Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can someone explain how deductable works on health insurance?

I need to choose an insurance plan but I don't know what deductable means, or how it works. A simple explanation will help Thank you
A deductible is the amount of money you have to pay a year towards your bill before your insurance starts paying. Every insurance company is different so call them for specifics. Deductibles usually do not apply for regular doctor visits. They have a copay or coinsurance and the money you pay does not go towards the deductible. Diagnostic tests, outpatient procedures and hospitalization is where you will see deductibles. Insurance company keeps a running total for the year, meaning that once you meet the deductible you do not have to pay it again until in resets at the end of the year. If you have a $300 deductible and your medical bills are $2000 for the year, you pay the first 300 of the bill then the insurance company will pay most of the rest of the outstanding $1700. Hope that helps

Is there a website I can go to that has testimonials of people denied health insurance?

I need a few examples of people who have recently been denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition or similar circumstance, is there a website I can go to that has some?
You can try a search on ripoffreport. This country has the best healthcare system. But it is not perfect and neither is any other health care system in any other country either.

why do doctors treat you badly if you don't have health insurance?

i went to a dermatologist and she didn't seem to care about the problem i had. she didn't even prescribe me medicine for it. she let the nurse do everything and i was charged a lot of money. she acted as if she didn't have time for me but she spent time on other patients. could it be b/c i don't have health insurance and she thinks i can't afford to pay for medicine?
I don't think that the lack of insurance is the problem, In fact it is to the doctors advantage that you do not have insurance. Most doctors charge a patient more money who don't have insurance than they receive for those who do have insurance. I think that you just ran into a bad doctor, the doctor having a bad day, or a doctor who was jsut so busy that she had her nerses do most of the work. Next time choose another doctor.

Why is it that only those employed by companies, full time and the wealthy can have health insurance.?

A friend of mine works six hours a day, five days a week and of course this company does not provide health insurance for 'part time' workers. She has spent innumerable hours trying to find health insurance she can afford but her income is so limited she's been unable to secure this. She is 52 years old and does her very best to provide for herself. Are there any answers to this dilema. It seems so unfair that some can get care when they have money but the others lives seem to be rated less valuable.
Employer sponsored health care started out as a small perk about the time of WWII, and morphed into this highly inconsistent & unbelievable complex system we have. It seems profoundly illogical for our country (the US of A) to give lip service to promoting business & especially small business, then saddle the poor entrepreneur with health care expenses for the employees And if some employee is chronically ill the small business is punished de facto for carrying that person. And if a person has a chronic illness, they can't change jobs or will loose their insurance. Then if they loose their insurance, they can't get reinsured as now have a prior condition. A Pro-Business stance would be universal health care! All the other civilized countries of the world have it.

Why did my Health Insurance Premiums go from $250 a month to $950 a month under Bush?

When I have never been hospitalized and hardley ever used the Insurance.
Because Insurance companies are a huge rip off.

What would the cost of a physical exam be without health insurance?

About to start a new job and dont have medical insurance
It depends on where you live and the type of tests they want to run. It could be anywhere from $75 to $1000s. This isn't like getting your car repaired, where you can ask for an estimate, but they should give you a ball park figure. A doctors office call is one price, where as blood tests are sent out to a lab and they bill separately.

Can people with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) join a Medicare Advantage plan for 2008 health insurance?

Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans offer more value to Seniors because they usually fill insurance gaps that original Medicare has like hospital stay and physician care deductibles and copays. Can all Seniors who are eligible for Medicare in the US join a MA plan or are some conditions, specifically Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's) disease excluded?
Yes, they can. You must have Medicare parts A & B to qualify for a plan. The only health issue that will keep you from getting on a Medicare Advantage plan is End Stage Renal Disease. Open enrollment is November 15 to December 31. You'll want to visit a local independent agent that works with senior policies to find the best plan for your situation. Many MA plans will also include Part D. Prescription co-pays are one of the biggest difference in plans. There can be several thousand dollars difference in your co-pay between plans so it is imperative that you do an analysis of your medication.

if i decline health insurance at work will i be denied medicaid for my child?

my insurance at work is expensive I may end up opting out, I dont make but $10 hr and its a one hour commute, alot of gas, if I apply for medicaid will I be turned down?
To Be honest,It will take a little time to find the answer for the question of yours.have a look at the resource here for your reference .

i really need health insurance for my family but the ones that aren't astronomical sound too good to be true?

like national benefits consultants and a few others that called me saying it was around 150/mo for 80% coverage for all major medical expenses, a one-time fee of 120 to start up, and the price doesn't raise for adding my wife and child. are these red flags or is this legit? is there a website i can check insurance ratings?
Some health insurance companies, or organizations such as AARP, will compare policies for you. The most difficult obstacle is that no one can predict the future, either with respect to: 1. one's health needs, 2. policy coverage, or, 3. policy premiums. One approach is to compare policies and premiums based upon one's current needs. Note: Federal Employees Health Benefits are most probably the best, and least expensive, but it is absolutely essential to comply with all rules and regulations, because the G will go to absolutely unbelievable extremes to deny coverage. A career federal employee once wrote to the editor of newsletter saying that, regardless of the law, the federal government does what the then-president wants.

