Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is it true that you can't buy health insurance over state lines?

Is it true that you can't buy health insurance over state lines? If so, why don't the Democrats support making it legal to do so? Why is it that they support a total government take-over of the health care industry, and not actually getting rid of regulation like this to lower prices? Why is Ron Paul the only one condoning this? Encouraging health care over state lines would lead to more competition and ultimately lower prices.
Yes, that is true which in a way kind of makes the health ins. companies a monopoly. Allowing people to have more freedom to choose the health ins. provider would necessarily bring prices down.

Can I go back on my parents health insurance?

Im 22 and live in MA, last year i graduated college and since i wasnt a full time student, i had to start paying my own health insurance even though i was a dependent. with the new health care laws in place, will i be able to go back on my parents health insurance?
You can go back on at the policy anniversary date or when the policy renews after 9/23/10. If you don't know when the policy renews it is usually right after open enrollment. Some companies have already started effective June 1. You'll need to have your parents contact their HR department or representative to find out the timeline for your plan.

Do I need to purchase international health insurance if i'm visiting Australia from United States?

Will Australian hospitals treat me if I fall ill without international health insurance? I'll be in Australia for 1 month.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Till what age can we get health insurance?

I want to know the upper age limit for purchasing health insurance.
yes they are right, till 55years you can get health insurance. Health insurance and life insurance is cheaper at younger age. it will become costlier as your age increases. for detail information about Health Insurance visit the link below. http://completeinsuranceguide.blogspot.c…

which commercial for life insurance/health cover with has the hands of the father and baby?

there is an add for life insurance or health insurance, that speaks through someones life, birth, school, marriage, children etc the final shot is of a father hand holding his child, he passes away his hand goes limp and a flat line is hear. the add almost has a dark green feel to it i think?
To Be honest,It will take a little time to find the answer for the question of yours.have a look at the resource here for your reference .

Health insurance?

What is wrong in America, so called rich can,t even pay the medical bills to his citizens for the old men/woman on is you think the American politics are to old fashion and spend to much money in guns?
When Americans retire from work they draw Medicare that helps with their medical bills. Everyone that works pays part of their checks into this account to cover this for as long as they work. Also the government has a program for low income and disabled to pay for medical care and medications. This program is abused though by young people who are not disabled. This I know for a fact for I work in a medical office and see them daily. For each child they have the government even gives them more money for medical care and medicines. As for owning guns, you must be from overseas since you bring up the idea of owning guns. Our crime rate is much higher than you would imagine and we do own guns also for hunting...not only for protection but for food. You will find some that trophy hunt but they are few. Our freezer is full of deer meat that came from hunting that will help feed us during the winter months and longer. You need to study the true facts more from ones before you make such broad statements as to what is wrong here.

Does anyone know where I look at for health care with no insurance?

I live in Va and I don't have any health insurance.I know I have strep throat because both my girls had it and my throat hurts really bad right now.I don't know what to do and I don't know who to call.Does anyone know what I can do?
There are a few options at little or no cost. If you are a college student then your tuition will entitle you to campus health services where they can treat you for strep. If you are not a student then find out if there is a free or reduced fee clinic for low income individuals. Last resort - make a visit to the ER.. Legally they CANNOT deny you care for even minor illnesses/injuries in the ER. This law exists in all states!

What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?

If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?
as long as it is group insurance there are no pre existing clauses

Health Insurance????????

Hopefully there will be someone that can point me into the right direction. My Mom recently lived in San Bernardino County, well while she lived there she was able to get medical insurance through the county. Now she has moved to L.A County and no longer gets anything from San Bernardino the only problem is......... is now she does not have a Dr that will look at her to give her a refill of her blood pressure meds, her anti-depressants, and just all of her medication that she has been taking consistantly for the last 2 years. So I was wondering if anyone knows if L.A county offers medical to people? I know that they offer it to people who have babies or young children and so forth (medi-cal) but my mom does not fall in that catergory. I honestly don't know how to help her besides coming here and asking for help? All I know is that I dont want to lose her and the way she's been acting lately, makes me scared that I just might. Thanks
I think that Costa Mesa has the SOS Free medical clinic. They provide medical care for the uninsured: Or you could call a few local docs and see if they can see her on a sliding scale, If she has a job but no ins, some docs will see you for what you can pay in cash. I am not sure if they are like that in Cali, but everywhere I have lived most docs are willing to try and help. if you explain things to a receptionist at a doc's office, they may be able to point you in the right direction too. Good Luck I Hope This Helps. Make sure you are taking care of your self, you can't help her if you are not ok.

