You are not forced to buy car insurance if you don't have a car. You have the right to not own a car. So why can't we have the right to not have health insurance??
We can and do; NO ONE has said that you MUST have health insurance. The point of "ObamaCare" was that, if people couldn't afford health insurance through the private sector, they COULD through the government. Edit: Giachetta pointed something out to me via private message, and I agree with her on it - if people choose NOT to have health care, they should NOT be fined for making said choice. That, I think, is just folly.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
how much does it cost to visit ER without health insurance ?
Just wondering since I visited a hospital's ER couple weeks ago . Have not received any bills yet , I'm 26 yrs old , have a health insurance from blue shield california but the plan has almost $2000 copayment that I have to pay before I can take any benefit ... I visited the ER , did a X-ray , talked to a ER physician ... and that's about it . anyone knows how much I might have to pay for the visit ?
I'm wondering - was this a true emergency? Did it require an ER visit, with all the extra expense? Could you have gotten the same treatment by seeing your regular doctor at his office? You don't say what the x-ray was for. Broken bone? We have Blue Shield, and our ER copay is $100 to just walk in the door. The doctor's office copay is $20. Other posters are right - Blue Shield has an "allowable charge" they say the service if worth (usually about half the original charge), then they pay part of that. Wait for all their paperwork to go through, then the hospital will bill you for the amount you owe. You probably also have a yearly deductible, which you might have to meet before they will pay anything. Check your policy to see where to go online to see your own personal account. We don't use the ER unless it's absolutely necessary.
I'm wondering - was this a true emergency? Did it require an ER visit, with all the extra expense? Could you have gotten the same treatment by seeing your regular doctor at his office? You don't say what the x-ray was for. Broken bone? We have Blue Shield, and our ER copay is $100 to just walk in the door. The doctor's office copay is $20. Other posters are right - Blue Shield has an "allowable charge" they say the service if worth (usually about half the original charge), then they pay part of that. Wait for all their paperwork to go through, then the hospital will bill you for the amount you owe. You probably also have a yearly deductible, which you might have to meet before they will pay anything. Check your policy to see where to go online to see your own personal account. We don't use the ER unless it's absolutely necessary.
Is it your own fault if you are in the USA and have no health insurance?
I am in the UK, and the impression I get is that many people in the USA blame the 46 million or so people in the USA who have no insurance for not having any. Is it your own fault if you have no health insurance?
If my husband loses his job - possible in this economy, we will need to get insurance on our own. I have had minor elevated cholesterol controlled with diet and exercise, sciatica for about 3 months, a consequence of hours on my feet at my job and an active life, and a clinical depression treated for about a year after the death of 4 relatives, a move, and job change. My husband had moderately high fasting blood sugar level, and one test several years ago that showed high triglycerides, both controlled with diet and exercise. If I wanted to get insurance, I probably could, but I would have to pay an exorbitant price that would be beyond the reach of many people with a similar health history. Also, the depression, any illness related to the blood disorders, and any back problems would probably be excluded - in other words, the things that might make me sick would not be covered, even though I was making monthly payments for coverage. My sister is 59. She just had surgery. Who do you think will offer her reasonable and affordable insurance? Many people with prior health problems have access to health care only through some state run program for the "uninsurable," and then at a very high cost. Is it their own fault? Sometimes, but not always. Some people really do have bad luck. I inherited my father's cholesterol levels. That isn't something I can control beyond care and attention to diet and exercise. Added as an edit - Juniper, you would not be left to rot. Since your condition disables you, you would get medical care through a government program called Medicade. It is the working poor, like the girl with the Minimum wage job, who gets caught without the means to buy insurance. It's rotten, of course...she makes too much to qualify for health care, but not enough to afford her own coverage.
If my husband loses his job - possible in this economy, we will need to get insurance on our own. I have had minor elevated cholesterol controlled with diet and exercise, sciatica for about 3 months, a consequence of hours on my feet at my job and an active life, and a clinical depression treated for about a year after the death of 4 relatives, a move, and job change. My husband had moderately high fasting blood sugar level, and one test several years ago that showed high triglycerides, both controlled with diet and exercise. If I wanted to get insurance, I probably could, but I would have to pay an exorbitant price that would be beyond the reach of many people with a similar health history. Also, the depression, any illness related to the blood disorders, and any back problems would probably be excluded - in other words, the things that might make me sick would not be covered, even though I was making monthly payments for coverage. My sister is 59. She just had surgery. Who do you think will offer her reasonable and affordable insurance? Many people with prior health problems have access to health care only through some state run program for the "uninsurable," and then at a very high cost. Is it their own fault? Sometimes, but not always. Some people really do have bad luck. I inherited my father's cholesterol levels. That isn't something I can control beyond care and attention to diet and exercise. Added as an edit - Juniper, you would not be left to rot. Since your condition disables you, you would get medical care through a government program called Medicade. It is the working poor, like the girl with the Minimum wage job, who gets caught without the means to buy insurance. It's rotten, of course...she makes too much to qualify for health care, but not enough to afford her own coverage.
