I have a 2 and a half year old son who requires intensive therapy. We have to keep him covered by 2 health insurances, or we would be spending even more on co-pays, as he goes to 5-10 therapy sessions a week. The cost of the health insurance is about 500 a month. We are trying to get money put into savings, but can't do that until we get this health insurance thing under control.
That is a rare disorder, so it might be difficult to find a foundation or organization that specializes in that alone. I agree with an earlier answerer that you might see if there is a religious organization that will take you under its wing. The only two sources that I've found that might be able to help are: Needy Meds (link below): It contains links to health care resources. You can search programs by state or by the condition (I searched for PVL but did not find anything or on brain injury either). However, it might be worth searching for programs in your state. Also, Needy Meds has discount drug programs if your son needs medications. National Organization of Rare Disorders (link below): They have a resource page and program listings, although again I didn't see anything specifically about PVL. However, I found them through a government PVL site. The NORD site has a networking feature that allows you to get in touch with other people with PVL or who care for someone with PVL. Good luck. Barnes@MostChoice http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran
Friday, May 6, 2011
Will the federal government build more prisons to incarcerate people who don't have health insurance or will?
the government let other offenders go to make room for those who are found guilty of not having health insurance?
do i need to take an exam when applying for health insurance?
I lost my job and group health and have to apply for individual health insurance for myself (age 37 good health) and 2 kids ages 10 and 9. Are there exams that my kids and i have to complete or do they order physician records??
~~To my knowledge no, there is no exam for health insurance (unless it is required through a state law). You will fill out an application, which you will need to answer thoroughly and completely. Then if they need further documentation, they will request medical records.~~
~~To my knowledge no, there is no exam for health insurance (unless it is required through a state law). You will fill out an application, which you will need to answer thoroughly and completely. Then if they need further documentation, they will request medical records.~~
how can i view my health insurance records?
Few months ago I got birth control from my school and only used it for a while. I think they got the money out of my health insurance. I want to know how can i know if they did or not. I want to know what else has my medical insurance been used for... so is there a website that I can go to? I have blue cross if that makes any difference. thanks a lot in advance.
Contact Blue Cross and ask them to send you a complete copy of your file. While you're on the phone with them ask about a website.
Contact Blue Cross and ask them to send you a complete copy of your file. While you're on the phone with them ask about a website.
American Health insurance, how dose it work?
Lets say I had health insurance and I developed cancer which the insurance company payed the medical bills to I could get better. Would my monthly insurance bill go up in or remain the same? Lets say the cancer came back again, would they pay the the same procedure again? What would happen if I could not afford Health insurance? Would they leave me to die?
You are not penalized for claims, for American Health Insurance policies. Once you have a policy, your premiums stay the same, unless you get old enough to go into another age bracket, or ALL the rates in your bracket are raised. And yes, if you need the treatment again, you'd get it again, until you exceed the policy limits. Most policies have a lifetime limit of $1,000,000. If you can't afford health insurance - there is welfare health insruance available, called Medicaid. If you choose not to carry any health insurance, you can STILL get treatment - you just have to agree to pay for it. MOST people end up filing bankruptcy in cases like this. Uninsured medical costs are the #1 reason for bankruptcies in the US. And about 15% of Americans are uninsured. Half of them by choice - mostly the young 20 somethings, that would rather have a large screen tv than health insurance, because they "know" nothing is going to go wrong with them.
You are not penalized for claims, for American Health Insurance policies. Once you have a policy, your premiums stay the same, unless you get old enough to go into another age bracket, or ALL the rates in your bracket are raised. And yes, if you need the treatment again, you'd get it again, until you exceed the policy limits. Most policies have a lifetime limit of $1,000,000. If you can't afford health insurance - there is welfare health insruance available, called Medicaid. If you choose not to carry any health insurance, you can STILL get treatment - you just have to agree to pay for it. MOST people end up filing bankruptcy in cases like this. Uninsured medical costs are the #1 reason for bankruptcies in the US. And about 15% of Americans are uninsured. Half of them by choice - mostly the young 20 somethings, that would rather have a large screen tv than health insurance, because they "know" nothing is going to go wrong with them.
How can I ask my employer to provide and PAY for health insurance for my spouse and children?
With our income being cut in half, we cannot afford to shell out and extra $700 a month.