Health insurance...?

I'm going to buy an health plan, and since i haven't great experience, i was wondering if anyone can explain me something: PPO; HSA; HMO. What are these terms? What's the difference? Also, if you have experience with health plans, what do you suggest me? Which plan do you think i should choose? I'm male, 32 (married but my wife is already insured), not taking any medicine, no smoker, perfect condition. Thanks Robert
With an HMO: 1. You have to choose a primary care physician (PCP). 2. You must go to your PCP for everything (you cannot choose to go see another Dr. without a referral from your PCP). 3. There is no out of network coverage. With a PPO: 1. You do not need to choose a PCP - you can go to any Dr. you like, general care or specialist, directly at any time you like without a referral from anyone. 2. Coverage is cheaper in-network than out of network but you can go to any Dr. or hospital you want without having to worry about what is and isnt covered. With an HSA: 1. HSA's (Health Savings Accounts) are types of health insurance plans. 2. There are 2 components: the insurance component and the savings account component. 3. The insurance component is a high deductible health insurance plan. 4. The savings account component gives you an above the line tax deduction for all money contributed into the account (up to IRS limits), the money grows tax free in the account, and the money comes out tax free as long as you use the money for qualifed medical expenses (or are over the age of 65). Here are 3 articles with more details (Article #1 is on HMO's, Article #2 is on PPO's, and Article #3 is on HSA's):………

Health Insurance?

Can an unmarried never been married man purchase health insurace or recieve it through his employer?
Marital status is irrelevant. If the employer offers it, and he qualifies, he can buy it.

Health Insurance?

Can anyone recommend insurance that is inexpensive if you don't receive benefits at your job and income is very low.
It depends on your definition of inexpensive. I have clients paying less than $100 per month who think it's expensive and clients paying more than $1000 per month who think it's a good deal. There is no one best or cheapest company and with health insurance you get what you pay for. Premiums with the same company can vary greatly by location. When you shop for a new car you have a choice between the basic low end model with no options, a fully loaded luxury car, or something in between. Health insurance is the same. If you shop for the cheapest you'll get the basic low end model which may or may not have the benefits and coverage you are looking for. Visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget and can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you won't get with the plan. There is no extra charge using an agent.

Health insurance?

hi! i have a friend who is moving to California to work. She is curious if employers offer health care to employees or give health care for free? i know health care is expensive. Does every employer provide health care to its employees? Thanks
In my state, employers with less than fifty employees are not required to offer health insurance. If your friend needs health insurance, she should work for a hospital or a larger company. Most likely she will have to pay for part of the premium out of her pay check, that's how it is for me, at least. I do think that CA has just implemented a health care program for all CA residents (state sponsored) but I have no idea what the requirements for residency are.

Health insurance?

What is the best bet? Who is the best company? who should i see about this? an insurance agent? How to find good?
The simplest way to sort it out is to speak with a health insurance broker. A broker works with several insurers and can find the best plan, rates and coverage for you. To find a broker, log on to a website like and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Your information will be sent to a broker in your area who will contact you.

health insurance?

my boyfriend and i have been discussing marriage. we also want a baby. people are saying we shouldn't get married first because having a baby costs too much. so, now i am trying to figure out what's the best insurance for a young married couple planning to have a baby in the near future . any advice is appreciated. thanks!
First call your insurance company and ask them the questions that you are asking us and second kids are very expensive I should know I also have three.

Health Insurance?

