Thursday, August 18, 2011

what type of health insurance should I?

I am currently trying to choose a healt insurance plan for 3 employees. and am not sure what to go with a hmo (i think i heard there bad) ppo or a pos i dont really know the difference? please help i have to make this decision my self and am not sure where to begin i think sorting this one thing would help. Thanks
Kris gave you a good answer. Here is the scoop on POS plans A Point of Service plan combines characteristics of the HMO and the PPO. Like an HMO, you usually only have a minimal co-payment when you use a health care provider within your network. You also must choose a primary care physician who is responsible for all referrals within the POS network. If you choose to go outside the network for health care, POS coverage functions more like a PPO. You will likely be subject to a deductible (around $300 for an individual or $600 for a family), and your co-payment will be a substantial percentage of the physician's charges (usually 30-40%). This is a good resource with further info on HMO, PPO and POS plans…

Is it required to have health/medical insurance ?

I am under the normal poverty level line & I can't afford anything high I've been trying to search for jobs but where I live unemployment is booming like baby boom days, only ten times worst here. & I can't afford to move. If it's good to have it what are good insurance agencies that are trustworthy & will follow through but won't make my pockets empty?
If you are looking for the cheapest or best health insurance in your area, check out this site It's the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. It's free and fast

How long does it take for health insurance...?

To approve a certain prescription, like Lupron injection?
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

As DNA technology increases, will health insurance companies be able to use genetic screening to deny coverage

to anyone whose genes aren't in perfect working order?
I think so, because they will know exactly what your health problems are going to be. If they can someday screen you and say, "hey, at age 38 you will get breast cancer", you probably won't be able to get health insurance. You would be a "bad investment." Personally, I think the government will have to enact laws to keep insurance companies from doing this. Pretty soon, people will want to discriminate based on your genes! They have quite a bit of our genes mapped out. They know the defects that cause some specific diseases, but the key is figuring out what codes for traits that are normal. Hair color, etc. Genetic screening will definitely help save lives because you know what you need to do to prevent certain disorders, but there will be a problem with health insurance. I'm sure, however, that the government will do something about it, so it probably won't be a problem. It will be more of a prevention method.

I don't have health insurance, but work wants a doctor's note, how do I find a doctor?

Specifically one that won't charge me an arm and a leg. I earn minimum wage. I live in Providence, RI.
Go to an urgent care clinic. No appointments necessary, and it is pretty cheap for Doctor's care.

Can anyone explain how health insurance equates car insurance, watched obama's explanation -it makes no sense?

Not everyone drives or owns a car in America,will we be now forced to have a drivers license,to own a car -will it have to be made by GM ?Its just a ridiculous assimilation devoid of commonality,other than we do give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants-just like obama care will.
It doesn't make sense and is just another lame explanation. What really is lame is Obama's explanation about how this isn't a tax increase. "Asked how that could not be considered a hike, Stephanopoulos inquired, "Under this mandate, the government is forcing people to spend money, fining you if you don't. How is that not a tax?" President Obama responded " No, but -- but, George, you -- you can't just make up that language and decide that that's called a tax increase." Stephanopoulos then gave the dictionary definition – "I don't think I'm making it up. Merriam- Webster's dictionary: Tax, "a charge, usually of money, imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes." Mr. Obama rejected the notion it was a tax increase and said pulling the dictionary out meant the host was "stretching" a little. He said, "No. That -- that's not true, George. The -- for us to say that you've got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase."… It's a tax increase and His Majesty is "stretching" it a little.


Has anyone had any experience with short term health insurance? I wanted to know if this insurance will pay for a breast reduction? It is medically needed. The insurance period is 6 months and the plan states out-patient surgery is covered and that is what the surgery will be. Any advice is really appreciated. Thanks
The second answer is correct - there's no way breast reduction will be covered by short term insurance. It was a 'pre-existing condition' (assuming there is a medical need) and so will be specifically excluded. Also, a breast reduction really isn't an outpatient procedure, or at least it shouldn't be! It's serious invasive surgery, not something that can (or should) be rushed through in an afternoon. If you really, really need one you'll need to get saving I'm afraid... though hopefully you can find an alternative less drastic way of learning to get along with your girls! Best of luck! :)

Divorce, separation or still married (living apart) how is health insurance handled?

Married and insured on a group plan, but things look shaky right now. We both use our health care and have pre existing conditions. I know others have dealt with the same issue, I hope to get some idea if things fall apart.
Once the divorce is final, an "ex spouse" doesn't qualify as a dependent, and will have to be removed from the group plan. But they WILL get the opportunity to continue for 18 more months, on COBRA, at their own expense. Seperation, or married living apart, doesn't qualify for deleting someone from health insurance. During open enrollment, though, the employee can delete the spouse anyway, if they want to. Don't let communications break down, so you don't get blindsided if this happens.

How do I lower my health insurance premium? I have a pre-existing condition.?

Is it possible or not to have a lower premium? I have blue cross blue shield. I just got a letter saying my premium is going up again. I have an individual plan and no its not through my job.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

If we was looking for some Cheap Health Insurance, where can we get it?

I found some information on Mogul but I would like more information on how to get cheap and low cost health insurance.
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you

Why aren't the health insurance companies competing?