I wouldn't even bother. They know how much you earn, and how much your insurance costs.... If they intended it to be any other way, they would have had other options available. They're probably trying to discourage you from having your entire family on one plan. Helps keep costs down. You can always try begging. That works sometimes...
I wouldn't even bother. They know how much you earn, and how much your insurance costs.... If they intended it to be any other way, they would have had other options available. They're probably trying to discourage you from having your entire family on one plan. Helps keep costs down. You can always try begging. That works sometimes...
Why would a health insurance company that I applied to get insurance with ask my favorite color?
That was one of the questions on the online application. I had never seen anything like it. What's the philosophy/psychology/significance of this? I know how color affects mood and whatnot. Are they going to charge you more if you prefer one color over another?
I know I know it bizarre. They want to know more about you than you know about yourself. I had an Health Insurance company ask me what is my favorite food. I told them Twinkees and they rejected me. Dang!!!!
I know I know it bizarre. They want to know more about you than you know about yourself. I had an Health Insurance company ask me what is my favorite food. I told them Twinkees and they rejected me. Dang!!!!
Which is the best health insurance amongst these for federal employees?
I am 29 year old federal employee deciding between the basic option between BCBS PPO, and the following HMO's: Aetna, CIGNA, and Kaiser Permanente. Which would be the best option for a young and fairly healthy person? I do take monthly prescription drugs for depression but nothing else.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
What is the purpose of health insurance companies?
To be the middle man between doctors and patients? To tell us only healthy people can see a doctor? Why do we need them? Do they provide any service at all besides collecting money? Are you old enough to remember when doctors were healers and not in medicine to collect as much money as possible from your insurance company before the company drops you for being sick? Besides collecting money, what do insurance companies do? And don't say they help cover the high cost, the main reason for personal bankruptcy in this country is medical bills. These are people who had insurance, but were dropped because of major illness. So that's not it. (this actually drives the costs up) This country was built on small businesses, not on criminal big business that provides no service, no service at all. Can you imagine a world in which all you have to worry about when you are seriously ill... is getting well? Besides collecting money, what do insurance companies do?
Insurance should be for catastrophic risks, the kind of risks which will drive people into bankruptcy. Health insurance in the U.S. is not for catastrophic risks. Health insurance companies have figured out ways to make lots of money by being middle men, doing the administration, collecting money in what is essentially a prepayment plan for ordinary run to the doctor kind of stuff. The insurance companies are middlemen even in government programs like Medicare. Medicare almost did not pass, but when President Johnson made a deal with the insurance companies that they would be paid many millions of dollars administrating the program as intermediaries, then they supported it. Just like banks have been looking for ways to make more and more money without taking on risks, so have insurance companies. There is a role for a government public option for catastrophic risks, but only if the insurance companies are kept out of it.
Insurance should be for catastrophic risks, the kind of risks which will drive people into bankruptcy. Health insurance in the U.S. is not for catastrophic risks. Health insurance companies have figured out ways to make lots of money by being middle men, doing the administration, collecting money in what is essentially a prepayment plan for ordinary run to the doctor kind of stuff. The insurance companies are middlemen even in government programs like Medicare. Medicare almost did not pass, but when President Johnson made a deal with the insurance companies that they would be paid many millions of dollars administrating the program as intermediaries, then they supported it. Just like banks have been looking for ways to make more and more money without taking on risks, so have insurance companies. There is a role for a government public option for catastrophic risks, but only if the insurance companies are kept out of it.
What is the best health insurance plan for a healthy family of 3?
It's me, my wife and my daughter.
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ Here you can compare quotes from different companies
How do you get health insurance from Ebay?
and what exactly is being offered.. is there a phone number I can call to get more info, or a website.
To get Health Care from eBay you must be a PowerSeller ($1000+ in sales per month and and a 98% postive feedback rating). Below is what is listed on the PowerSeller Portal regarding health care options. eBay, through Mercer Health & Benefits, now exclusively offers PowerSellers a diverse suite of health insurance plans and services that allow you to build a plan to meet most of you or your employees' healthcare coverage needs and budgets. These services include: *Prescription drug and health services discount card *Vision care discounts *Hearing aid, vitamin and supplement discounts *Access to a diverse list of individual health insurance plans
To get Health Care from eBay you must be a PowerSeller ($1000+ in sales per month and and a 98% postive feedback rating). Below is what is listed on the PowerSeller Portal regarding health care options. eBay, through Mercer Health & Benefits, now exclusively offers PowerSellers a diverse suite of health insurance plans and services that allow you to build a plan to meet most of you or your employees' healthcare coverage needs and budgets. These services include: *Prescription drug and health services discount card *Vision care discounts *Hearing aid, vitamin and supplement discounts *Access to a diverse list of individual health insurance plans
What would happen to a person in a coma with no health insurance?