Was this all about forcing us to buy health insurance?

That's the only part of the plan that is still in effect, which makes me think it was the plan all along. I've always said the insurance companies will never allow a public option, the liberals have been duped again. When will you learn? This means 40 million new FORCED customers for the insurance companies. If you think this is going to make them lower your premiums, I've got a bridge in Alaska to sell you.
You've always said that the insurance companies wouldn't allow a public option? And how are they to stop it? Oh yeah- by getting their talking heads on Fox to rile of the fundamentalist support in a paranoid frenzy. Liberals have been duped? Wow. If the public option is gone, all that has been achieved is that the privately held insurance companies who have been screwing you and me both left and right will have one less major competitor. The middle class foots the bill again because of its own short-sightedness.

I work at a part-time job & I have no health insurance. How can I find coverage.?

I've already considered going to a private insurance company, but what else is there? P.S. Besides going full-time at my job.
Is your employer a member of your local Chamber of Commerce? Sometimes they will offer plans to employees of member companies. It's worth asking your boss! You might also try contacting regular insurance companies and ask them about individual plans for "catastrophic coverage." These aren't typical plans with doctors visits covered, but they do cover you if something really bad happens -- like (sorry, knock on wood) a bad accident, coma, terminal disease. As such, the monthly premiums are much lower than traditional health insurance coverage, and while it doesn't help you day-to-day with minor illnesses, it does buy peace of mind that if something terrible were to happen, you wouldn't have to declare bankruptcy or force your parents to sell their house or whatever. Good luck.

Are you surprised that the Republicans are siding with the health insurance companies over the citizens?

Regarding health care reform....
A cursory look at history shows that no one should be surprised. Every time the Republicans have had control of the government they have ignored health-care reform and the out-of-control cost of health care while putting our country in ever-greater debt because of spending that has yielded no returns to the public at large. Instead, they have borrowed to pay for hundreds of billions in agricultural subsidies that primarily benefit agribusinesses and at the expense of more efficient, less-polluting small farmers. They have cut taxes for people who invested their cuts not in this country but in China, India, Indonesia, etc. They have overseen polices that ensure the exportation of our industrial base. They have promoted policies that remove oversight over the kind of speculation that resulted in the half-trillion S&L crisis under Reagan and the mega-recession that has destroyed tens of millions of American lives--and still counting. They have opposed policies that would make business more competitive, instead fomenting competition-killing corporate mergers and takeovers (this is not conservatism, folks; it is corporatism). They opted to waste hundreds of billions, to say nothing of human life, in order to invade oil-rich Iraq rather than destroy al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, a costly blunder that we are now having to pay for in Afghanistan. Only Iraqi Kurds (the only real good in the Iraqi invasion) and corrupt private defense contractors (including mercenaries) have benefited from the Iraq invasion. One is hard-put to think of any Republican-backed measure that has benefited the poor and middle classes of this country, but perhaps someone can--without getting into meaningless labeling and tiresome iteration of stale platitudes. All I can think of are measures and policies that have engorged the pockets of the wealthiest one percent of people in this country at the expense of everyone else.\ ***Edit: Anyone who disagrees should show me to be wrong with valid, credible facts from sources generally recognized as nonpartisan. Otherwise, your disagreement has no validity.

Do cons like to sit in a train next to a person with TB because the illegal alien has no health insurance?

Many illegal immigrants don't have health insurane and can not afford medical care. But their health problems don't affect only themselves because theyr don't live in isolation. If you ride in a train or a subway next to a person with an open form of tuberculosis, then you will catch the disease as well. The same goes for STDs. Isn't it better to provide them with medical care?
True Story! I have infectious skin desease a couple of years ago. And I was glad to be out in the open with everybody. I swim too

Do health insurance companies record all calls?

My wife was told that our newborn would be covered by her insurance for the first 30 days of life. After securing insurance at the 30 day mark, we were told he was not covered. We were given bad information, is there any way to prove this?
No, they don't record ALL calls, and even if that call was recorded, you have no legal access to that information. Your wife SHOULD have gotten a "confirmation number" from them. Because obviously to everyone in insurance here (but NOT obvious to most CUSTOMERS), there's no "automatic coverage" unless you have welfare health insurance. If you don't add the baby to wife's policy WITHIN the first 30 days, RETROACTIVE to the date of birth, there is no coverage.

How can my dad get his health insurance knowing he's not a citizen here.?

He has a lot of blood vessels that are clotting up on his leg. He was only able to walk 1.5 blocks 2 months ago and now only for half a block. Doctors are saying they will try they will try. But they are not really doing enough to help him because he has no insurance. Why do doctors wait till till that last minute to help him when it might be too late.
Because your father isn't a CITIZEN! Christ! Get some freakin Citizenship! JESUS!

Can I claim my daughter if she is on her fathers health insurance?

she was on mine before but i have a higher deductable and my ex boyfriend (daughters father) has better insurance. But we both agreed I can claim her. Will this affect both of us when we file taxes? or insurance have no effect on taxes?
Insurance has no effect on taxes. You and the father have to agree on who takes the claim from year to year if he is paying child support.

