And do I have the option to use it instead of Medicaid? Say I am on SSI, living with my significant other and paying half the rent/food, but either they or I want to continue paying for my private health insurance. Am I allowed to do this?
Yes, you are allowed to have a private policy like BCBS. When you have private insurance that insurance will be primary and Medicaid will be secondary, picking up what BCBS doesn't pay in most cases.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Anyone ever start or know how health insurance co-ops work?
I'm the Treasurer for an international non-profit networking organization, many of whom make their living as self-employed, or would like to be doing so. One of the biggest difficulties is affordable health insurance. Our organization is about 400 members, but there are similar organizations with whom we could partner that might bring that up to 1,000. If we had 75% participation, could we get monthly payments that "real" people can afford? (by this I mean $200-$300 for good coverage with RX, office visits, etc.) Thanks!
Likely not. The problem is, people in excellent health and under 40 can get private health insurance at about that premium, or slightly less - so the people you're going to get to join are going to have pre-existing conditions and otherwise skew the general health of the group. Plus, you're talking about them adding families, right? You CAN'T insure a family for $300 a month, you just can't. CHEAP family insurane is going to run closer to $600 a month, IF everyone is healthy. Which, I'm assuming, you guys aren't. Lastly, 1000 people isn't a very large pool; AND when you're talking about international coverages, you're talking multiple carriers, with wildly different governmental regulations, and it's REALLY going to be more hassle than it's worth from ANY agent or carrier's point of view. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.
Likely not. The problem is, people in excellent health and under 40 can get private health insurance at about that premium, or slightly less - so the people you're going to get to join are going to have pre-existing conditions and otherwise skew the general health of the group. Plus, you're talking about them adding families, right? You CAN'T insure a family for $300 a month, you just can't. CHEAP family insurane is going to run closer to $600 a month, IF everyone is healthy. Which, I'm assuming, you guys aren't. Lastly, 1000 people isn't a very large pool; AND when you're talking about international coverages, you're talking multiple carriers, with wildly different governmental regulations, and it's REALLY going to be more hassle than it's worth from ANY agent or carrier's point of view. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.
Can I sue an employer for failing to provide health insurance when I pay for it out of my paycheck?
I pay for half my health coverage as a deduction from my paycheck while my employer pays the other half. My employer was changing health insurance providers from Pacific Care to Blue Cross at the end of the year. We were supposed to be covered by Blue Cross on January 1st, but when I broke my leg on January 7th, the hospital said I was not covered by Blue Cross and I had to pay for the ER visit out of my own pocket. The ER just splinted my leg and said to see an Orthopedic specialist. It took me a week of phone calls, fighting with my employer and their insurance broker before they decided to continue with the Pacific Care coverage until February 1st so that I could finally see a doctor. In that time, my break moved from centimeters to an inch and a half and then I had to have surgery to pin it back together. My doctor said the original xrays looked like I wouldn't need surgery, but by the time I saw someone, I had to have surgery. Now I found out I have to have a second surgery.
Talk to an attorney! You could end up winning the battle but losing the war if you sue your employer. You might want to talk to your employer about which INSURANCE COMPANY you should sue. .
Talk to an attorney! You could end up winning the battle but losing the war if you sue your employer. You might want to talk to your employer about which INSURANCE COMPANY you should sue. .
Do I get Army health insurance while training?
I am going to be leaving for BOLC II (officer training) later this week and I go off my parents insurance later this month. I was wondering if I would receive active duty health insurance while I am in training status.
If you are on active status, you are covered. If you are a Reserve Officer, you are only covered while you are on active military duty. Good luck at BOLC--my son starts his in January!
If you are on active status, you are covered. If you are a Reserve Officer, you are only covered while you are on active military duty. Good luck at BOLC--my son starts his in January!
Best health insurance if I just want it for 6 months to get on Accutane?
I have crappy insurance right now only because I never get sick but I want to get on accutane for my acne because I am on an antibiotic right now and its juts not working, what is the best health insurance provider i can be on just for this occasion wwhere i wont have to pay too much out of pocket?
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
What problems can be proved in order for you health insurance to cover a breast reduction?
do many health insurances even cover that? what if its causing slouching and discomfort in your back, is that valid in any way?
Insurance will cover it. It depends on how picky your insurance company is. Some want you to lose weight or see the doctor so many times or see a chiropractor. My insurance company did not need any of that.