Is the pill covered by health insurance?
I need to get a prescription to the birth control pill without my parents finding out. I understand its about $30 a month. Is this covered by health insurance, or do I just pay $30 each month when I go to refill my prescription? Will my parents know if they are paying for it?
Not sure about all insurance's but mine did not cover it. However when anything is billed I recieve a billing statement to show what was trying to be billed. In this case, I would assume your parents would get a billing statement whether or not it is covered if they try to bill, or if you go to the doctor. You may be able to get some trial packs from your doctor or a free clinic, but that would not be permanent.
Not sure about all insurance's but mine did not cover it. However when anything is billed I recieve a billing statement to show what was trying to be billed. In this case, I would assume your parents would get a billing statement whether or not it is covered if they try to bill, or if you go to the doctor. You may be able to get some trial packs from your doctor or a free clinic, but that would not be permanent.
where can I find the best health insurance for the whole family.?
I want to get health insurance for my whole family, without going broke. My employer offers insurance but I don't like the provider. I want to be able to pay, out of my own pocket. Help anybody.
There are hundreds of policies available. You'll want to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the market in your area and can find the best policy for your situation and budget. The plans are exactly the same whether you use an agent or buy directly from an insurance company. Do not try to do this over the internet. It'll take you several days to intelligently compare all the plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy or cause you to be declined or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process.
There are hundreds of policies available. You'll want to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the market in your area and can find the best policy for your situation and budget. The plans are exactly the same whether you use an agent or buy directly from an insurance company. Do not try to do this over the internet. It'll take you several days to intelligently compare all the plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy or cause you to be declined or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process.
what is the best Health Insurance in vancouver ?
What is the best Health Insurance in vancouver? I'm an international student planning to stay here in vancouver for the next 5 years. just want to know from people who live here and from there experience what is the best Health Insurance? thank you guys for help :) cheers
Pacific Blue Cross is a well-known private plan. If you're going to be here that long, you should see if you qualify for British Columbia Medical Services Plan. It will cover most medical stuff far more cheaply than any other plan but doesn't cover any dental. Their website says that holders of study and work permits might qualify but you'll have to email them or phone them(not recommended, always a long wait on the phone) to find out.
Pacific Blue Cross is a well-known private plan. If you're going to be here that long, you should see if you qualify for British Columbia Medical Services Plan. It will cover most medical stuff far more cheaply than any other plan but doesn't cover any dental. Their website says that holders of study and work permits might qualify but you'll have to email them or phone them(not recommended, always a long wait on the phone) to find out.
I'm employed by a company but have to pay for my own life and health insurance. Can I deduct the premiums?
Hi, I work for a company that pays me fringe benefits in my check. What this means is that I have to pay for my own life and Health insurance. Can I deduct the premiums when I file my taxes? Thanks in advance for any help.
Yes, you may deduct the costs you pay for health insurance given that your total yearly expenses are greater than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. (so if your AGI is $50,000 you must subtract $3,750 from your total medical expenses. Anything you pay over this amount may be deducted. If your total expenses are under 7.5% of your AGI, sadly you may not claim the deduction.) However I suggest you set up a health savings account. They work much like an IRA, in that any funds you put into it are before tax. Any funds withdrawn to pay for medical expenses are not taxed. The funds you put in are investable and may earn you interest that is also tax free, given that it is used on medical expenses. If you withdraw funds before age 65 not for health expenses there is a 10% penalty plus regular taxes (after 65% it would be taxed but no penality). So you may want to put in only a little more than what you anticipate your annual health expenses will be. To qualify you also need to be in a high deductable health plan ($1,050 deductable for individual/ $2,100 for families) that also has an out of pocket expense cap of no greater than $5,250 indiv. ( $10,500 fam.) Not be eligable for medicare and not covered by any other health plan that is not a HDHP The good thing about a HDHP is that you premiums will be lower than a plan with a low deductable. If a HDHP does not appeal to you, there is another option to save your max tax dollars. As long as you or your spouse are both NOT eligible to participate in a employer health plan, 100% percent of your expenses paid for health insurance are tax deductable if you are also self employed. However your deduction may not exceed the amount of income you generate from the self employment. Life insurance is not a deductable item. If you are self employed you may be able to deduct the cost of life insurance. You would need to actually start your own company (even a sole proprietorship). If the beneficiary on the plan is someone other than the tax payer (so a child perhaps. your spouse would not qualify if you file jointly) the cost is 100% deductable. Keep in mind, all expense deductions can not be greater than the amount generated by the business. Thats a lot of work. I would just urge your employer to set up a group term life plan for employees. You would get the tax free fringe benefit, and they still get the tax deduction. It's silly for them not to not offer it. Note: This information is all the options available to the asker of the question based on the info given that he has to buy his own insurance, and it is not available through his work. Answers above that mention his work deducting pay to go to a health plan do not apply, as he does not have this option.
