Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can someone sue my parents if they pay my health insurance and I get into a car accident?

My insurance agent said that if I am in an accident and my parents pay my health insurance then someone can sue them. He said it does not matter if I have my own car and car insurance policy and am not a minor. Is it true that if my parents pay my health insurance they are putting themselves at risk? I am getting kicked off my parents car insurance policy and was looking into the options. My agent is not asking me to buy more insurance- just the opposite actually. The agent said that insurance companies will look into who pays the drivers health insurance and then go after them. Is this true and or legal?
It's quite possible. I had a client with an adult child, they got sued for $2,000,000 due to the injuries their 26 year old child caused in a car accident . . . they lost that lawsuit. Ouch! Insurance companies don't CARE who pays health insurance. It's the other guy's LAWYER who cares. And they're going to sue your parents, pretty much if you live with your parents, or they substantially pay your way.

Liberals. Are you really ok with the government Forcing us to buy health insurance?

This is supposed to be the USA. We should have the choice to not buy health insurance if we want. We are supposed to have freedom of choice in this country, not have bunch of liberal dictators telling us what we can do with our health. Why do you liberals want things forced upon you? Why dont you go live in China?
The scary part is the the IRS is going to oversee who has and who hasn't signed up for the health care. They will be able to fine you, take you take refunds, take money out of you paycheck and send you to jail if you don't have a health care plan to the governments liking. Isn't the IRS scary enough with the power they have over us now?

Where can I get some good health insurance?

Most insurance companies that I know of will not give any insurance to you if you already have health problems unless you just automatically get it through your job. Well, how and where can I still get the kind of insurance like blue cross or something like that who will practially pay for everything if you are employed?????????
Talk to an independent health insurance broker. A broker works with several health insurers and can help figure out the best plan, company, rates and coverage for your unique situation. To find a qualified health insurance broker, log on to a website like http://www.healthinsurancewiz.com and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Your information will be sent to a broker in your area who will contact you.

if your company has health insurance, are you able to get another insurance?

Hi If your company covers health insurance for you, can you go out and have another health insurance? Thanks.
healthplans.my-age.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Will the Amish look for a new country if mandatory health insurance becomes law?

The Amish are very independent and like to be left alone. If they are self-employed in farming, they probably don't have big incomes. They are frugal people who live within their means. But required health insurance will surely be a budget buster. And I can't imagine them going down to the local welfare office to ask for a subsidy. I can't imagine their being too happy to have to reveal their income and assets to the "English" in their communities, or perhaps having to pledge the family farm to repay the subsidy when they die, ending the farming tradition for their families.
The Amish are very careful medical consumers. If an Amish person is seeking medical treatment, it indicates that it is an emergency or a very important concern. # The Amish religion does not forbid its people to seek modern medical care. When necessary, the Amish can have surgical procedures, dental work, anesthesia, or blood transfusions. Organ transplants are permitted, except for the heart. The Amish believe the heart is the soul of the body. (Exception: Pediatric patients who have not been baptized can receive a heart transplant.) # In some Amish districts, all forms of insurance are discouraged, including medical insurance. The Amish believe insurance is a "worldly product," and purchasing it shows a lack of faith in God. # The Amish pay little attention to preventative care. It is hard to impress upon them the importance of immunizations, cancer screenings, PAP smears, and mammograms. This is largely because they believe that God heals them, but also because they might not be able to afford preventative care. # Many Amish will refuse an autopsy. # The Amish do not believe in birth control. # Most Amish need to have church permission to go to a hospital because the church pays for such care. # Amish discourage the use of Life Flight helicopters.

Is it sane to instil mandatory health care insurance, and then fine people for not having it>?

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Is my daughter covered by my health insurance?

I am a veteran of the US military, I go to the VA Clinic for my doctor visits/prescriptions. I know while I was serving, my daughter was covered by my health insurance, is she still covered now that I am out of the military? Where would I look/who could I call to find this information?
Sorry, she's not covered when you're not active military. You can verify that by calling your benefits coordinator - if you have a card, it would be on the back of your card.

My parents dont have health insurance and they are in their 50s. Is there a way to put them on my policy?