Insurance will cover it. It depends on how picky your insurance company is. Some want you to lose weight or see the doctor so many times or see a chiropractor. My insurance company did not need any of that.
Will this count as a pre-exisiting condition if I sign up for health insurance?
Hi all, I was hit in the head with a rock about 2 years ago... Since then, I have had pain and light sensitivity in both eyes. When I went to the doctor, he couldn't figure out what was causing the pain... My health insurance has since ran out... I am now at a new job... Can I sign up for health insurance to get this looked at? Or is it considered a pre-existing condition, even though I never had it diagnosed?
I'm surprised no agents mentioned that there may be a 12 month pre-ex on group if there isn't any existing or recent coverage. A lack of diagnosis doesn't change anything. Don't try to get away with anything. You had insurance at the time so there are records.
I'm surprised no agents mentioned that there may be a 12 month pre-ex on group if there isn't any existing or recent coverage. A lack of diagnosis doesn't change anything. Don't try to get away with anything. You had insurance at the time so there are records.
Should employers offer their employees discounts on health insurance who promote a healthy life style?
Some employers are offering discounts to employees who promote a healthy lifestyle, like no smoking, maintaining a healthy body weight and exercise, in order to control the cost of health insurance. Is this type of cost controlling incentive a good thing or bad?
Legally, they cannot discount INSURANCE rates. That's rebating. They CAN choose to pay certain employees extra - however, that could end up costing them a LOT more, due to discrimination laws. Is it good to control the cost of health insurance? Yes. Is it bad in our extremely litigous society, to practice such discrimantory behaviors? Yes. Bottom line - it's going to cost the company more.
Legally, they cannot discount INSURANCE rates. That's rebating. They CAN choose to pay certain employees extra - however, that could end up costing them a LOT more, due to discrimination laws. Is it good to control the cost of health insurance? Yes. Is it bad in our extremely litigous society, to practice such discrimantory behaviors? Yes. Bottom line - it's going to cost the company more.
Do you think people who pay for health insurance should still be made to contribute to the NHS?
Just wondering your thoughts really. A few friends where "debating" about this the other day and some said those who pay for there health insurance and get treated privately shouldn't be forced to contribute towards the NHS through there taxes etc. Also can you explain your reason why you think they should or shouldn't?
If you're not in the UK, you shouldn't have to pay in to the NHS. Government run health insurance is already paid for by EVERYONE who pays taxes. It's kinda like public school/private school. Those who can afford to pay twice, get better service. Those who can't afford to pay twice, get the lower standard.
If you're not in the UK, you shouldn't have to pay in to the NHS. Government run health insurance is already paid for by EVERYONE who pays taxes. It's kinda like public school/private school. Those who can afford to pay twice, get better service. Those who can't afford to pay twice, get the lower standard.
How can a 62 year-old woman who is in the states on a Greencard go about get health insurance.?
She cannot get health insurance through her employer. She can pay for it, but is not sure which company/plan would make the most sense. She is in the state of Georgia. Thanks for any info.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Can anyone tell me where I can get individual health insurance from?
I am a 25 year old with no health insurance. I have been a temp at my job for 10 months. Therefore, they do not offer health insurance to me because I am not permanent. I was kicked off of my parents insurance due to my age. I live in Georgia and you are only eligible for medicaid if you are pregnant or an elderly disabled person. Please help me. I am trying to find some good health insurance so that i can go to the diabetes doctor. I am in desperate need.
Anthem, aetna, medical mutual to name a few but I don't know if all are available in your area.
Anthem, aetna, medical mutual to name a few but I don't know if all are available in your area.
Canadian Health Insurance; Medicare or Private and which private companies are best?
Right now I am on my father's work insurance plan. I turn 21 in January and will no longer be insured under his plan. I work full-time, am not a student right now, am a non-smoker, but my problem is that I've been diagnosed with depression and a slew of other mental health problems, so I take a lot of prescription medication. I also have scoliosis and see a chiropractor on a regular basis. I called up Manulife insurance, which used to be my insurer a few years back, and I was basically told that I would be refused under their FlexCare policy because of my depression. I would probably be accepted under their FollowMe plan. My question is; Would I be better off getting my own plan with a private company, or should I just stick with regular MediCare? Will they cover my drugs? If I should go with private, which companies are best? Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, our government health care plan does not cover drugs. Note that the Canada Health Act does NOT cover drugs. Although, some provinces may offer some assistance for some people in various socio-economic groups. The two most common carriers I quote for clients tend to be Manulife Financial and Desjardins Financial. I find both of them flexible in underwriting depending on the situation. Work with an Advisor in your city/town, and see what he/she can do. Personally, I find that if I speak with the carrier's marketing/underwriting consultant before I submit the application, I am better able to position a case to the carrier for a more favourable decision for my client. Its likely there could be some exclusions added to the contract, but it doesn't hurt to apply to find out.
