I recently separated from my husband, I am covered under his health insurance. ( Blue Cross Blue Shield) Can he cancel my health insurance? I heard somewhere that he couldn't. Is this true? I have an upcoming surgery and need to know for sure! Thanks...
I would recommend you speak to an attorney. I've been an insurance and financial services professional for over 30 years, and I've seen angry spouses and ex-spouses ruin one another financially over things like this. I don't mean to disagree with the first commenter, but calling the insurance company and getting your own policy would not be in your interests. Your pre-existing condition would likely not be covered at all under a new policy, and if you get an entirely new policy (not COBRA), they are not required to accept you or to cover your existing condition. Your estranged husband might be a great guy, and y'all might be getting along great right now, but don't ever put it beyond a vindictive ex-mate to get revenge. In some states you can get temporary spousal support or consideration. Or, you may just get a court order which requires him to maintain the insurance coverage as it was prior to the separation (include any life insurance and beneficiary designations to be maintained in the same manner). But, IF YOU DON'T GET LEGAL REPRESENTATION YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF VULNERABLE! If you have children, then you need to be sure he continues to provide insurance for them, as well. Additionally - and I know, most people say, "oh, I don't want anything, I just want to move on." You may say that now, but the future might be very different. What if you become uninsurable as a result of your medical condition? What if you can get insurance, but it will be heavily endorsed for your condition, or the premium increased? What if he dies before the divorce is final? Or, if you have children, what if he dies before his child support obligations terminate? With a good attorney, you can require that he maintain a life insurance policy equal to the amount of future unpaid child support (or in states where alimony is required, equal to unpaid future alimony payments). If he dies, that doesn't mean those obligations should be erased. An attorney can require that he maintain, and pay premiums for your coverage - at least through the time you are entitled to COBRA coverage. PLEASE!!! Don't take this lightly! You have an obligation TO YOURSELF to ensure your future. Whether or not the two of you remain together, his part in that obligation (depending on how long you were together, how many children, and economic and property status) his part in that obligation does not end just because the marriage ends!
Monday, August 22, 2011
How much is the Private Health Insurance?
$2 a month? $50 a month? Affordable rate? I can get braces, crown, root canal, bunion repair, fungal surgically remove from my toe nails, hair replacement for my future baldheaded husband, and all?
same as how much is that doggie in the window, they one with the waggly tail.
same as how much is that doggie in the window, they one with the waggly tail.
Why is Bush working for health insurance companies instead of people?
""The House and Senate earlier this month passed different versions of a plan to reauthorize and expand Schip. While the Senate version has bipartisan support, President Bush has vowed to veto either bill, saying both plans pose a threat to private insurers.""
Because the insurance industry lobbiests can pay more money. The insurance companies are getting richer; people are getting poorer because Bush has to protect his rich friends. It is the Republican way - lavish the rich and screw everyone else.
Because the insurance industry lobbiests can pay more money. The insurance companies are getting richer; people are getting poorer because Bush has to protect his rich friends. It is the Republican way - lavish the rich and screw everyone else.
On Academic Suspension need health Insurance?
My question is i am on academic suspension and i have lost my health insurance. The reason i am on academic suspension is because i was very sick the last two months with a chronic disease. But i didn't tell anyone at the school so i screwed myself over. I want to know what i can do for health insurance is thier anyway i can be on my parents still because of my health issue. I live in NH if that helps too.
healthplans.my-age.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthplans.my-age.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
What constitutional authority does the government have to fine and jail people who don't have health insurance?
Where in the constitution does it allow the government to do this? Isn't the contitution all about limiting the power of the government from individuals?
None, you are right , and this will set a precedent for tyranny and totalitarianism to end our repbulic
None, you are right , and this will set a precedent for tyranny and totalitarianism to end our repbulic
What are the Service Issues with a Health Insurance Company?? Please Help!?
Please could anyone help in answering this question. I want to discuss the service issues relating to a company that offers services like health insurance, bonds etc, but am completely stuck. If I relate it to a a car showroom where services issues include presentation, customer attendance, provision of test drives etc. I have come up with quality of customer services team, available customers and knowledge on products so far. If anyone could help that would be great!
