I'm going to call & check when I get a chance. But I just wanted to know your experiences. We have Anthem BCBS if that matters. If insurance doesn't cover it, does anyone know about how much it costs?
My insurance pays for a certain portion of counseling.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Seeming how I get free state funded health insurance, tell me why I?
Shouldn't use the ambulance for a free ride to the hospital?
because unless it is an emergency they may not pay. but more importantly you would be taking one away from some one who really needed it. lastly if you are on state assistance.there usually is a resource that provides free shuttle or bus to and from appointments. contact your Cso.
because unless it is an emergency they may not pay. but more importantly you would be taking one away from some one who really needed it. lastly if you are on state assistance.there usually is a resource that provides free shuttle or bus to and from appointments. contact your Cso.
Is it a lot harder to sell health insurance since our economy has gotten worse?
Im an considering pursing this but am terrified by a job that is solely commision based
Selling in the employer-based market is exrtremely competitive, and it always will be. Working solely for commission is always a bit scary, but can also be a great motivator. In this economy, employers are looking for new ideas, new concepts to help them balance the cost to the quality of the benefits. The purpose of employee benefits is to attract and retain quality employees. It is not an entitlement, but rather an incentive to keep the business' clients happy with the quality of their products and service. Good Luck. P.S. I agree with the NASE comment above.
Selling in the employer-based market is exrtremely competitive, and it always will be. Working solely for commission is always a bit scary, but can also be a great motivator. In this economy, employers are looking for new ideas, new concepts to help them balance the cost to the quality of the benefits. The purpose of employee benefits is to attract and retain quality employees. It is not an entitlement, but rather an incentive to keep the business' clients happy with the quality of their products and service. Good Luck. P.S. I agree with the NASE comment above.
Does Sanate bill exempt illegal immigrants from fines in case they fail to purchase health insurance?
Is it true that only American citizens and legal immigrants will be fined, and then jailed?
Probably - and we pay for them too. Sure, it's doesn't say they are paid for but if they don't check, they are paid for. Obama is a LIAR! Joe Wilson was correct.
Probably - and we pay for them too. Sure, it's doesn't say they are paid for but if they don't check, they are paid for. Obama is a LIAR! Joe Wilson was correct.
To those of you who oppose mandatory health insurance?
what do you propose to do with someone who gets sick and cannot pay for their treatment? Currently, hospitals are required to treat them and write off the cost, meaning that the rest of us indirectly pay through our insurance premiums. Would you support a law saying that hospitals are allowed to discharge anyone who cannot pay for treatment regardless of their condition?
Ok, Im almost 55 yrs old and I am in good health and I have my own private insurance but lets say I didn't...I think when my age and health starts failing me Im going to just bill you and tell you YOU HAVE TO PAY IT, you will love it *L*.. Doesn't sound fair does it? That's exactly how I feel... why do I want the govt telling me what kind of health care I have to have? People that can NOT afford it as of today can go to the ER and get treated... illegals do it EVERYDAY..
Ok, Im almost 55 yrs old and I am in good health and I have my own private insurance but lets say I didn't...I think when my age and health starts failing me Im going to just bill you and tell you YOU HAVE TO PAY IT, you will love it *L*.. Doesn't sound fair does it? That's exactly how I feel... why do I want the govt telling me what kind of health care I have to have? People that can NOT afford it as of today can go to the ER and get treated... illegals do it EVERYDAY..
true or false it is more expensive to buy individual health insurance than to participate in a group plan?
10point to best answer.
Usually true. A group plan usually gets a discounted rate because it is a volume sale for the insurance company. But there might be some drawbacks to a group plan like some types of coverages may be different depending on the situation/sickness. A group plan usually offers the most "popular" options, like a low deductible, prescriptions, low co-pay, etc..but they can't me modified to your individual needs. An individual plan you can customize what you want depending on many factors. HMO, PPO, co-pay amount, prescription coverage, deductible amount, etc... If you're a healthy person and your company is reputable, I'd go for the group plan and save yourself some $$$.
Usually true. A group plan usually gets a discounted rate because it is a volume sale for the insurance company. But there might be some drawbacks to a group plan like some types of coverages may be different depending on the situation/sickness. A group plan usually offers the most "popular" options, like a low deductible, prescriptions, low co-pay, etc..but they can't me modified to your individual needs. An individual plan you can customize what you want depending on many factors. HMO, PPO, co-pay amount, prescription coverage, deductible amount, etc... If you're a healthy person and your company is reputable, I'd go for the group plan and save yourself some $$$.
Do you have to get a physical exam if your getting a Kaiser health insurance plan?
Just a single adult plan.
Very rarely, unless there's some "debate" about a health problem (i.e., they think you have some condition, you say no, so they want an MD's opinion - as I said, pretty unusual for that to happen). Think about buying a plan, either with Kaiser or with some other company, that has a larger deductible (like $2,500 to even $5,000) in order to hold down your cost. Here's question #1: how "much" health care do you think you'll probably really use in a year? If not much, then don't pay a lot to "over-insure" yourself. Here's question #2: do you want health "insurance," or "health care financing?" That is, do you want/need/expect the plan to pay for your routine care (doctor visits, generic drugs, etc. = health care financing) or only for major, expensive claims (surgery, hospital stays, etc. = health insurance)? Insurance is designed to help pay for things you can't handle financially (think tornado wrecking your home or your car getting totaled, etc.), not routine maintenance like oil changes or new tires. Something to think about - have a swell evening!
