Thursday, February 24, 2011

teacher still under contract being asked to repay health insurance?

I'm a new teacher leaving on school district for another. I've given my notice and fulfilled all my contractual obligations but am currently under contract in my first school district until the end of August when I can start my new job. The old school district is demanding I pay back for my health insurance for the summer months. How is this possible when I'm still under their contract? I've had all the insurance deductions as normal throughout the year.
You are under contract for them for a full year. If they paid your full annual salary, over the course of 10 months that you worked, you DO owe them premiums. They do NOT have to let you work out your contract. Confirm that with your union rep.

Are you one of the man Americans without health insurance? and if you are what are we going to do?

I'm a single mother of three boys and I run my own farm and I have no insurance,not beacuse of the money but because many health insurance compaines will not accept my youngest child with Epliepsy,so what are we americans do to .The rich and the poor will and have suffered,what next?
Yes and its a shame. Even through work people often end up paying half of their pay check taken out for insurance, and most of the time it doesnt even cover everything. How are you suposed to pay your outher bills that way? A lot of nonworking familys qualify for Medical assistance but whats out there for the lower middle class who work and still cant make ends meet? I guess you either have to be rich or very poor to be healthy in this country. I think that health and dental care should at least be free for all children. If they reivaluated what they do with all of the tax money that they take from us, the money thats going to help people in outher countries, (that should be going to our own) they could come up with a solution. After all, why should we be feeding peo[ple in outher countries when there are so many people here in our own back yards who need help?

If I get employer-provided health insurance, will I still have any freedom to choose what kind I want?

Say that I get a job, and one of my benefits as an employee is health insurance. Does this mean that I either have to (1) accept the employer's health insurance unconditionally or (2) refuse and find an insurance company to get health insurance from OR, are people able to negotiate what kind of insurance they want with their employers? Or do some companies allow negotiation and others don't? I don't get it. Does accepting employer-provided health insurance mean you lose freedom to choose or something? Thanks.
There are many variable factors here. It would depend on who your employer's health care provider is. What plans are offered. What percentage, if any, does your employer pay toward the premiums. If your employer has a specific benefits department to shop for and negotiate with different health care providers. It sounds like you don't have the job yet, so maybe you should worry about first things first.

Does a baby need Health insurance right when the baby is born? ?

How much does it usually cost? ....... Is it the law that everyone HAS to have health insurance or is it just really necessary? My parents still pay for mine cause im 16. But the doctor said that its my job to make sure it has health care. So is it possible that the baby can get free health care? Like is there a program that offers you any health care for your baby?
Yes, your baby will need coverage. I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 20 and was still on my parents insurance so all I did was pay my co-pay and I was covered. They covered my daughter as well after I added her to our policy as long as I pay about 100 bucks a month for her and a little for her visit for her vaccines, check up. It's extremely important to have coverage for your child. You may need to take him/her to the hospital and without coverage you'll pay more for one visit to the e.r. then you would for a whole year of insurance coverage. There's medicaid you can get, I looked into it, but since I had coverage and had the ability to put her on mine it wasn't something I wanted to do. Just look into it, you have to do research a/t everything..pregnancy, your baby, you need to be extremely prepped for what's gonna happen.

Anyone heard of meritain health insurance?

This is the health insurance offered by my future employ employer. I would like to know how people rate their experience with this company? Do they cover anything?
It's good insurance for your needs. Generally they offer a few plans that allow you the flexibility to only pay for what you need or what you feel you'll use. It can vary from location to location, but you can have an option that is low out of pocket, but high deductible, or a fully insured option that is lower deductible, but a higher out of pocket (paycheck expense). Again, depending on your employers particular plans, you may also get a benefit card that has stored funds on it that you can use for various medical expenses including co-pays, medical equipment, and even aspirins or cough syrups. I've had no problem signing up or having my benefit account funded. I've also found that the doctors that I use do take the insurance with no qualms. They also are able to provide access to different health networks (again, determined by the employer choices) that ensure you can have access to almost any provider.

What health insurance is available?