Unfortunately, our government health care plan does not cover drugs. Note that the Canada Health Act does NOT cover drugs. Although, some provinces may offer some assistance for some people in various socio-economic groups. The two most common carriers I quote for clients tend to be Manulife Financial and Desjardins Financial. I find both of them flexible in underwriting depending on the situation. Work with an Advisor in your city/town, and see what he/she can do. Personally, I find that if I speak with the carrier's marketing/underwriting consultant before I submit the application, I am better able to position a case to the carrier for a more favourable decision for my client. Its likely there could be some exclusions added to the contract, but it doesn't hurt to apply to find out.
How can i get health insurance when my job doesn't provide it?
I love my job, but they don't provide health insurance. What kind of insurance is available for me?
Go ask your auto or house agent for a quote for a private health insurance policy. If they can't do it, ask them for a referral to someone who can.
Go ask your auto or house agent for a quote for a private health insurance policy. If they can't do it, ask them for a referral to someone who can.
Would Hillary Clinton health care insurance plan be like the law for car insurance?
The law for car insurance says: "everybody who has a car has to buy private insurance for that car". Would the law for health insurance be similar if Hillary Clinton is elected president: "everybody who has a body has to buy private heath insurance for that body". Will it be like that or have I misunderstood her plan? Please explain it to me.
I think you have it exactly right. At the college my friend attends, you have to buy their student insurance, about 300 dollars per semester, no matter what. It's a racket.
I think you have it exactly right. At the college my friend attends, you have to buy their student insurance, about 300 dollars per semester, no matter what. It's a racket.
Which health insurance companies in colorado pay for ABA therapies?
Does anyone know which insurance companies pay for autism treament called ABA (applied behavior analysis) in colorado? My daughter recentally has medicaid, but it does not pay for ABA which I have had to pay out of pocket and has been improving her progress wonderfullally. But I just cannot afford it anymore as though it is $30.00 an hour and $150.00 an hour to over see it. So, does anyone know a list of health insurance companies that cover ABA in colorado? Thanks so much for any help!!
why isn't early intervention or the school providing it? how does she have medicaid if you had the money to pay for it? that would imply you weren't financuially eleigible for SSI..or most medicaid programs.... does colorado have a special medicaid program? in my state there is a waiver but only for kids with major physical conditions requiring a lot of medical/physical life sustaining care... IDEA requires schools to provide an APPROPRIATE education-----if your child needs ABA for an appropriate education teh school needs to provide it (age 3-21)...if they refuse you can consider hiring a lawyer--when the school loses they pay the lawyer for you
why isn't early intervention or the school providing it? how does she have medicaid if you had the money to pay for it? that would imply you weren't financuially eleigible for SSI..or most medicaid programs.... does colorado have a special medicaid program? in my state there is a waiver but only for kids with major physical conditions requiring a lot of medical/physical life sustaining care... IDEA requires schools to provide an APPROPRIATE education-----if your child needs ABA for an appropriate education teh school needs to provide it (age 3-21)...if they refuse you can consider hiring a lawyer--when the school loses they pay the lawyer for you
Cancer Victims that do not have health insurance in CA. What can i Do?
My mother inlaw has cancer in her stomach and has now spread to her liver and hip bone:( but does not have good health insurance. She has no income. Please let me know if there are any programs we can look into to help her. THank you!
You may want to look at these sites: PATIENT ADVOCATE HRSA--Health Resources & Services Administration Federally funded health center. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Listing of Free Clinics: Check with the social security office in your area about having her sign up for Social security disability, SSIncome, Medicare, or Medicaid. You may want to try and contact the Area of the AGing ...they help people who are elderly, but many times will help those who are disabled or offer ideas of where you may get more help. If she wants to stay at home and the doctor believes she might not live pass 6 months...he can sign a form for her to have end of life care known as Hospice. If she gets better, then they will remove her from hospice till she may need it again. Some hospitals are paid by the government to accept patients who are not able to pay. You have to talk with them about this before anything is see if they do have this. I hope this information has been of some help. Best wishes to you.
