I'm in college and I believe I tore my ACL. I've recently been having problems with it. Is it illegal for me to get a health insurance plan now specifically for an old injury?
You must disclose any prior health illnesses, injuries. Then the insurance will either cover it after 6 months (or some time frame) or not cover it as pre-existing. Under NO circumstances lie about this--when they find out & they will...you will lose all your insurance.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up
No health policy will provide annual health check up. Family floater is good with compare to individual.
No health policy will provide annual health check up. Family floater is good with compare to individual.
Where can I find real best health insurance?
Is there honestly no alternative? I'm a single female age 23, don't smoke, no major health problems. 5'4" 110 pounds. My work offers insurance but its $55 every two weeks, so $110 a month. That is kind of out of my league, but it has no deductible. What should I do?
Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, http://cheap-health-insurance-usa.info/ Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,
Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, http://cheap-health-insurance-usa.info/ Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,
If introducing true competition into the health insurance industry was an honest goal?
Of this government health care reform, why has the suggestion to remove the state barriers that would allow insurance companys to offer coverage accross state lines been shot down by the left?
Liberals and the lobbyists don't really want this. Insurance companies are not the "bad guys" in this discussion.
Liberals and the lobbyists don't really want this. Insurance companies are not the "bad guys" in this discussion.
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up
No health policy will provide annual health check up. Family floater is good with compare to individual.
No health policy will provide annual health check up. Family floater is good with compare to individual.
If a person opens a daycare, can they get health insurance, if so how much would it cost?
I've heard of Aflac small business, and i was just curious if they had others, and what would be the best to get, that's if you could get health insurance like that.
There are other insurance agencies besides aflac out there for small businesses. My boyfriend has blue cross for his employees. I know that state farm has a small business policy. I'm not sure about others but i do know that there are a lot of different agencies just depending on your location.
There are other insurance agencies besides aflac out there for small businesses. My boyfriend has blue cross for his employees. I know that state farm has a small business policy. I'm not sure about others but i do know that there are a lot of different agencies just depending on your location.
I have just overdosed on niacin and have no health insurance. What should I do?
I took a niacin vitamin pill for the first time after I ate lunch and I have a hot, tingly, and itchy red rash on my joints, back, face, and neck following a sharp stomach pain. Please tell me what to do. I have no health insurance or money.
Call your local Pharmacist and ask them what they would recommend your course of action be. They are trained in drugs and drug interaction. kc
Call your local Pharmacist and ask them what they would recommend your course of action be. They are trained in drugs and drug interaction. kc
Does being diagnosed by a psychiatrist effect health insurance?
Currently I am still under my parent's insurance but am about to be on my own in the summer. I want to see a psychiatrist and would likely be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (what my therapist says). Would this effect my ability to obtain health insurance in the future?
It can possibly if you are getting on an individual plan, it probably won't if you are getting on a group plan. For an individual plan, it will depend upon many factors. Each insurance company has it's own set of guidelines. They will look at the severity, whether you are on any medications and what those medications are, if you're currently seeing a psychiatrist or how long it's been since you've seen one. If you've been hospitalized or if hospitalization is a possibility. Depending upon the insurance company and you in particular they might decline, accept with a rider, accept with a rate up, or accept without any conditions.
It can possibly if you are getting on an individual plan, it probably won't if you are getting on a group plan. For an individual plan, it will depend upon many factors. Each insurance company has it's own set of guidelines. They will look at the severity, whether you are on any medications and what those medications are, if you're currently seeing a psychiatrist or how long it's been since you've seen one. If you've been hospitalized or if hospitalization is a possibility. Depending upon the insurance company and you in particular they might decline, accept with a rider, accept with a rate up, or accept without any conditions.
Do I have to keep my husband on my health insurance?
He has only been gone for three months. We are not even legally separated because he has done nothing about it. Since there is no legal separation, do I still have to keep the a-- on my health insurance? Is your answer based on legal information? I'm not looking for an opinion.
its your choice, when you renew your annual enrollment. even if still together its your choice who you enroll in your insurance.
its your choice, when you renew your annual enrollment. even if still together its your choice who you enroll in your insurance.
Why are health insurance companies allowed to form monopolies?
Why were health insurance companies exempt from anti-trust legislation?
They are not allowed to form monopolies. The McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 was passed in response to the Supreme Court case United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters. The act allows state's regulate the insurance industry without federal government interference. Prior to the Supreme Court ruling, issuing policies was not considered commerce that could be regulated by Congress under the Interstate COmmerce Clause. McCarran-Ferguson returned the primary task of regulation to the states. It doesn't mean that the federal government can not regulate the industry, it just means the anti-trust laws don't apply.