Yes, you may deduct the costs you pay for health insurance given that your total yearly expenses are greater than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. (so if your AGI is $50,000 you must subtract $3,750 from your total medical expenses. Anything you pay over this amount may be deducted. If your total expenses are under 7.5% of your AGI, sadly you may not claim the deduction.) However I suggest you set up a health savings account. They work much like an IRA, in that any funds you put into it are before tax. Any funds withdrawn to pay for medical expenses are not taxed. The funds you put in are investable and may earn you interest that is also tax free, given that it is used on medical expenses. If you withdraw funds before age 65 not for health expenses there is a 10% penalty plus regular taxes (after 65% it would be taxed but no penality). So you may want to put in only a little more than what you anticipate your annual health expenses will be. To qualify you also need to be in a high deductable health plan ($1,050 deductable for individual/ $2,100 for families) that also has an out of pocket expense cap of no greater than $5,250 indiv. ( $10,500 fam.) Not be eligable for medicare and not covered by any other health plan that is not a HDHP The good thing about a HDHP is that you premiums will be lower than a plan with a low deductable. If a HDHP does not appeal to you, there is another option to save your max tax dollars. As long as you or your spouse are both NOT eligible to participate in a employer health plan, 100% percent of your expenses paid for health insurance are tax deductable if you are also self employed. However your deduction may not exceed the amount of income you generate from the self employment. Life insurance is not a deductable item. If you are self employed you may be able to deduct the cost of life insurance. You would need to actually start your own company (even a sole proprietorship). If the beneficiary on the plan is someone other than the tax payer (so a child perhaps. your spouse would not qualify if you file jointly) the cost is 100% deductable. Keep in mind, all expense deductions can not be greater than the amount generated by the business. Thats a lot of work. I would just urge your employer to set up a group term life plan for employees. You would get the tax free fringe benefit, and they still get the tax deduction. It's silly for them not to not offer it. Note: This information is all the options available to the asker of the question based on the info given that he has to buy his own insurance, and it is not available through his work. Answers above that mention his work deducting pay to go to a health plan do not apply, as he does not have this option.
Can I go back on my parents health insurance?
I was cut off of my parents health insurance when I turned 19 last month because I decided to take some time off before going to college. When I go back to college, will I be able to go back on my parents insurance? Also, with the new healthcare bill, will I be back on my parents insurance anyway once it goes into effect?
That portion of the bill goes into effect for plan years beginning 9/23/10. You'll be able to go back on your parents' health insurance when open enrollment occurs after that date, whether or not you are in college.
That portion of the bill goes into effect for plan years beginning 9/23/10. You'll be able to go back on your parents' health insurance when open enrollment occurs after that date, whether or not you are in college.
Any Health insurance agents out there in Maryland?
Let me start by telling you that my wife and I are currently covered with Carefirst Bluechoice. We are 28 years of age. I purchased this health insurance due to not having any benefits through my employer. We pay $376 mthly and I also have a pre-existing condition (narcolepsy) in which I take medication for. (generic adderall)... However, Im not to happy with the premium, is there any other type of coverage out there that would give me a lower premium and possibly a low deductible.. I know its either or but I would prefer the lower premium if any. Any suggestions or helpful advice would be much appreciated!
Well actually you can have it both way, low cost and low premium: combine a higher deductible insurance of the type you have now with My Simple Card for the first dollar coverage. You will get similar coverage (what is your deductible now btw?) for about $100-$150 less premium per month. You save to $2,000 a year.
Well actually you can have it both way, low cost and low premium: combine a higher deductible insurance of the type you have now with My Simple Card for the first dollar coverage. You will get similar coverage (what is your deductible now btw?) for about $100-$150 less premium per month. You save to $2,000 a year.