Very rarely, unless there's some "debate" about a health problem (i.e., they think you have some condition, you say no, so they want an MD's opinion - as I said, pretty unusual for that to happen). Think about buying a plan, either with Kaiser or with some other company, that has a larger deductible (like $2,500 to even $5,000) in order to hold down your cost. Here's question #1: how "much" health care do you think you'll probably really use in a year? If not much, then don't pay a lot to "over-insure" yourself. Here's question #2: do you want health "insurance," or "health care financing?" That is, do you want/need/expect the plan to pay for your routine care (doctor visits, generic drugs, etc. = health care financing) or only for major, expensive claims (surgery, hospital stays, etc. = health insurance)? Insurance is designed to help pay for things you can't handle financially (think tornado wrecking your home or your car getting totaled, etc.), not routine maintenance like oil changes or new tires. Something to think about - have a swell evening!
How do I find a good Health Insurance Agent In Texas?
Does anyone have any agents they can recommend?
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you http://yourfinance.co.cc
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you http://yourfinance.co.cc
Who else will choose to pay the 8% fine instead of paying for health insurance for your workers?
An 8% fine would be cheaper than paying for coverage for all of my workers. Let the government supply it!
A good share of them will be layed off and the government will supply it anyway.
A good share of them will be layed off and the government will supply it anyway.
Health insurance pay for post weight loss cosmetic surgery?
I have heard of some insurance companies that will pay for cosmetic surgery after you have lost weight. i.e. loose skin, tummy tuck, etc. Please help me.
It is really dependant on the company. Mine won't but perhaps yours will. Also if the weight loss was due to surgery based on medical assessment (ie high cholesterol etc) then that is a plus. Meditator Health Insurance Comparison Tool http://www.daily-tools.com/health-insura
It is really dependant on the company. Mine won't but perhaps yours will. Also if the weight loss was due to surgery based on medical assessment (ie high cholesterol etc) then that is a plus. Meditator Health Insurance Comparison Tool http://www.daily-tools.com/health-insura
I have a large cyst on my face, but no health insurance?
It's really big, about an inch and a half long under my right eye. It looks bruised and is really noticeable to other people. I've read that dermatologists have a shot that can remove them. My biggest problem is that I don't have medical insurance. How much does this shot cost, and are there any alternative treatments that are cheaper or more effective?
How long have you had this cyst? Has a doctor seen this yet? It can be something more than just a cyst, such as skin cancer (not to alarm you, but if this is something that suddenly "popped up", then you really need to see a doctor about this.) However, if this is something that slowly developed, you may be right and may be a sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are harmless, slow-growing bumps under the skin, often appearing on the scalp, face, ears, back, or groin area. The cysts usually contain dead skin and other skin particles. Treatment for sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts can usually be treated by a physician by puncturing the top and removing its contents. However, large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst. I also read that some cysts may disappear on their own after time and not reappear. If you're worried about cost, try calling a medical college or local doctor and ask for a reference as to where you could go for a reasonable cost to get this looked at. When I was pregnant, I used a clinic used to train doctors, which saved me quite a bit of money.
How long have you had this cyst? Has a doctor seen this yet? It can be something more than just a cyst, such as skin cancer (not to alarm you, but if this is something that suddenly "popped up", then you really need to see a doctor about this.) However, if this is something that slowly developed, you may be right and may be a sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are harmless, slow-growing bumps under the skin, often appearing on the scalp, face, ears, back, or groin area. The cysts usually contain dead skin and other skin particles. Treatment for sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts can usually be treated by a physician by puncturing the top and removing its contents. However, large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst. I also read that some cysts may disappear on their own after time and not reappear. If you're worried about cost, try calling a medical college or local doctor and ask for a reference as to where you could go for a reasonable cost to get this looked at. When I was pregnant, I used a clinic used to train doctors, which saved me quite a bit of money.
Can a person with expensive health insurance worth more dead than alive ? Would there be motive, means and?
opportunity to kill them ?
Depends on if they have life insurance as well :)
Depends on if they have life insurance as well :)
Where can I buy inexpensive health insurance on line?
I am age 22 and out of work.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Why should employers be required by law to provide health insurance for its workers?
Shouldn't this be an individuals responsibility? What right does the government have to tell someone he has to pay for someone elses health care?
I don't have health insurance. How much do I have to whine and cry until you will give it to me?
I'm warning you, I can cry and whine a really really lot!!! So you better just give it to me you greedy rich people!
Get a job and get off welfare and pull your begging hand back in before it gets chopped off then we can talk.
Get a job and get off welfare and pull your begging hand back in before it gets chopped off then we can talk.
When a child has CHIP health insurance, is the cost added to a child support?
order to reimburse the government? Does anyone know how much more? My husband has a review and his ex has put their child on Texas CHIP.