I cant afford my insurance offered at work. I live in southern Ca, and I could probably afford around 100$'s and lower a month. Im in good health and it would just be for me. 26 years old.
Most insurance companies have several plans from which to choose, from a budget plan with little coverage and many exceptions up to a full comprehensive plan. Most complaints are from people that just shop price, get the budget plan, then are upset because they don't have the coverage they wanted. Do not try to do this over the internet unless you have several days to intelligently compare plans. You need to visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with all of the plans. They can find the best plan for your situation and budget and can help you weigh the benefits with the premium. There is no extra charge using an agent.

is the stimulus package going to reduce the Pa. state funded health insurance waiting list?

i'm on the 2 year waiting list for state funded health insurance. i've been on it for about 7 months and they said to expect 24 months. with this stimulus package happening, is it likely to get me off the waiting list and covered sooner?
No, it won't have any effect.

question about preexisting health issues with new health insurance?

My husband is about to get laid off, and I am currently feeling as though I have diabetes. I have an appointment next thursday for it, however, what will happen if I do have it, will the other health insurance he'll get with another job cover my meds?
Preexisting health issues only come up if you go uninsured for a while and have a gap in your coverage. I believe you can go up to 68 days without insurance before you are labeled as previously uninsured or having a gap in insurance. If that happens, you are in trouble. Every time you go see a doctor you will be scrutinized. May have to prove that even a new problem is not preexisting. Major head ache. If your husband gets laid off he should purchase COBRA insurance from the employer until he finds a new job with insurance. Call your husbands human resource people and they will explain all this to you. Do not go uninsured even for a day. Hope this helps.

When you are diagnosed with a new disease like diabetes, would your insurance premium go up for health coverag?

Like say if your employer was paying for you health insurance would it matter how sick you are and what the doctors put you on or what they diagnose you with as to how much the employer would have to pay on your policy?
No, if you are diagnosed with a new "disease" your insurance company cannot raise the premiums. In any case if your employer is paying for your health insurance it means that you are on a group rate which goes up once per year or so - for the entire group and not for one person. If you were paying yourself that means you had an individual insurance policy and when the next period comes along the insurance company might raise your premium to a point where you may not even be able to pay. It all depends on the company and their policy in dealing with these ":new discoveries" Rest assured that once you are on a group policy you are not singled out for a premium increase beyond what the group would get

I will have to start paying for my own health insurance. Do you have a suggestion for a company?

Do you pay for your health insurance and are really satisfied with the company? Please make some suggestions. Thanks
Humana One and Blue Cross Blue Shield are two highly respected health insurers. However, you can use a quote provider service online to compare plans and rates for your health insurance from the leading health insurers across the country. This may help you find the most competitive rates and compare plans in the convenience of your own home without the pressure of an agent. Two of the leading online health insurance quote provider services online are: 1) InsureMe - they give you the five best health insurance quotes from top-rated health insurers nationwide. You can request a free quote at… 2) offers you side-by-side quote comparisons from a large network of health insurers across the country. I hope that helps you find an affordable health insurance plan from a highly rated health insurance company.

Can S-Corp deduct the advance payment made to coming years's health insurance premium?

I am >2% owner of s-corp. My wife also is an employee. In december 2009, Company has made an advance payment of $1000 to the Health Insurance Compay for our health insurance premiums for January 2010. All other premium payments for 2009 went into my W2 Line 14 as S-Corp Meical Insurance. How can I take care of this extra $1000 in my taxes (Both 1120S and my personal 1040)?
You are talking about two different things here If the company paid an advance of $1,000 that has nothing to do with you or your W2 - you didn't actually pay it yourself. The amount you pay shows up on your W2 and when it comes out of your pay it is credited to an arbitrary account that the billing has been entered under - if the company made an advance payment it would be charged to "Prepaid Insurance" in your COMPANY balance sheet. This would not show up in your payroll check as a deduction at all.

Why do people think the democrats are proposing free health care? It is mandatory insurance.?

They are proposing mandatory health insurance. Tou will be paying $4.000.00 a year for insurance. It will be law. If you do not maintain a health care insurance policy you will be fined.
Actually, you would be paying more than $4000 a year for insurance. The Senate bill will cost the US taxpayers $2.5 TRILLION over the next 10 years, and that will only cover the first FIVE years that the thing would be in effect given that it won't even go into effect until 2014 (Just in time for whoever is elected President in 2012 to get into office. ANY Rep or Senator in my state/district who votes for these bills will NOT be getting my vote come this upcoming election in 2010. BTW, if you don't pay that fine, you will face a $250,000 fine AND up to 5 years in Federal prison.