They are not allowed to form monopolies. The McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 was passed in response to the Supreme Court case United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters. The act allows state's regulate the insurance industry without federal government interference. Prior to the Supreme Court ruling, issuing policies was not considered commerce that could be regulated by Congress under the Interstate COmmerce Clause. McCarran-Ferguson returned the primary task of regulation to the states. It doesn't mean that the federal government can not regulate the industry, it just means the anti-trust laws don't apply.
My husband and I want to apply for family health insurance on our own- what are the chances of being approved?
We want to apply for family health insurance ourselves because in the next couple/few years we would like to try for a baby and want to have maternity coverage. What are the chances of approval when you apply online? We are both under 30, don't smoke and currently don't have any pre existing conditions.
Your chances of being approved are quite good. However health insurance is expensive, and even more so if you are trying to get it outside of your employment. Most insurance companies offer group rates and this usually means 15 or more people on the plan. If you try to go it alone the price skyrockets.
Your chances of being approved are quite good. However health insurance is expensive, and even more so if you are trying to get it outside of your employment. Most insurance companies offer group rates and this usually means 15 or more people on the plan. If you try to go it alone the price skyrockets.
What ia a good affordable health insurance for children?
What ia a good affordable health insurance for children?
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
Why don't all the republican members of congress and the senate give up their health insurance?
It is government paid health insurance and they are against that so they should give it up and pay for their own health insurance just like me.
Why didn't the Democrats require themselves to get the same insurance as they want for the rest of us? Or is this an example of the liberal elite feeling that "Some are more equal than others"?
Why didn't the Democrats require themselves to get the same insurance as they want for the rest of us? Or is this an example of the liberal elite feeling that "Some are more equal than others"?
How was healthcare done before health insurance?
Like the question says. How was healthcare done/paid for/etc before health insurance became common?
You just had to pay. If you didn't have it, they put it on an account. Or sometimes you would work for the Dr. or trade something like chickens or something. But generally you just had to pay. If you simply could not pay anything, they had these big poor folks hospitals you could go to. Horrible treatment there for the most part, but better then no treatment at all.
You just had to pay. If you didn't have it, they put it on an account. Or sometimes you would work for the Dr. or trade something like chickens or something. But generally you just had to pay. If you simply could not pay anything, they had these big poor folks hospitals you could go to. Horrible treatment there for the most part, but better then no treatment at all.
Am I paying too much for health insurance?
My wife and I are both 23 and we have 2 kids who are ages 2 and 3. We are all very healthy and I am curious if I am paying too much for my health insurance. I am currently paying $556 monthly for health, and vision. This insurance is through my employer and I still have deductibles and co-pays. Can someone advise me on this? I don't really know anything about insurance. We live in Salt Lake City, and we aren't planning on any more kids.
Is that a total of $556 per month for all four of you ($139 per person) or $556 per person each month ($2224 total). For insurance through an employer, anything less than $200 per person per month is very low. The total cost is usually over $400 per person, so the employer must be paying the bulk of it for your family.
Is that a total of $556 per month for all four of you ($139 per person) or $556 per person each month ($2224 total). For insurance through an employer, anything less than $200 per person per month is very low. The total cost is usually over $400 per person, so the employer must be paying the bulk of it for your family.
How much do you pay for you and your family's health insurance?
Where do you work and how many people in your family? I am anticipating having to work in a few years (when kids are school age) and just want to get a feel for what jobs provide decent health insurance.
I live in GA and work for an engineering consulting firm. We have BCBS and my premiums just went up this year. For family my premiums are now $100, up from $75 for medical and dental with a family deductible of $3,000 for medical, a $40 co-pay, and a prescription card and mail orderr prescription program.
I live in GA and work for an engineering consulting firm. We have BCBS and my premiums just went up this year. For family my premiums are now $100, up from $75 for medical and dental with a family deductible of $3,000 for medical, a $40 co-pay, and a prescription card and mail orderr prescription program.
If I do NOT have health insurance but I have been to a doctor, how do health insurance companies find this out?
I have been to a walk-in clinic and my local ER a few times but I did not have insurance when I went. I was treated, but I paid by cash. No insurance claim was filed. Right now, I am applying for health insurance. If I don't disclose this, HOW will the insurance company find out that I went. If it wasn't an insurance claim, and I paid by cash, will they even know I went? I also got a prescription.