I don't understand how these companies could be price gouging customers unless none of them are competing with each other. Doesn't competition naturally bring down prices in the capitalistic system? How is it that the prices are sky-rocketing then?
YES, Competition does bring 'down' prices. Maybe that is what the Bill will introduce? HOWEVER, I Would NOT Vote for a Bill I haven't seen or HEARD "ALL" that is in it! For example; Even tho "YOU" are a hardworking American Taxpayer and YOUR taxes will INDIRECTLY help pay for this bill, is/does the Bill ALLOW for 'free' treatment of "ILLEGAL ALIENS"? this WHY they are trying SO HARD to pass it under our NOSES, BEFORE the American public finds OUT!!

anybody here work for a health insurance company?

I have a few question for you if you do, so please leave some contact information
If its about a job, I don't recommend working in the Insurance Industry.

Maternity benefits.. which health insurance to choose?

I have moved to the US on a dependent visa. All health insurance companies I contacted so far have a waiting period of 12 months for availing maternity benefits. I want to start planning a family sometime this year.. Is there any health insurance which does not have a waiting period? Pls help!!!
No. Most companies I know of have a waiting period for maternity benefits. They don't want you to purchase the insurance, have a baby (big claim) and then drop the insurance. I think you can see their point. If you are not pregnant yet, purchase the insurance and then wait a few months before trying to start the family and you should be ok.

Who is looking for affordable health insurance?

life insurance, health insurance, long term care
You may want to read the community guidelines before posting this type of question.

Where in the constitution does it give the government the right to force me to purchase health insurance?

The thing is, it doesnt. It is highly unconstitutional
It doesnt. Liberals like to pretend the constitution grants the government that right but it doesnt

What major companies provide a domestic partnership (for health insurance)?

I used to work for Marriott and they offered it
Here is a listing of some of the major health insurance companies that offer domestic partnership health insurance benefits:

Explain how a health insurance company may benifit financially if it were to encourage breast cancer screening?

Explain how a health insurance company may benifit financially if it were to encourage breast cancer screening
Because if you were screened early and cancer was detected, you would have a much greater chance of survival and not need as much medical treatment than it it were an advanced case. You may be able to get by with a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy, which is much less invasive and requires less money. Hence your insurance would save money.

Has anyone ever been denied of health insurance? and why?

I was denied of health insurance and I'm not sure why. I havent gotten my results back yet, because of the HIPPA law. I was just wondering if any of you were ever denied of health insurance and why. I am just confused and scared as to why I would be denied.
There are many reasons to be denied health insurance. You could be out of the height and weight guidelines. Each company has it's own guideline and you could be denied with one company and accepted with another. You could have an undiagnosed condition. No insurance company will accept you in this case. You could have impending surgery scheduled. No company will accept you in this case. You could have a pre-existing condition. Each company has it's own guidelines. One company could deny, one could accept you with a rate-up or an exclusion (rider), another could accept you with no additional riders. You will receive a reason for the denial but you probably won't receive any test results. After you do, you should visit a local independent agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent knows, or can find out, which company would accept you. There is no extra charge using an agent.

is it a trend to create your own health insurance by staying healthy?

U.S.A. users only please
I hope so. Too many people have the idea that if something bad happens to their health, a doctor will save them. So, they develop bad habits and don't investigate simple healing methods. It might be a good idea to pay yourself a "premium" for every healthy month. Financial incentives are often powerful motivators.

I quit my job the day before my health insurance was to go into affect. Can I still receive COBRA?

I had already signed up for the plan, and worked more than the 3 month waiting period, but coverage was to start on the 1st of the month. I quit on 2/25 (started on 11/9), but wasn't scheduled to work again until 3/1 - the day my coverage was to start. They didn't withhold any money yet. Am I eligible for COBRA?
Probabbly not but call your HR department and ask. There is a possibly since you got your time in.

Do health insurance agencies know if you have been denied before.?

I got denied from Human about a year ago, and now I am planning on trying another one soon. Will they know I got denied before?
The application will ask if you've been denied in the past, but it will usually ask if it it was in the last year or two years. Just be truthful with your answer depending on how far back they ask. Just because you were denied in the past doesn't mean you will automatically be denied again.

health insurance that will cover a pregnant womans medical bills any suggestions? ?

I am pregnant and have no medical insurance and I have no idea where i can get some medical insurance for me and my two kids my issue is will they pay my medical bills while I am pregnant?
the best bet if you have two kids is medicaid. Apply for that and you wont have to pay hardly anything except maybe for medicine once in a while! If you don't qualify then research in to anthem blue cross they were really good when I had that insurance! Good luck!

can an employer end your health insurance policy before the end of employment?

i dont know if the rules are diffrent based on state just trying to see how it is suppose to work. asking from fl the insurance policy was ended the day prior to end of employment have had something of a grace period of between jobs mentioned if you know how this works or any where to turn for help it would be greatly aprcieated
Yes, they can. There's no "grace period" where they have to provide you with coverage. They MAY be required to offer you COBRA - where YOU pay for it, for up to 18 months.

My health insurance just dropped my birth control, how can I get them to pick it back up?

They issued a letter to me with a whole 2 weeks warning that they are no longer going to pay for my ortho evra patches. They want me to switch to pills, but I don't want to take pills because I forget to take them, and my body is used to and like the patch. Can anyone help me get them to pay for it again. Is there anything I can do??
-------------------- - try this one. My wife had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.