For example, he got hurt, went to the emergency room, they did an operation and now he is in a coma. What would happen to him?
He would get treatment, just like anyone else who goes to an ER, then YOU and ME, the taxpayers pay for it. So, what about healthcare for all......um wait, we already have it, its called the ER. You can go in there with a headache and they have to treat you. In fact a few years ago there were doctors who didn't carry any health insurance, b/c they would just always go to the ER. I think they have since passed some new laws to prevent this.
He would get treatment, just like anyone else who goes to an ER, then YOU and ME, the taxpayers pay for it. So, what about healthcare for all......um wait, we already have it, its called the ER. You can go in there with a headache and they have to treat you. In fact a few years ago there were doctors who didn't carry any health insurance, b/c they would just always go to the ER. I think they have since passed some new laws to prevent this.
Why do we need "National Health Insurance"?
No one goes without health care. Hospitals are required to give health care to people who can not afford it. Why do you think the cost of health care is so expensive for the paying public? The only reason Obama wants "National Health Insurance" is so he can have moe control over people.
We don't need it. 89% of people are happy with their coverage. What we need is to get overall costs down some to help those not covered to afford their own coverage. The way to drive costs down is not to implement massive government control. You can't forcefully lower the cost of something without supply running out. Health care may be a service but it still follows the laws of supply and demand. If you don't like freedom of choice and you enjoy long waiting lines for mediocre care, then national health insurance is for you.
We don't need it. 89% of people are happy with their coverage. What we need is to get overall costs down some to help those not covered to afford their own coverage. The way to drive costs down is not to implement massive government control. You can't forcefully lower the cost of something without supply running out. Health care may be a service but it still follows the laws of supply and demand. If you don't like freedom of choice and you enjoy long waiting lines for mediocre care, then national health insurance is for you.
Should you have your health insurance premiums deducted before taxes?
If you do, will it make you have to pay more in taxes at the end of the year?
If you elect to have your share of health care premiums paid pretax, your withholding will be tweaked to adjust for this automatically. The difference is instead of making $20,000 at the end of the year, your W-2 will say you made $18,500. This is less income, less tax and generally a good thing. (It does reduce your income for social security purposes, but I haven't seen any persuasive logic that paying for health care post tax now will give you enough extra money in retirement to justify not doing it.)
If you elect to have your share of health care premiums paid pretax, your withholding will be tweaked to adjust for this automatically. The difference is instead of making $20,000 at the end of the year, your W-2 will say you made $18,500. This is less income, less tax and generally a good thing. (It does reduce your income for social security purposes, but I haven't seen any persuasive logic that paying for health care post tax now will give you enough extra money in retirement to justify not doing it.)
If the wingnuts & teabaggers are so against a health insurance public option why don't they refuse Medicare?
I think because they're full of BS. There must be another reason they're against reform. IF they REALLY were against government run health care how come the wackos aren't protesting about that. Why aren't crazy Boehner and the unhinged GOP bouncing off the walls to shut down Medicare.
Because unlike the freeloader Democrats those people paid for it out of their taxes already. If you had more than a 5th grade education you'd know that already.
Because unlike the freeloader Democrats those people paid for it out of their taxes already. If you had more than a 5th grade education you'd know that already.
How many Senators and Congressmen have taxpayer paid health insurance?
How many own stock in Insurance Companies?
All have paid insurance. And likely most have stock in insurance companies as do most Americans with any retirement investments in 401K's, etc.
All have paid insurance. And likely most have stock in insurance companies as do most Americans with any retirement investments in 401K's, etc.
What is an affordable health insurance that I can apply for in Southern California?
An affordable one. I can't seem to find one. I was layed off my job but my cobra will be too expensive is there anything else out there. I tried kaiser but its like 220 a month for just me.