Can an employer renegade on promised health insurance?
My employer pomised me health insurance (that is the only reason I accepted this lousy job) and after three months (when I am suppose to become eligible) She is denying me coverage "due to unforseen expenses", do I have any recourse? I am very aware that employers do not have to provide health insurance, but me accepting this job was only contingent upon that fact.
do you have a contract? do you have a signed offer that shows you accepted contingent on health coverage? YES the employer can change their policy on fringe benefits, your recourse is accept this, quit or prove that you are being denied benefits contrary to the employers policy based "solely" on your being part of a protected group. EDIT: do realize an "offer" even in writing is not binding and is only an offer but..... having this may help if you had no other option but to quit and you were trying to qualify for unemployment insurance. (a significant change in employment conditions is considered cause to quit a job in most states)
do you have a contract? do you have a signed offer that shows you accepted contingent on health coverage? YES the employer can change their policy on fringe benefits, your recourse is accept this, quit or prove that you are being denied benefits contrary to the employers policy based "solely" on your being part of a protected group. EDIT: do realize an "offer" even in writing is not binding and is only an offer but..... having this may help if you had no other option but to quit and you were trying to qualify for unemployment insurance. (a significant change in employment conditions is considered cause to quit a job in most states)
What questions do health insurers ask when you apply for health insurance?
What questions do health insurers ask when you apply for health insurance
The health questionnaires are pretty standard, running to as much as 3 or 4 pages. Most insurance companies then contact your GP to confirm that you have given an accurate and complete history. Many policies, depending on your age, your answers and the value of the policy also require a full medical as well.
The health questionnaires are pretty standard, running to as much as 3 or 4 pages. Most insurance companies then contact your GP to confirm that you have given an accurate and complete history. Many policies, depending on your age, your answers and the value of the policy also require a full medical as well.
Best and least expensive health insurance in NY?
Hi, I'm single, 31 and relatively healthy. I need to start accutane. I just moved to NY and was wondering if anyone knows of a good health insurance that has a drug plan in which the costs aren't too high? Thanks in advance!
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
Travel Health Insurance. Can you recommend a company that will payout quickly without hassle's?
My kids are travelling from Australia to Hawaii, can anyone recommend a travel health insurance company that will take good care of them without any hassel's if something happens to them.
I found interesting information about your answer here.
I found interesting information about your answer here.
Can I opt out of an employer's health insurance coverage if they stop paying their share of it?
In January, my employer is making me pay for 100% of my health insurance. They also dropped vision and dental. I am one of the only young people in the firm, and I don't want to be forced to pay a higher premium for reduced coverage. I quoted the most comprehensive plan I could find for me as an individual (including vision/dental), and it's $200 less a month. Can I drop the firm's insurance and just get my own?
You have to opt out of it during open enrollment. As long as it's open enrollment, yes, you can drop out.
You have to opt out of it during open enrollment. As long as it's open enrollment, yes, you can drop out.
Do you have to move to another state first in order to get that state's health insurance?
I am trying to move to Georgia in a few months from NYC with my grandmother and I want to know if I should get the insurance first the go or do I have to live there for a certain amount of time and then get it? Also, how do I go about getting health insurance for Georgia? Any suggestions?
You cannot buy a GA policy without a GA address. You probably need to talk to a local broker, in GA, to get good GA options.
You cannot buy a GA policy without a GA address. You probably need to talk to a local broker, in GA, to get good GA options.
can a us citizen working in canada purchase canadian health insurance?
I am a software developer that can live anywhere but can no longer afford US health insurance. I am wondering if I could live in Canada and purchase insurance there at a lower cost.
you have to qualify to become a permanent resident (not easy),you must be qualified in an occupation Canada needs,pass the medical and character check and it can take1-2 years to immigrate
you have to qualify to become a permanent resident (not easy),you must be qualified in an occupation Canada needs,pass the medical and character check and it can take1-2 years to immigrate
Is it a good idea to try to have a baby without any health insurance?
My husband and I are wanting to have a baby and neither one of us have health insurance. My mother is worried because she is afraid that we will go in debt if we try to have a baby now without any type of insurance. I really think that her worrying has been preventing us from getting pregnant. Is there something that I can tell her, and myself, to reasure her that it's okay, that there are other options out there?
Many people think they can manage it without insurance. But what if you have a complicated pregnancy that results in your being on hospitalized bed rest for 3 months? Can you afford to take that risk of incurring upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital costs? If insurance is available to you, get it. If not, look into getting maternal medicaid through your local county human services department.