You may want to look at these sites: PATIENT ADVOCATE HRSA--Health Resources & Services Administration Federally funded health center. You pay what you can afford, based on your income. Listing of Free Clinics: Check with the social security office in your area about having her sign up for Social security disability, SSIncome, Medicare, or Medicaid. You may want to try and contact the Area of the AGing ...they help people who are elderly, but many times will help those who are disabled or offer ideas of where you may get more help. If she wants to stay at home and the doctor believes she might not live pass 6 months...he can sign a form for her to have end of life care known as Hospice. If she gets better, then they will remove her from hospice till she may need it again. Some hospitals are paid by the government to accept patients who are not able to pay. You have to talk with them about this before anything is see if they do have this. I hope this information has been of some help. Best wishes to you.
is there anyway to get health insurance in Massachusetts even after being denied mass health almost 5x?
my friend is unemployed and yet has hospital bills to pay. mass health has denied him coverage almost 5x... its the state law to have health insurance other wise it is a 2,000 dollar fine. is there anything that can be done to get him approved (if so what) or is this a loss cause?
Yes. Apply for health insurance from somewhere else. Do not keep applying to the place that has already denied him. Apply to a company that has not denied him.
Yes. Apply for health insurance from somewhere else. Do not keep applying to the place that has already denied him. Apply to a company that has not denied him.
Which is the more important between health and life insurance?
Health insurance in India is a sector that is just taking off. The people are still learning about the benefits and life insurance is well know in India. Which is more important and why?
Health insurance. Once your dead - it doesn't really matter about insurance. While you are alive you will have need for health care.
Health insurance. Once your dead - it doesn't really matter about insurance. While you are alive you will have need for health care.
Why don't Government Representatives Have the Same Health Insurance We Do?
Since our government officials represent us, doesn't it make sense that they have the same health insurance we do, and like now for most people, that would be none? And for others who do, they'd be paying the high premiums like we do, high deductibles, etc. Please, no snarky comments from the snarky ones. Just serious answers, not ugly. Thanks.
They sort of do. The new health insurance exchange system is modeled after what congress uses. They don't all have the same health insurance. Congress provides them a voucher to pick which health insurance package they want, and the cost is covered by tax payer dollars. If you have health insurance right now, probably nothing will change, except the cost might go up, or if your employer decides to reduce your coverage, you may be eligible to opt out and use the exchange system with a voucher from your employer covering the amount he was willing to pay from your original plan.
They sort of do. The new health insurance exchange system is modeled after what congress uses. They don't all have the same health insurance. Congress provides them a voucher to pick which health insurance package they want, and the cost is covered by tax payer dollars. If you have health insurance right now, probably nothing will change, except the cost might go up, or if your employer decides to reduce your coverage, you may be eligible to opt out and use the exchange system with a voucher from your employer covering the amount he was willing to pay from your original plan.
Conservatives high health insurance premiums subsidize no-low income now; is this socialized medicine?
Private health care already pays for no & low income people. No hospital can and many simply will not turn away the needy based on law and humanitarian reasons. Hospitals charge insurance companies of paying patients higher than they would to cover these costs. Right or wrong, this is a reason to support a form of socialized medicine. Do you have any suggestions to rectify this problem?
There is an appalling lack of understanding of what is "socialized" medicine, and what is in fact a "single payer" system. "Socialized" medicine, by definition, is government owned and controlled health care facilities, run by doctors and health care providers who are paid directly by the government. This is not what Obama is proposing, and exists in countries like Cuba and China, but rarely in Western democracies. What is being proposed is a "single payer" system, which is an alternative insurance policy that is administered by the government and subsidized by the taxpayer. This already exists in the U.S. via Medicare, Medicaid and the federal plan already offered to U.S. federal employees. There are A LOT of proposals out there on both sides. The best solution comes by not injecting hyperbolic language into the discussion. Currently, what is being hashed out in Congress is expanding Medicare/federal health insurance, and/or having non-profit insurance, and/or co-op insurance, in tandem with some serious cost reduction proposals (tort reform, improving health IT, etc). But SOCIALIZED MEDICINE is not, by definition, being proposed or on the table.