~~It all goes by your age and health history. My son is 25 and he is signing up for a Blue Shield plan. It is more of a major medical. Still it allows a physical once a year, and his annual deductible is reasonable (I believe it is $2,700.00 a year). It also includes some prescription coverage. It is only going to cost him $53 a month. So a plan like this may work well for you. Our agent is Lisa and her number is 1-800-611-9057 ext #2206. We've used her for years and had a group plan through our business. However it is too expensive for the insurance we have ,so we are switching over to this type to save on the monthly premiums, but still have very good coverage. She will explain all your options after you tell her what your needs are. All done by phone and email or fax, so it's awesome!~~
~~It all goes by your age and health history. My son is 25 and he is signing up for a Blue Shield plan. It is more of a major medical. Still it allows a physical once a year, and his annual deductible is reasonable (I believe it is $2,700.00 a year). It also includes some prescription coverage. It is only going to cost him $53 a month. So a plan like this may work well for you. Our agent is Lisa and her number is 1-800-611-9057 ext #2206. We've used her for years and had a group plan through our business. However it is too expensive for the insurance we have ,so we are switching over to this type to save on the monthly premiums, but still have very good coverage. She will explain all your options after you tell her what your needs are. All done by phone and email or fax, so it's awesome!~~
What are some good health insurance plans for college students?
that is, college students who don't have any money... Please provide links if possible!
Most students get their health insurance through a parent's plan or through their college's or university's health plan. These are especially valuable options for people with pre-existing medical conditions, since most of these plans cannot turn you down for coverage based on your medical history. You *can* get turned down for coverage (in most states) when you go out and purchase a health insurance plan on your own. However, if you're fairly young and healthy, you may be able to find some affordable individual coverage options. It's hard to make a specific recommendation, however, since each state has its own health insurance market, and you didn't mention where you're living. Here's what I suggest: Visit an online health insurance agency like eHealthInsurance.com (where I work), or talk with a licensed agent. Online, you can get free quotes from a broad range of health insurance companies and compare rates and benefits to find one that works for your needs and budget. You can even apply for coverage online. If you want to talk with one of our licensed agents, give us a call at 1-800-977-8860. In many states, there are a whole host of health insurance options to choose from, and even some plans specifically designed for students. Good luck! Amir M, licensed agent
Most students get their health insurance through a parent's plan or through their college's or university's health plan. These are especially valuable options for people with pre-existing medical conditions, since most of these plans cannot turn you down for coverage based on your medical history. You *can* get turned down for coverage (in most states) when you go out and purchase a health insurance plan on your own. However, if you're fairly young and healthy, you may be able to find some affordable individual coverage options. It's hard to make a specific recommendation, however, since each state has its own health insurance market, and you didn't mention where you're living. Here's what I suggest: Visit an online health insurance agency like eHealthInsurance.com (where I work), or talk with a licensed agent. Online, you can get free quotes from a broad range of health insurance companies and compare rates and benefits to find one that works for your needs and budget. You can even apply for coverage online. If you want to talk with one of our licensed agents, give us a call at 1-800-977-8860. In many states, there are a whole host of health insurance options to choose from, and even some plans specifically designed for students. Good luck! Amir M, licensed agent
I have a rash but no health insurance. What to do?
I want to see a doctor about this rash. I'm sure it's either poison ivy or ringworm from this dog I was petting at a local book store a few days back. I've been looking at health care plans but a lot say they want an annual deductible of $2,500 to $8,000. I was told that I would need to pay that amount before my insurance kicks in. What should I do?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
people who cant afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that "they cannot afford it", and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)
I agree my children get help with health care because we cant afford the 300 a month extra to pay for insurance. It is getting harder and harder though to get certain things for them because they keep tightening the budget. I think there are a lot of people who abuse the system which is sad. I wish they made affordable health care I could pay for and not feel like a leach.
I agree my children get help with health care because we cant afford the 300 a month extra to pay for insurance. It is getting harder and harder though to get certain things for them because they keep tightening the budget. I think there are a lot of people who abuse the system which is sad. I wish they made affordable health care I could pay for and not feel like a leach.
What is the best way a low income student can get health insurance?
Again, low income and can't rely on parents and how could I get retro coverage for an emergency bill a month ago. Currently uninsured, only insurrance is car insurrance.