Many people think they can manage it without insurance. But what if you have a complicated pregnancy that results in your being on hospitalized bed rest for 3 months? Can you afford to take that risk of incurring upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital costs? If insurance is available to you, get it. If not, look into getting maternal medicaid through your local county human services department.
Can I deduct my health insurance premium on my personal tax return?
I don't have a benefits package where I work so I pay for my health insurance out of pocket $200 a month. Can I deduct it on my personal tax return? I haven't in the past but I never questioned my tax preparer about it and he or she never asked
The 2 above posters are correct about being able to deduct your premiums as an itemized deduction subject to the 7.5% AGI limitiation. However, you may be able to deduct 100% of your health insurance premiums IF you have any self employed income to show for the tax year. IF you do have self employed net income then you can take an above the line tax deduction for 100% of you and your family's health insurance premiums (but you can't use the deduction to give yourself a loss for your schedule C or wherever else you are putting your SE income).
The 2 above posters are correct about being able to deduct your premiums as an itemized deduction subject to the 7.5% AGI limitiation. However, you may be able to deduct 100% of your health insurance premiums IF you have any self employed income to show for the tax year. IF you do have self employed net income then you can take an above the line tax deduction for 100% of you and your family's health insurance premiums (but you can't use the deduction to give yourself a loss for your schedule C or wherever else you are putting your SE income).
How Do I Get Health Insurance?
I'm thinking of leaving my job to go freelance in California. I have no idea where to even start to look for a private health insurance plan. I have a preexisting condition, so I'd probably be turned down for most regular plans. Should I look for an independent broker? I've looked online and it's impossible to find one. Does anyone know SPECIFICALLY where to go and what to do?
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please try this help!
Is there any reasonable rates for individual health insurance?
Any one know of health insurance that is resonable?
Try this site, if you want to find your best or cheapest health insurance rates just in few minutes, Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,
Try this site, if you want to find your best or cheapest health insurance rates just in few minutes, Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,
Do I have 3 months after my last day being covered by health insurance to sign up for Cobra?
I will lose my health insurance for one month (Dec) secondary to reduced hours a month ago. If I don't pay the Cobra premimium right away, can I pay it at a later date if I need the insurance (ie, I break my leg or something major) and be covered?
No, you have 30 days to make up your mind, once the paperwork is sent to you. Your employer has 60 days to send you the paperwork, but most send it within a week. If you take it, you have to pay back to day one. If you decline it, you lose the opportunity forever. You can't "pay later". And it doesn't save you anything to wait the whole 30 days, because if, say, it's two months later, you ahve to pay for the prior two months AND the next month, all at once, or it's cancelled.
No, you have 30 days to make up your mind, once the paperwork is sent to you. Your employer has 60 days to send you the paperwork, but most send it within a week. If you take it, you have to pay back to day one. If you decline it, you lose the opportunity forever. You can't "pay later". And it doesn't save you anything to wait the whole 30 days, because if, say, it's two months later, you ahve to pay for the prior two months AND the next month, all at once, or it's cancelled.
Why are you Liberals so eager to pay for my health insurance?
I keep seeing it: "I don't like the idea of people not being able to afford health insurance." Well, neither do I. I can't afford it, so I don't have it. E-mail me and I'll provide you an address to send your payments to, I think I might want to see a chiropractor next week. Thanks so much, guys!
Because paying for your health insurance now is a lot less expensive than paying for you if you get sick or hurt. But that doesn't mean I'm going to pay for your individual care. That's not how it works, and you know it.
Because paying for your health insurance now is a lot less expensive than paying for you if you get sick or hurt. But that doesn't mean I'm going to pay for your individual care. That's not how it works, and you know it.
Health Insurance for married couple, one partner is self employed?
I'm recently married and need to get my wife and myself some health insurance. I'm self employed. She works at Home Depot. We can probably get something through her work, but is there any option at all what I might use my home based business to put her and myself under some protection?
Hi! Here is a good article on getting individual health insurance cheaper: How to Get Individual Health Insurance at Cheaper Rates Hope some of these ideas help!
Hi! Here is a good article on getting individual health insurance cheaper: How to Get Individual Health Insurance at Cheaper Rates Hope some of these ideas help!
Are employers required to give you health insurance if they promise it?
If you're promised health insurance upon hire, and other full-time employees at your workplace are given health insurance, is there legal recourse if your employer doesn't follow through?
You have not stated the location ! Denial of health insurance as promised is illegal !! Please report the matter to the labour department
You have not stated the location ! Denial of health insurance as promised is illegal !! Please report the matter to the labour department
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