Health Insurance? Hello, I currently have health insurance now with my job that I've been with for 6 years. However, I'm going to be leaving the job but do not want to be without health insurance. I do have a pre-existing condition, but not a major illness. I injured my ribs a couple of years ago and had to have surgery about 2 months ago. I'm looking for individual insurance, no network (I don't want to have to choose certain providers. That wouldn't work for me because my current doctor is one that is out of network, however it was approved by my insurance company to see the doctor), and I do not want a deductable. If I HAVE to have a deductable, I don't want it to be very high! (not $1,000!). Does anybody know any options for me?
Ask questions, get the answers in writing. Since you have coverage now, you can get what is called a "certificate of credible coverage" this is valid for 63 days (at least in my state) allowing you to get a new policy. As far as your pre-existing condition, you may have issues with your new insurance company (it seems to happen often) so make sure the rep who sells you the policy is knowledgeable and make sure you GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. ~~~Something else, if you know other people who have private insurance, ask them about their experiences. The laws vary from state to state (unless you have a govt plan) so to get advice from this site may not get you the answers you truly need.

Health Insurance?

My mom broke her abkle in three places and had to get three pins put into her ankle. This was over 10 yrs ago, needless to say alot has happened since then. Including divorce loss of job having to live with relatives etc, I have been under the impression for years that my mother had these pins removed years ago, but I have recently found out that she never had them removed because she has been without insurance for many years. This ankle now pains her and she cannot standup for long periods of time, and a dark mark has begun to appear on her ankle. I live in Savannha Ga and I was wondering if anyone has any suggetions on where my mom could go to have someone look at it, even though she does not have health insurance. She has a low income and is 55 years old. I am worried.
yeah, your local county offices should have the resources she needs to get to the doctor. Also, any clinic and hospital will allow for a payment plan to be worked out for patients with no insurance. Also, they lower the price EXTREEMLY when this is the case, and will work with you to either soak up some costs or make the plan for payment. If she had insurance coverage when she broke her foot......(even if they dropped it right after that)....she would have still been covered under that insurance as a pre-existing condition. Therfore, the insurance that was available at the time of the first visite, would have been responsible. 10 years later.....NOPE.

Health Insurance?

I'm trying to get a good health insurance (since the one I have right now is not the greatest) that will cover my dental and Other medical things. Do you guys know of any good ones that: 1.) Have good coverage 2.) Covers dental (definetly) 3.) and that won't cause me to sell my organs in the black market to pay for it every month? I'm doing my own "research" but I want to know if you guys know of any.
just fill in a free form and get a quote from these people here They'll compare all insurance companies in the USA and find which companies offer the best prices, if it works out remember my points please :)

Health insurance???

Is there any possible way to open a new health insurance for sick person who is an international student? Currently ill. Please help.
As I said in my other answer to you; with most policies you cannot get pre-existing conditions covered. Your best bet would be to visit a local independent agent. This person can find the best policy for your situation and they don't charge anything for the service. You may have people respond to you offering medical discount cards. Be very wary of medical discount cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn't find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients.

Health Insurance?

Ok im 20 yrs old...I have really bad asthma and allergies. When I turned 18 I lost my health insurance because I was on my mom's. But now I can go to the doctors to get my inhailer filled....does anyone have any Idea where or how i can get health insurance for cheap..or some how go to the doctors without paying hundreds??
~~You can contact your local health department and ask for references to any low cost medical facilities. Secondly, if you do stay with a regular general practitioner, ask for at least a 20 percent discount since you are not insured. The office staff does not have to handle any claims and paperwork for you, so they are usually willing to give you the discount. Hopefully there will be low cost clinics available to you. Also, talk to your pharmacist if paying for your meds is a hardship. Most pharmaceutical companies have help for life saving medication at a much lower costs for those who qualify. Your pharmacist can help you get the forms you need. Best of luck and take care!~~

Health Insurance?

needing health insurance i can afford with things thesae days rising, and with also pre/ egsisting health issues. thier has to be something out there , I am young, I have some health issues but I ant dead.a cry for help.. thier muxt be answers i am not aware of. any? I am listening....
You may want to try a website that compares multiple companies at once to get you the best price. I am paying less than ½ after I did. Go to:… Take care, Casey

Health Insurance?

Does anyone know of a good resource for obtaining cheap health insurance and information?
There is a good resource website for all types of health insurance information and quotes at