Check out health plans available through your college and see what students like you are doing about health insurance. If that doesn't work, several major insurance companies have developed plans aimed at the so-called "young invincible" market people in the 20's. That's a good thing since about a third of all recent college graduates don't have health insurance. Two of the most prominent plans are from Blue Cross Blue Shield and UniCare. The BCBS plan is called the "Tonik Health Plan" and was originally developed in California, but is expected to expand rapidly. It features low premiums ($70-$135) and high deductibles ($1,500-$5,000). Another plan for men and women in your age group is from UniCare. Again, it started in Texas but is supposed to branch out to other parts of the country. It's called "Sound" and has features similar to the BCBS plan. Health plans differ in three basic ways: monthly price/annual deductible access to health care (the degree to which you can visit whom you like and undergo medical treatment a specialist thinks you need) financial strength of the insurance company Also, the price of a plan is not simply the premium you pay each month. You also have to consider the annual deductible, as well as any coinsurance amounts or copayments. Additionally, the savings you can achieve through an HMO, PPO, or other managed care plan can be erased if you have to go outside the network for expensive medical care. I've included links to two articles that do a good job of walking you through making the best possible choice in health insurance you can afford that still provides the coverage you need. You might also want to look into short-term medical insurance. It doesn't offer the same range of benefits as longer-term insurance, but many people get these kinds of plans when they're in-between jobs. Typically, they last from a month to six months, although you can find short-term policies that last for a year. Short-term plans usually help pay for: Hospital room and board Ambulatory services Intensive Care Lab Exams X-rays Prescription medications The Web has many different Web sites where you can compare and contrast local health plan prices and features. MostChoice.com is one such site, and you can also get in touch with local area agents without any obligation. Tell them what you want and what you want to pay and have them do the legwork for you. You can visit MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
Check out health plans available through your college and see what students like you are doing about health insurance. If that doesn't work, several major insurance companies have developed plans aimed at the so-called "young invincible" market people in the 20's. That's a good thing since about a third of all recent college graduates don't have health insurance. Two of the most prominent plans are from Blue Cross Blue Shield and UniCare. The BCBS plan is called the "Tonik Health Plan" and was originally developed in California, but is expected to expand rapidly. It features low premiums ($70-$135) and high deductibles ($1,500-$5,000). Another plan for men and women in your age group is from UniCare. Again, it started in Texas but is supposed to branch out to other parts of the country. It's called "Sound" and has features similar to the BCBS plan. Health plans differ in three basic ways: monthly price/annual deductible access to health care (the degree to which you can visit whom you like and undergo medical treatment a specialist thinks you need) financial strength of the insurance company Also, the price of a plan is not simply the premium you pay each month. You also have to consider the annual deductible, as well as any coinsurance amounts or copayments. Additionally, the savings you can achieve through an HMO, PPO, or other managed care plan can be erased if you have to go outside the network for expensive medical care. I've included links to two articles that do a good job of walking you through making the best possible choice in health insurance you can afford that still provides the coverage you need. You might also want to look into short-term medical insurance. It doesn't offer the same range of benefits as longer-term insurance, but many people get these kinds of plans when they're in-between jobs. Typically, they last from a month to six months, although you can find short-term policies that last for a year. Short-term plans usually help pay for: Hospital room and board Ambulatory services Intensive Care Lab Exams X-rays Prescription medications The Web has many different Web sites where you can compare and contrast local health plan prices and features. MostChoice.com is one such site, and you can also get in touch with local area agents without any obligation. Tell them what you want and what you want to pay and have them do the legwork for you. You can visit MostChoice here: http://www.mostchoice.com/health-insuran Hope this helps, Barnes@MostChoice
Where can I workpart time and have GOOD health insurance?
I am going from full time to part time but I need a job that offers good insurance for me and my family.
Most companies do not provide health benefits to part time employees. In order to have health benefits - you will need to be employed full time.
Most companies do not provide health benefits to part time employees. In order to have health benefits - you will need to be employed full time.
What is an affordable health insurance option for a single mother in her early 20's?
She is not working full time and is going to school part time.
I am with HCF and pay approx. $90 per month for basic hospital cover with a few extras.
I am with HCF and pay approx. $90 per month for basic hospital cover with a few extras.
how do I get health and dental insurance and how much does it cost for just one person?
prices and how to get dental and health insurance
Be honest,It will take a while to find the best answer for the your question.give a look at resource here http://www.healthinsurance-onlinetips.info for your reference .
Be honest,It will take a while to find the best answer for the your question.give a look at resource here http://www.healthinsurance-onlinetips.info for your reference .
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