Would you drop your expensive health insurance when Obama finds a less expensive way to insure us all?
Or will you insist a good deal is socialist as you always do before you fact check?
you're dreaming or deluded. Medicare is underfunded by $48 TRILLION. Add more for 0bama's dream. Looks like Grandma is going to have to suffer and not live as long. I'm going to go tell my Grandma the good 0bama news.
you're dreaming or deluded. Medicare is underfunded by $48 TRILLION. Add more for 0bama's dream. Looks like Grandma is going to have to suffer and not live as long. I'm going to go tell my Grandma the good 0bama news.
Is individual health insurance deductible?
Hi... couple of facts.... 1. My husband's company does not offer health insurance, so we buy his own individual policy. 2. I have a preexisting condition that his individual policy won't cover, so I have a state sponsored insurance policy. I also have a small policy that my work requires me to have. We pay $209/ mo for him and $477 for me out of our own pockets. Would we be able to deduct all of this or is there a limit on how much we can deduct?
healthplans.bebto.com - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthplans.bebto.com - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Where in the united states constitution does it say one MUST buy health insurance?
and please do not answer with this commerce clause crap!
I have read and studied the Constitution many times, and it says nothing of forcing people to buy anything.
I have read and studied the Constitution many times, and it says nothing of forcing people to buy anything.
Is it illegal in Washington DC to be covered by 2 different health insurance plans.?
I am covered by United Healthcare thru my job and Medicaid, is that illegal.
How is it you have a job and medicaid, too? Isn't that illegal? Usually, people covered by a group healthcare plan cannot be eligible for medicaid. You should notify your social worker and have it stopped, as it is fraud.
How is it you have a job and medicaid, too? Isn't that illegal? Usually, people covered by a group healthcare plan cannot be eligible for medicaid. You should notify your social worker and have it stopped, as it is fraud.
I have a large cyst on my face, but no health insurance?
It's really big, about an inch and a half long under my right eye. It looks bruised and is really noticeable to other people. I've read that dermatologists have a shot that can remove them. My biggest problem is that I don't have medical insurance. How much does this shot cost, and are there any alternative treatments that are cheaper or more effective?
How long have you had this cyst? Has a doctor seen this yet? It can be something more than just a cyst, such as skin cancer (not to alarm you, but if this is something that suddenly "popped up", then you really need to see a doctor about this.) However, if this is something that slowly developed, you may be right and may be a sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are harmless, slow-growing bumps under the skin, often appearing on the scalp, face, ears, back, or groin area. The cysts usually contain dead skin and other skin particles. Treatment for sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts can usually be treated by a physician by puncturing the top and removing its contents. However, large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst. I also read that some cysts may disappear on their own after time and not reappear. If you're worried about cost, try calling a medical college or local doctor and ask for a reference as to where you could go for a reasonable cost to get this looked at. When I was pregnant, I used a clinic used to train doctors, which saved me quite a bit of money.
How long have you had this cyst? Has a doctor seen this yet? It can be something more than just a cyst, such as skin cancer (not to alarm you, but if this is something that suddenly "popped up", then you really need to see a doctor about this.) However, if this is something that slowly developed, you may be right and may be a sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are harmless, slow-growing bumps under the skin, often appearing on the scalp, face, ears, back, or groin area. The cysts usually contain dead skin and other skin particles. Treatment for sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts can usually be treated by a physician by puncturing the top and removing its contents. However, large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst. I also read that some cysts may disappear on their own after time and not reappear. If you're worried about cost, try calling a medical college or local doctor and ask for a reference as to where you could go for a reasonable cost to get this looked at. When I was pregnant, I used a clinic used to train doctors, which saved me quite a bit of money.
Where can my husband get cheap health insurance?
I'm on medicaid because I'm pregnant, but my husband has asthma and has no way of paying for doctors visits or getting inhalers. He has recently had an asthma attack that lasted a whole week! but we can't afford the ER bills every time he has an attack
I would suggest he reads up on fasting. Basically 40 days of fasting will cure him forever but he needs to read up to believe, or go to a clinic to see the cured ones but fasting clinics cost lots of money and are very rare hence my first suggestion. I did it simply using google. Or, he might qualify for free government healthcare, see: http://www.simplyinsurancequotes.com/lin for a quadrillion dot gov websites.
I would suggest he reads up on fasting. Basically 40 days of fasting will cure him forever but he needs to read up to believe, or go to a clinic to see the cured ones but fasting clinics cost lots of money and are very rare hence my first suggestion. I did it simply using google. Or, he might qualify for free government healthcare, see: http://www.simplyinsurancequotes.com/lin for a quadrillion dot gov websites.
How many Americans are currently without health insurance?
45.7 million, according to a just-released US Census Bureau report. Link attached.
45.7 million, according to a just-released US Census Bureau report. Link attached.
We want a baby, but need health insurance...?
My husband and I are planning on having a baby soon, but we want to have health insurance before I get pregnant. I wanted to know what good insurance plans are out there that include great maternity coverage. We want something with low co-pays, and also low monthly payments. Please let me know if you know of any plans like that! Thanks!
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