A question to those that are selling health insurance?

I have to purchase these eye drops called Restasis, they are about 245 dollars for a monthly supply, i want to purchase a health insurance just to get those drops cheap health insurance maybe around 50 bucks, monthly? what the best plan for me, or do i have to get a higher plan? and i saw some deductables, if i were to buy priscription drugs, do i have to pay that high deductable first how does that work? deductables are like 2,000-5,000 dollars
Let's see, your drops cost you $2940/year and you're looking for health insurance for $600/year. Hmmm... If I think of a company that wants a piece of that, I'll let you know.

Does anyone have experience with Transamerica health insurance and/or Alliance health care?

I'm interested in this insurance but would like some feedback. If there are any sites out there that rate insurance companys, that would help too.
u better search google alliance is a very large company and have more than website world wide

Can an employer terminate health insurance while you're still in the hospital?

A friend of mine was in a catastrophic accident (not at fault) and has been hospitalized for 3 weeks. The company he works for knows that he is injured and believes he MAY not be able to work again. The company has told his family that they will be terminating his insurance after April. Is this legal? This seems to be discriminatory to me, but I'm not sure of the law.
The employer is obligated to follow the benefit rules of the plan. If your friend becomes ineligible under the rules of the plan, then they have to terminate his coverage. So the question is not whether, in general, a person's health insurance can be terminated while they are hospitalized. (It can.) The question is why specifically your friend's insurance is being terminated. Are they terminating his job? Are they stating that he's no longer eligible because he's not actively working the minimum number of required hours per week? These could be valid reasons for terminating a person's group health insurance benefits IF those are the eligibility requirements under the plan. If the injury was not work related and your friend has not been at work for 3 weeks/will not be returning any time soon, its possible that your friend's coverage could be canceled. He should speak with his human resources representative, if he's able to do so. (If he's unable to communicate, whomever is his legal representative should do so for him.) He or his legal representative could also check with his state's Department of Labor, if they feel that he is being wrongfully terminated. He should also find out whether he's protected under the Family Medical Leave Act (small employers are exempt from that law), and whether or not he will be eligible for COBRA continuation coverage. They could also contact an attorney to assist them.

Double up on individual health insurance?

Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?
Hi, Generally it is not a good idea to have more than one health insurance plan because only one will be your primary coverage. You need to be careful if you want secondary coverage. Many policies will not allow you to get a policy if you already have a policy. Having said that, there are supplemental plans that pay YOU instead of the doctor or hospital. They are with companies such as Aflac and are supplemental plans. They are set up so that you get a certain dollar amount for each doctors visit, emergency room visit, hospital stay, or surgery. While I represent individual insurance companies I don't generally recommend these supplemental type plans unless you go with an HSA where you don't have co payments and you have a high hospital deductible. But you get what you pay for with insurance. If you want low co payments and deductibles then your premium will be high. I would recommend getting a primary plan that is good enough and saving money to pay co payments and deductibles. I hope this helps.

Does a person on Medicaid need to continue with a secondary health insurance like Blue Cross?

I can't get a straight answer from either agency. Naturally Blue Cross wants their monthly payments to continue -- as Medicaid wants their percentage of health costs to be at a minimum. Can someone out there give me a definative answer?
Medicaid or Medicare? Where I live, you can't get Medicaid if you have insurance. Medicaid is based on income and ability to get medical care. With Medicare, secondary health insurance is really a necessity these days.

Why do we allow our governing bodies to spend so much time and effort trying to establish health insurance?

We spend very little trying to prevent bad health, actually bad health is sold. People in this country overeat, under exercise, and try to blame someone else.
I assume you mean the US. In the UK everyone pays an amount from their wages/tax according to their income to the Health Service. When they are ill or taken to hospital they are treated. There is no argument or questioning after this, it is paid for. The same service is given to all regardless of income or status, although there is a private treatment option for those that can afford it. This tends to just be to get treatment quicker for minor operations, or for cosmetic surgery etc. The same system covers dental treatment. What you should be asking is why hasn't the US had a similar system for years. - the answer is that the people who provide medical insurance in the US are making too much money from it to let it happen! .

Can my employer refuse to provide me information on our new health insurance?

I work in the medical field and recently our facility was sold to an individual who owns 6 other facilities. He had a meeting with all of the staff to "explain" our new health coverage, but will not provide us with any documentation of what it really entails. Can he really hide this information from us?
just sit tight for now since the company you work for is now owned by another company all the information will come to light right now maybe the only person might have a answer for you might be HR DEPT because its there area to know this stuff, but for now just sit tight and wait.

Does my health insurance pay for vaccinations?

I am an international student in Oz and have worldcare health cover (meant to be same as medicare). I now have to go on a placement in NSW health care places, which requires full vaccinations. Will my worldcare OSHC cover this or will i have to pay? If i have to pay how much will it be?
Please check up the terms and conditions included in the insurance policy.In some countries vaccinations are free in Govt Hospitals