Could you add more details to your questions ? Not sure what you are looking for. Not sure if you need to look at Health Insurance policies to find what s included or not.
Could you add more details to your questions ? Not sure what you are looking for. Not sure if you need to look at Health Insurance policies to find what s included or not.
How does the government's proposed new health care bill impact all health insurance companies?
I dont understand this question for my business class! im supposed to answer it in a business point of view. help anyone?
Any kind of reform ultimately is corporate welfare because it will force everyone to buy insurance even if they can't afford it, so the solution is give tax credit to them with money so the distribution of wealth goes from taxpayer to government to individual to corporate America. Basically, we are again subsidizing corporate America with government giveaways. The public option is proposed to allow competition in order to reduce costs across the boards. However, there is some concern that it will drastically damage private insurance. People who don't like their private plan should have the option to buy or shop for insurance instead of tied to their employer. Single payer system would destroy private insurance, but it seems to be working fine in Canada, France and UK.
Any kind of reform ultimately is corporate welfare because it will force everyone to buy insurance even if they can't afford it, so the solution is give tax credit to them with money so the distribution of wealth goes from taxpayer to government to individual to corporate America. Basically, we are again subsidizing corporate America with government giveaways. The public option is proposed to allow competition in order to reduce costs across the boards. However, there is some concern that it will drastically damage private insurance. People who don't like their private plan should have the option to buy or shop for insurance instead of tied to their employer. Single payer system would destroy private insurance, but it seems to be working fine in Canada, France and UK.
What part time jobs offer health insurance?
Please only answers from people who have worked these jobs and how was the healthcare they provided?
Starbucks, UPS, and Walmart are fameous for providing health insurance for part timers. Petco does, too, but it's a limited benefit plan. It's not uncommon at all, these days, to find a part time employer with a limited benefit plan for employees.
Starbucks, UPS, and Walmart are fameous for providing health insurance for part timers. Petco does, too, but it's a limited benefit plan. It's not uncommon at all, these days, to find a part time employer with a limited benefit plan for employees.
Where can I find a website to compare health insurance rates?
My husband and I are both full-time students and we're looking to compare rates for a plan starting 4/1/09. All of the sites I find via google have disclaimers at the bottom that by hitting submit, a bunch of agents will contact me. I DO NOT want to be contacted. I'm looking for a site to compare rates that will NOT result in me being contacted.
Those websites comparing rates, you know they're just harvesting your information to sell as leads to agents, right? They're out there, anyway. But that does you NO GOOD, because there's no website to compare different COVERAGE PLANS with different companies. Plus, they throw the best rate at you - which rarely sticks. If you don't want to be contacted, you'll have to go to a local, independent agent, and let them get you quotes. That's the ONLY way to get a bunch of quotes at one time, without having your personal information harvested - which is what the online things do. OR, you can contact each major health insurer in your area, and get individual quotes - a major PITB.
Those websites comparing rates, you know they're just harvesting your information to sell as leads to agents, right? They're out there, anyway. But that does you NO GOOD, because there's no website to compare different COVERAGE PLANS with different companies. Plus, they throw the best rate at you - which rarely sticks. If you don't want to be contacted, you'll have to go to a local, independent agent, and let them get you quotes. That's the ONLY way to get a bunch of quotes at one time, without having your personal information harvested - which is what the online things do. OR, you can contact each major health insurer in your area, and get individual quotes - a major PITB.
Health insurance for college student at TWO different colleges.?
I am living with my family and I'm still on their insurance. Blue Cross Blue Shield. It allows me to stay under their insurance if I am a full time student. So I wanted to know if I am still covered if I am taking classes at two different colleges but they all add up to be full time.
If you are in college, you may want to check out health insurance programs that are written through your school. United Healthcare has a plan available at many US schools. These student injury and illness plans provide wide ranging coverage and are designed to be affordable for college students. To check if your school is participating, go to www.UHCSR.com and enter your school name in the search box. You might also be interested in joining the American College Student Association (ACSA), a national organization for college students. They have lots of member benefits, including student health insurance. Their membership fee is affordable.