There is an appalling lack of understanding of what is "socialized" medicine, and what is in fact a "single payer" system. "Socialized" medicine, by definition, is government owned and controlled health care facilities, run by doctors and health care providers who are paid directly by the government. This is not what Obama is proposing, and exists in countries like Cuba and China, but rarely in Western democracies. What is being proposed is a "single payer" system, which is an alternative insurance policy that is administered by the government and subsidized by the taxpayer. This already exists in the U.S. via Medicare, Medicaid and the federal plan already offered to U.S. federal employees. There are A LOT of proposals out there on both sides. The best solution comes by not injecting hyperbolic language into the discussion. Currently, what is being hashed out in Congress is expanding Medicare/federal health insurance, and/or having non-profit insurance, and/or co-op insurance, in tandem with some serious cost reduction proposals (tort reform, improving health IT, etc). But SOCIALIZED MEDICINE is not, by definition, being proposed or on the table.
When you travel abroad (Europe, S America), do you use your US health insurance if you need medical care?
I am planning two trips for later this year and I am wondering how health care works when in a European countyry or S. America. Does my US health insurance mean anything there or work there? Do I buy temporary insurance in the country where I am?
Health care throughout the world varies tremendously as do individual insurance plans. Traditional Medicare, for example, doesn't do diddly for you outside the States BUT if you had an HMO, PPO, or PFFS Medicare Advantage plan you MIGHT be covered, so you MUST contact your insurer and see what, if anything, including emergency care, is covered. Here is one of MANY sites that can give you other good ideas: I assume you already have your passport--if not, do it now. You should make sure your vaccinations are in order. Look at the consular advisory sheets and if anything is required, get it done; recommended ask your doctor. Make sure to type up a good summary of your medical history: date of birth meds you're on allergies known conditions prior surgeries/hospitalizations all your doctor's contact info for primary care and any important specialists pharmacy contact info could be useful as well Make sure you have enough meds of any sort you need to take and take them in their original bottles as you never know what Customs anywhere will be like. Be smart to have another prescription written--probably won't honor it in another country BUT I think it would cut some ice with a local doctor. IF you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, I'd recommend wearing something like a MedicAlert bracelet/necklace--again even if not "recognized" fully it should attract attention and speed things up for you. Good luck.
Health care throughout the world varies tremendously as do individual insurance plans. Traditional Medicare, for example, doesn't do diddly for you outside the States BUT if you had an HMO, PPO, or PFFS Medicare Advantage plan you MIGHT be covered, so you MUST contact your insurer and see what, if anything, including emergency care, is covered. Here is one of MANY sites that can give you other good ideas: I assume you already have your passport--if not, do it now. You should make sure your vaccinations are in order. Look at the consular advisory sheets and if anything is required, get it done; recommended ask your doctor. Make sure to type up a good summary of your medical history: date of birth meds you're on allergies known conditions prior surgeries/hospitalizations all your doctor's contact info for primary care and any important specialists pharmacy contact info could be useful as well Make sure you have enough meds of any sort you need to take and take them in their original bottles as you never know what Customs anywhere will be like. Be smart to have another prescription written--probably won't honor it in another country BUT I think it would cut some ice with a local doctor. IF you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, I'd recommend wearing something like a MedicAlert bracelet/necklace--again even if not "recognized" fully it should attract attention and speed things up for you. Good luck.
how to pick the best health insurance?
I'm trying to find a good health insurance for my husband, I researched and read a lot. But cant decide what will the best fit. Its all just so confusing. I understand the co-pay and the monthly payment, but the Deductible and Coinsurance stuff i don't get.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
Well, car insurance is NOT mandatory in WI or NH, and health insurance IS mandatory, in MA. You need to buy insurance to plan for emergencies like that.
Well, car insurance is NOT mandatory in WI or NH, and health insurance IS mandatory, in MA. You need to buy insurance to plan for emergencies like that.
I just switched health insurance and my new card doesn't have a BIN number?
I just switched over health insurance and the pharmacist asked for the BIN number on my card. I know the BIN number is used to bill the insurance company for prescriptions. My new card doesnt have a BIN number on it -- does that mean my insurance doesnt cover prescriptions?
Just tell the pharmacist the info on your card - they'll be able to figure it out. Also, contact your benefits department to see if you are covered for prescriptions.
Just tell the pharmacist the info on your card - they'll be able to figure it out. Also, contact your benefits department to see if you are covered for prescriptions.
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