http://www.mib.com/ This is the link to MIB or medical information bureau. You can request your medical records for free. My understanding that if you have applied for any kind of insurance (medical/life/disability) w/in the last 10 years, that information will be on there. It is better to disclose all on your application. Unless you have a heart condition, circulatory disease, blood disorder, cancer or stroke, most likely ok. All applications ask this and will automatically deny you if you have. But if it states, have you been treated or diagnosed w/in the last 5 years for anything, you better disclose it now;;;;;most likely will not affect anything, but if you fail to do so and later treat for it, they will get all of your records and find out you lied. Then you will find out that no;;;;;company will insure you when you least expect it. BTW; Lets say you go to ER or any doctor out there, especially the 1st time, they make you fill out an application which has a long list that you could check off, or when you talk to the Doctor, you state I went to the urgent care for such and such. Guess what the Doctor will note this to his records. During this health care reform that is going on now. Many people complained they had insurance for years, but get serious illness where the insurance denys treatment, since they went thu their records and found out that maybe 10 years ago they saw a doctor about this and now state pre-existing. Do you want to take that chance when you need insurance the most? good luck
http://www.mib.com/ This is the link to MIB or medical information bureau. You can request your medical records for free. My understanding that if you have applied for any kind of insurance (medical/life/disability) w/in the last 10 years, that information will be on there. It is better to disclose all on your application. Unless you have a heart condition, circulatory disease, blood disorder, cancer or stroke, most likely ok. All applications ask this and will automatically deny you if you have. But if it states, have you been treated or diagnosed w/in the last 5 years for anything, you better disclose it now;;;;;most likely will not affect anything, but if you fail to do so and later treat for it, they will get all of your records and find out you lied. Then you will find out that no;;;;;company will insure you when you least expect it. BTW; Lets say you go to ER or any doctor out there, especially the 1st time, they make you fill out an application which has a long list that you could check off, or when you talk to the Doctor, you state I went to the urgent care for such and such. Guess what the Doctor will note this to his records. During this health care reform that is going on now. Many people complained they had insurance for years, but get serious illness where the insurance denys treatment, since they went thu their records and found out that maybe 10 years ago they saw a doctor about this and now state pre-existing. Do you want to take that chance when you need insurance the most? good luck
Trying to conceive and want to know about health insurance?
We are going to be trying to conceive soon, and I wanted to know what options I have available to me. I don't have health insurance right now, and know that a pregnancy will be expensive..so what are my options? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don't have health insurance either and my husband and I are still trying to conceive. I work for a small company and my boss can't offer me insurance. I've looked for about 2 years for affordable coverage and the maternity coverage I did find was terrible. Even with the cheapest company I found I figured we would still end up paying a minimum of $8,000 out of pocket WITH insurance. AND that's only if we conceived the first month we started trying. It's also a requirement that we pay for maternity coverage three months before conceiving, which I think is ridiculous. So for every month we don't get pregnant we'd be throwing money down the toilet. We finally decided were just going to use planned parenthood for all our prenatal care and pay for the delivery out of pocket. They took care of me with my birth control prescription when I lost my insurance after I graduated college. They do everything except the actual delivery and even then they work with hospitals to get us a good deal. Good Luck - Baby dust to us both! TTC w/ #1
I don't have health insurance either and my husband and I are still trying to conceive. I work for a small company and my boss can't offer me insurance. I've looked for about 2 years for affordable coverage and the maternity coverage I did find was terrible. Even with the cheapest company I found I figured we would still end up paying a minimum of $8,000 out of pocket WITH insurance. AND that's only if we conceived the first month we started trying. It's also a requirement that we pay for maternity coverage three months before conceiving, which I think is ridiculous. So for every month we don't get pregnant we'd be throwing money down the toilet. We finally decided were just going to use planned parenthood for all our prenatal care and pay for the delivery out of pocket. They took care of me with my birth control prescription when I lost my insurance after I graduated college. They do everything except the actual delivery and even then they work with hospitals to get us a good deal. Good Luck - Baby dust to us both! TTC w/ #1
Where do self-employed people go to get health insurance?
I'm in California, if that helps. I know it's a funny time to be asking about health insurance-recent news and all-but I suddenly think I should have it and didn't realize it was tax deductible, to boot. Haven't had any since 2001 when employed by a company. Any suggestions appreciated. P.S. When I phone shopped for some a couple of years ago the prices seemed crazy exorbitant!
You can check with your other providers and see if they offer health options, look for local brokers - many work with sole proprietors and on line. I personally carry Blue Cross Blue Shield and I believe they are also in Calif. The premiums can be high but check with your accountant - they can also be legitimate business expense.
You can check with your other providers and see if they offer health options, look for local brokers - many work with sole proprietors and on line. I personally carry Blue Cross Blue Shield and I believe they are also in Calif. The premiums can be high but check with your accountant - they can also be legitimate business expense.
Is it wrong that the top priority of Health Insurance Companies is to make a Profit?
Should Profit be their main objective or should it be providing good health care to you and me? Don't these priorities conflict? If I support Obama's plan of moving closer towards universal health care coverage why I are republicans claiming I am in favor of the Government running my life....I just want good health care coverage and not to be screwed around by my own health insurance providor.
Profit should never be involved with health care. If the goal is to make money, then your well being is secondary and you will never get the best care possible. Its sad that any person here is at risk of losing their home and savings if they get sick. And you're fooling yourself if you think you have good coverage and you'll be just fine.