I am their daughter and live at home. I am 22 years old and wanted to see if there was ANY way I can get them insurance on my policy or any kind of cheap health insurance of any kind.
No, you can't add your parents to your health policy. There IS NOT cheap health insurance if you're in your 50's, besides welfare health insurance - medicare if you're on SSDI, or medicaid if you're low income. They can try something like Medi-Share, a non-insurance cost sharing program (www.medi-share.org), or you can buy health insurance starting around $400 per month, each, if they're in good health. To cut the premiums, you raise deductibles - how much they pay out of pocket, before the insurance kicks in.

How much would Dick Cheney pay for health insurance?

The guy is 69 years old and has had 5 heart attacks. I would like to know how much he would pay for an individual health insurance plan under our current system. I'm sure we as tax payers are footing the bill.
He would have been denied. If he hadn't been a former VP he would never have lived to have heartattacks #3, #4 and #5.

Parents health insurance for someone going back to school?

With the new health insurance laws, if a dependent comes off their parents health insurance for a job but then goes back to school and can be claimed as a dependent by the parents again can the dependent go back on their insurance if they are under the eligible age? I know there is something about being off for 12 months as well, does that make a difference? Any help out on this would be appreciated.
you can go back on whether in school or not. Some companies are already allowing this but others will wait until they renew after 9/23/10.

Where can I get cheap or free health insurance?

Hi, I'm 21 years old and I'm currently employed in a part-time job.. However I have no health insurance and I am having an issue finding a carrier that would be cheap or free.. Andy ideas?
Try this site http://heinsurance.notlong.com here you can compare quotes from different companies so you can find the best plan for you.

Where can I find affordable health insurance?

My husband and I are both self-employed and need to find affordable health insurance. Neither of us has any pre-existing conditions, and are in good health, but we'll be trying for a baby w/in the year. I have no idea where to even start looking!!!
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

If i move out of my parents house, can i still be on my parents health and auto insurance policies?

I am 18 and ready to move out, i am confident that i can afford it and the expenses that come with it. But, i am wondering if i am going to have to purchase my own health insurance and auto insurance policies, or can i still be under my parents policies? I plan on living in the same city.
You can compare how the insurance quotes would change, for example here - autoinsurance.noneto.com

Can anybody be fined for not having health insurance?

Do you still get fined even if you are a student not under your parents health care plan? I'm sure a lot of college students would get pretty far into debt if they had to buy insurance/pay the fine. This is a stupid bill that shouldn't have been passed especially with 0% support from the opposing side.
Yes, $790.00 fine, brought to you by the IRS. Even if you bought insurance, if it is not what they deem as fit insurance you will also suffer. However, they brought the age up to 27 years of age that you can be covered under your parents, I presume you would have to be a full time college student or whatever criteria they attach to it. The whole bill is a farce, it will never stop the rising costs because they did nothing to fix it. If they would address medicare & medicaid abuse, tort reform and portability they may have accomplished fixing the real problem at hand. They just added a whole slue of problems to come. Gotta love this incompetent administration. Vote them all out!

If the USPS had to compete like Health Insurance companies have to would they go under?

If we forced the United States Post Office could only deliver mail in the state their office was located, and could not deliver world wide would FED EX ad UPS put them out of business? Currently that is how the Health insurance companies are forced to do business by thanks to Congress. Why can't the Congress fix that first?
They would have been out of business long ago.

Hw much would health insurance cost for this family a month?

If a family of 4 (2 adults & two toddlers) lives in Hartford, Ct how much would health insurance cost for them?
Depending on the coverage you want, generally they run 300-500 a month without maternity coverage, If you add maternity coverage, that'll add at least 200 more to most plans,

Does anyone have health insurance with Fiserv? If so, which plan do you have and how do you like it?

My husband's job is offering health insurance and I'm not sure which plan to go with.
No,I do not have with them .I have with ICICI LOMBARD, an Indian based Company . Among International ones, New York Life Insurance is good in USA, AXA is also very popular. Or try Prudential INC PLC ,a British Company .

Looking for cheap health insurance website for students?

