy that covered general things like dr visits and vision, what would be the point of people buying long term policies, when you could just buy them for the month you needed them? that isnt how it works. short term is meant to be the bridge between point a and point b.

Will people currently without health insurance be mandated to get it ASAP, or in 2014?

Please show evidence of your answer with a link.
2014. I'm not going to get a's been on the news.

I donot understand these health insurance plans, can someone plz help me understand how to look for a good one

My brother and his wife need one, they asked me to help them find a good plan, I have been researching but cannot (rather donot know how to) find a good plan for them. I don't want them to get them stuck with something that covers nothing. They are in GA, plz help me.
Good health insurance is expensive. e.g. they could easily spend $500 or more/mo for the two of them (just guessing, it could be more or less). this kind of money will buy a lot of health care unless you have a serious medical condition. Roughly, the higher the monthly flat cost to the insured (called a premium), the lower the variable costs (copayments and deductibles). HMO's for example have high premiums but the insured only pays $10 or $20 typically per visit to the doctor. Other plans might charge more per visit and less in monthly premiums. if your brother and his wife are self-employed, young and healthy, they may want to consider getting only "catastrophic coverage". it has a high deductible (the amount that the insured must cover every year before the insurance carrier starts to pay out) -- several thousand $$ -- and is designed to prevent financial ruin in the case of serious, unforeseen medical care. the insureds would pay for their routine health care, but if they get very ill and need hospitalization, they would quickly use up their deductible and the insurance would then take over. I suggest you and they talk with agents for several different kinds of insurance and learn all about their options. health insurance is only one element in overall financial planning. they should buy only what they need.

I donot understand these health insurance plans, can someone plz help me understand how to look for a good one

My brother and his wife need one, they asked me to help them find a good plan, I have been researching but cannot (rather donot know how to) find a good plan for them. I don't want them to get them stuck with something that covers nothing. They are in GA, plz help me.
Good health insurance is expensive. e.g. they could easily spend $500 or more/mo for the two of them (just guessing, it could be more or less). this kind of money will buy a lot of health care unless you have a serious medical condition. Roughly, the higher the monthly flat cost to the insured (called a premium), the lower the variable costs (copayments and deductibles). HMO's for example have high premiums but the insured only pays $10 or $20 typically per visit to the doctor. Other plans might charge more per visit and less in monthly premiums. if your brother and his wife are self-employed, young and healthy, they may want to consider getting only "catastrophic coverage". it has a high deductible (the amount that the insured must cover every year before the insurance carrier starts to pay out) -- several thousand $$ -- and is designed to prevent financial ruin in the case of serious, unforeseen medical care. the insureds would pay for their routine health care, but if they get very ill and need hospitalization, they would quickly use up their deductible and the insurance would then take over. I suggest you and they talk with agents for several different kinds of insurance and learn all about their options. health insurance is only one element in overall financial planning. they should buy only what they need.

I need to get tested for diabetes but i dont have health insurance?

Should i just go to the emergency room and tell them all my symptoms or what
You surely have a friend that has diabetes . Ask them to check you with their glucose meter. Fast for 8 hours or more and check. Blood Glucose Levels (Check Regularly) * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL (100 milligrams of glucose for every 10th of a liter) is normal. * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100-125 mg/dL may indicate "pre-diabetes." * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher may indicate diabetes. * A blood glucose level -- after eating -- of 180 mg/dL is considered normal. Good luck

where in the united states constitution does it say i "must buy health insurance"?

what are you in here for Bob? I didn't buy health insurance.
Nowhere, that is the individuals responsibility to buy health insurance! :-)