Will doctors be required to accept health insurance?

Under the new health care law, everyone will be required to get health insurance, will doctors also be required to accept health insurance?
No, they will not. And if they do, they can pick and choose which health insurances they accept.

How much for Health Insurance?

I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
To buy it outright, on your own? Probably more than you can afford. Catastrophic policies are often $150 a month for individuals. And if you want GOOD coverage - it goes up rapidly from there. See if your father can carry you under his until you can get coverage through your workplace.

Right now my dad buys our family’s health insurance through his employer and we are covered until age 25?

whether or not I am in school. My mom applied at a place where if she gets the job I would have health insurance until the age of 24 if I am a full-time student. What happens if she gets the job in between semesters? Which policy would apply? Serious answers only please.
your fathers insurance covers you until you're 25 period. unless he drops you on his insurance.

When small business cant afford the Obama mandated health insurance for their workers who will pay?

for their health insurance when they are unemployed?
Just one more reason unemployment will continue to rise under a Democratic Congress and an Obama White House. Small business cannot afford the costs our government is extracting.

What can happen if someone finds my Drivers License, Health and Auto Insurance cards?

I lost my Drivers License, Auto Insurance Card, and Health Insurance Membership card. If someone found these items together what could they do with them? Could they use my health insurance to get treatment or rack up accidents on my auto insurance? Open Credit cards in my name? etc.
You should call your health insurance company and ask them for a new policy number. You should also call your credit card companies and report your cards stolen.

If Republicans think going to the emergency room is enough for health care why do they have insurance?

The fact is, health insurance provides better long term care with your insurance company picking up much of the cost.
I think it's ok for people to live in an apartment even though I live in a house. Do you wanna buy everyone a house?

Can health insurance company drop you if you making COBRA payments on time?

My sister is in a nursing home. I have been paying her COBRA since December. The nursing home called and "warned" us to find a medicaid facility because her health insurance will probably drop her. Why?
I do not believe this is a COBRA question but an allowed coverage situation. Medical insurance covers treatment expenses, such as for physical therapy or other skilled care when a person is in a nursing home, as long as they are making continuous improvement. When a person is no longer improving but still needs assistance this is called custodial care and is not covered by medical insurance or Medicare.

Do you think the health insurance bill will become law?

Simple question. and you notice i called it health insurance rather than heath care as it has almost nothing to do with the enhancement of care, but rather how to pay for it, or more specifically, make those who don't want or need it pay for those who do.
I think so, but what gets passed will be so watered down as to be toothless. At least it is a start, and I hope we can improve on it from there. You can bet the conservatives will continue doing all they can to keep it from passing, but I have a strong hunch Obama will do all he can to get it to pass. ##

why do people get health insurance if if is such a bad deal? everyone complains that they rip them off and?

dont cover conditions that they were supposed to cover. so wouldnt it make more sense to not get health insurance and just save your own money?
I've never had problems with my health insurance, they've always paid up. My husband is in and out of the hospital and we pay only what the plan specifies---200 ded and 20% up to $5000. I had an even better plan but had to change now that I live in one state and my family in another.

I live in Philadelphia and am pregnant. I do not health health insurance but?

While I was in the emergency room a lady came to my room and said I can get government insurance. All I had to do was mail in some pay stubs. I did all of that then someone else called from the hospital & said they have no record of anyone talking to me or the form I mailed in. Im already 4 months pregnant and need health insurance. What do I do?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

What percentage of both private and public health care spending is spent on health insurance?

What percentage of both private and public health care spending is spent on health insurance provided by small business employers?
I don't think anyone's narrowed it down that far - especially because the definition of "small business" isn't standardized. I can tell you, health spending is about 18% of our economy.

Can a health insurance company cancel coverage on a college student going to school in NY, if they live in NJ?

I found out my fathers health insurance company canceled my health coverage. I was under the impression that there was a law on the books in New Jersey that said health insurance companies could not drop full time students.
Health insurance can be very tricky. Since I live in Georgia I'm not familiar with the New Jersey regulations, so I suggest you call a nearby health insurance agent. They will be able to assist you.