Hello there! I'm a student and I need some suggestions, I'm looking for an affordable college student health insurance plan. There are many sites but I'm scared because I think some of them are scams. I'm looking for a cheap price. Please tell me a good one.
I'm a licensed agent and would be glad to shop the different carriers and find the right plan for you. Give me a call at 800-928-7449, ext 1670 or email me at ghardy@solutionsinsuranceservices.com. I need your home zip code, date of birth, gender, smoker/non-smoker and any existing medical conditions you have as well as any medications you currently take.

Health Insurance Why do they need my Social Security Number?

I am enrolling threw my employer for health insurance why do they need my SS number? I Do they run it threw anything? or is it just for internal use?
Most of the time its for internal records but sometimes its used to check previous medical records.

Comparing the Costs of a Regular Health Insurance Policy and HMO?

Comparing the Costs of a Regular Health Insurance Policy and HMO. A health insurance policy pays 65 percent of physical therapy cost after a $200 deductible. In contrast, an HMO charges $15 per visit for physical therapy. How much would a person save with HMO if he or she had 10 physical therapy sessions costing of $50 each?
$155, but that's assuming the plan doesn't discount the $50 visit or that the $50 IS the discounted amount. That also doesn't take into account the costs of the plan, the ability to get the policy, etc...but as far as a math problem goes that's your answer.

Would opening up health insurance drive cost down?

Open up to national plans and coverage. Like Geico health insurance, open heart surgery - so easy a Caveman could do it.
Probably not, in the long run. In the short run, there would be a lot of 'competition' to get the clients to sign up, and so lots of low premiums. But, the hospital and doctor costs are staying the same or going up, so, with lower premiums it takes a lot more people to ensure they get paid, but that means more people are likely to need the services, a rather vicious spiral. So, health insurance done nationally would either have so many riders and exclusions that it wouldn't be worth the premium to the average punter, or be so expensive that the average punter can't afford it. The only way is to make all health elements absolutely free to everyone, and that has a different set of problems.

Do you get health insurance if your a traveling nurse?

I was talking to someone at work today and I told him I was going to college to become a registered nurse. He suggested that I should be a traveling nurse for a couple of years because its a great way to see the country and you make some pretty good money. But I never asked him if you get health insurance because you arent staying with just ONE hospital.
That would depend on the employer. I would suggest a "traditional plan" rather than a plan with a fixed provider network.

Why do we spend billions on supporting insurance dealers? When this money should go into a health care fund.?

I don't want health insurance. I want health care. Billions of dollars are wasted on excessive salaries for insurance exec. And the entire industry has employees from sales to bean counters. If we illiminated the insurers we all could get health care. If We pay taxes we should get health care. Not health insurance.
~~I agree 100 percent. And Medicare is not ran at a higher cost. Their admin overhead is much lower than private insurance.. No ridiculous paper work required, a doctor is allowed to treat and bill, that's it. Private insurance has case managers for everything so all doctors do is spend hours doing form after form, instead of devoting this time to patient care. Medicare is not in trouble from overhead head costs, it's in trouble from funds being diverted by the previous administration. Also, because of the ignorance in this country that a pill fixes everything instead of people taking or needing medication from unhealthy lifestyles. It's our citizens which are losing and we are paying a huge price already in taxes for this out of control health care system. It accounts for 85% of bankruptcies, that alone is a huge red flag! The one thing every person in a country such as ours should be assured of is health care, and the government has done very well by it's programs. There is a huge difference I understand from being an agent and actually dealing with one nightmare after another in trying to receive a payment on a patients claim. It has patients stressed and worried, and every doctor's office has to have way too many hands to handle the incredible amount of paperwork, for all insurances except medicare! I was a biller for 11 years, and believe me I saw it all. The insurance companies we have now, are in the business of trying not to pay the claim. Medicare pays their claims, and it runs as smooth as silk. Unless we get a single payer option, health care will be out of reach for the majority of us in the very near future.

Can I purchase travel health insurance for NY to FL travel?

We are taking our 18 month old to Florida (from NY). Since our health insurance doesn't cover expenses across state lines I'm trying to find out if we can purchase travel insurance for domestic travel. My searches yielded results mostly for international travel. Is there domestic travel health insurance? When I can buy it? Thanks!
Yes, try this link. They offer a number of policy options and a free quote. TravelEx is one of the best insurance options available for both domestic and international travel and I have been using them many years. http://www.travelex-insurance.com/index.…