Profit should never be involved with health care. If the goal is to make money, then your well being is secondary and you will never get the best care possible. Its sad that any person here is at risk of losing their home and savings if they get sick. And you're fooling yourself if you think you have good coverage and you'll be just fine.
Do I have to enroll my baby in health insurance before she is born?
Im 8 months pregnant and I wanted to know if I have to enroll my baby in health insurance before she is born?
You cannot add your baby until she is born. You will generally have 30 days to add her.
You cannot add your baby until she is born. You will generally have 30 days to add her.
If you have your own health insurance can the health care reform affect you negatively?
how so or not so? What if you don't have health insurance but decide to buy your own health insurance in the future, such as Kaiser or something will they limit who can sign up?
I expect the cost of my private health insurance to climb very steeply. But no one knows what to expect of buying private insurance in the future ... what the policies will look like or what they will cost. Obama figures they have 3 years to sort that mess out, then they will start fining people who don't have insurance. Meanwhile, don't believe very much of what a health insurance salesperson is trying to sell you. They need to sell some kind of policy to make a living and don't really understand what the new rules are going to do to us. The cost of medicare is going to get very expensive very quickly. Medicare is almost broke and needs more money to stay afloat. And you know the medicare administrators are all going to get a raise to handle their new burden. Oh, and IRS employees will get a raise now that they are going to police who has insurance. Wonder where all that money comes from? The answer to your first question is YES. The answer to you second question is still unknown.
I expect the cost of my private health insurance to climb very steeply. But no one knows what to expect of buying private insurance in the future ... what the policies will look like or what they will cost. Obama figures they have 3 years to sort that mess out, then they will start fining people who don't have insurance. Meanwhile, don't believe very much of what a health insurance salesperson is trying to sell you. They need to sell some kind of policy to make a living and don't really understand what the new rules are going to do to us. The cost of medicare is going to get very expensive very quickly. Medicare is almost broke and needs more money to stay afloat. And you know the medicare administrators are all going to get a raise to handle their new burden. Oh, and IRS employees will get a raise now that they are going to police who has insurance. Wonder where all that money comes from? The answer to your first question is YES. The answer to you second question is still unknown.
How is 'government run health care' any worse than 'health insurance executive run health care'?
Please, elaborate. I hope you don't think the health insurance industry gives a damn about anything other than making a profit. As evidenced by the fact that 14,000 Americans lose their health insurance everyday. The government wants everyone to get care, and in the process, eliminate waste and things that deny people coverage and bankrupt thousands of Americans that do have health insurance.
It is not. Especially when you look at the facts with healthcare in the US and abroad. I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the real healthcare issues relying instead on FOX and other sources to spread lies about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad. I mean, if healthcare in nations with universal coverage is so bad, why do they keep it? Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it gives the American people value for money [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Taiwan where private companies are involved in providing healthcare [2]. Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected by the American people to do this [3]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4,5]. FACT American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [6]. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [7]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in any western nation with universal health coverage. If you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012. But if you disagree with the facts, please let me know. I am always willing to learn, but please provide proof. None of those who disagree with me have been able to do that so far.
It is not. Especially when you look at the facts with healthcare in the US and abroad. I am always amazed how many Americans seem not to be aware about the real healthcare issues relying instead on FOX and other sources to spread lies about the healthcare system of the USA and those abroad. I mean, if healthcare in nations with universal coverage is so bad, why do they keep it? Obama wants to make insurance more available to all and change the system so that it gives the American people value for money [1]. He also wants change so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Taiwan where private companies are involved in providing healthcare [2]. Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected by the American people to do this [3]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids both for kids aged under one and those under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [4,5]. FACT American insurance companies push up prices and work to stop paying out claims on those they cover [6]. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [7]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in any western nation with universal health coverage. If you do not like the policies that Obama was elected to bring in, he can always be voted out of office in 2012. But if you disagree with the facts, please let me know. I am always willing to learn, but please provide proof. None of those who disagree with me have been able to do that so far.
How Do I Get Free or Reduced Health Insurance?
I am 18 and am still a dependent at the moment but I currently don't have any time of health insurance.
Health insurance policy do not consider age but they mainly consider the problem and your body's ability to fight against diseases. Fortunately there are ways through which you can save on health insurance. I just researched some interesting points on this link...Find it out here-- http://www.financeandinsurancetips.com/insurance-guide/health-insurance-articles/ways-to-lower-health-insurance-premiums/
Health insurance policy do not consider age but they mainly consider the problem and your body's ability to fight against diseases. Fortunately there are ways through which you can save on health insurance. I just researched some interesting points on this link...Find it out here-- http://www.financeandinsurancetips.com/insurance-guide/health-insurance-articles/ways-to-lower-health-insurance-premiums/
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