If you are in college, you may want to check out health insurance programs that are written through your school. United Healthcare has a plan available at many US schools. These student injury and illness plans provide wide ranging coverage and are designed to be affordable for college students. To check if your school is participating, go to www.UHCSR.com and enter your school name in the search box. You might also be interested in joining the American College Student Association (ACSA), a national organization for college students. They have lots of member benefits, including student health insurance. Their membership fee is affordable.
Anyone Familiar with Minnesota Care health care program/insurance?
I had MN Care, which isn't Medical Assistance through the county, but more like a program for people who are under income guidlines but over the income guidlines for Medical Assistance (free health insurance throught county) for a few months, paid my premiums on time, then my husband was suppose to get new insurance through work and I let my insurance cancel, as in I just didn't pay anymore. Now I want to redo it but I'm not sure if I have to reapply or can I renew? I'm not sure what to do, but I have a LOT of dental work coming up and need this approved ASAP.
You will have to reapply. Anytime coverage lapses, you will have to reapply for it. Do you currently have insurance with your husband? If you do, it doesn't appear you would qualify any longer. Here is information re: MinnesotaCare: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pub and http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?I Are you sure you'll be covered under the dental program?
You will have to reapply. Anytime coverage lapses, you will have to reapply for it. Do you currently have insurance with your husband? If you do, it doesn't appear you would qualify any longer. Here is information re: MinnesotaCare: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pub and http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?I Are you sure you'll be covered under the dental program?
What is your opinion on Health Insurance?
As you all know the US health insurence is a mess. What is you opinion on it? How much government regulation should the put? What should they change? What rules should they add? And ect. Answer well and you could earn 10 points
My opinion is if they removed the for profit aspect from health insurance the country as a whole would benefit. It has worked for many other countries and the only reason we can't feasibly have universal health care in the US, is the for profit nonsense we have to deal with in this corporate fascist country.
My opinion is if they removed the for profit aspect from health insurance the country as a whole would benefit. It has worked for many other countries and the only reason we can't feasibly have universal health care in the US, is the for profit nonsense we have to deal with in this corporate fascist country.
Health Insurance for Law school student?
I had health insurance under my parents until age 25. Then a needed to get my own individual coverage while working part-time.. which has been tough to pay for, but now I will be attending law school in September and will not have a job, but will have student loans. What is the best way to find coverage while a student once again. Can my parents put be back into their plan since I am a student? I am 28 years old. Will the school have a discounted plan for students?
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ here you can get quotes from different companies in your area.
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ here you can get quotes from different companies in your area.
Why doesn't Obama just list the 47 million uninsured as dependents on his own health insurance policy?
Now they're covered. Problem solved.
Fanciful, but silly...trivializing a very real problem for many millions of underinsured and uninsured Americans, but also for the insured workers to whom the billionaire insurance industries and greedy hospital administrators end up charging through increased premiums that rise at 3X the rate of inflation or in reduced services. And this ignores the horrific greed and callous cruelty that has grown prominent in the insurance industry, whose executives spend an absolute FORTUNE each years ($20 billion to $60 billion) just to figure out ways to deny coverage to people who've paid their premiums. The regulation of the insurance industry is very important to Americans, whether they are uninsured or insured, and this is a vital component in President Obama's proposed legislation. It would be nice if there was a simple or single solution, and I really hope our Democrats show some backbone to get this legislation through. If you all want the deficit to be reduced over time, controlling health care costs is a necessary first step, because the insurance industry wants 35 cents out of every single health care dollar the nation spends (that's higher than even casinos are allowed to bilk us). Just think: If we have everyone covered and regulations in place to prevent discrimination due to pre-existing conditions or becoming injured/ill after having paid premiums for years, and if cost-containment measures are in place for the 1300 for-profit insurers in the U.S. today, this is a GOOD thing for American workers and their families. CEOs can still make huge profits, but no longer at the expense of Americans' physical and/or economic well-being.
Fanciful, but silly...trivializing a very real problem for many millions of underinsured and uninsured Americans, but also for the insured workers to whom the billionaire insurance industries and greedy hospital administrators end up charging through increased premiums that rise at 3X the rate of inflation or in reduced services. And this ignores the horrific greed and callous cruelty that has grown prominent in the insurance industry, whose executives spend an absolute FORTUNE each years ($20 billion to $60 billion) just to figure out ways to deny coverage to people who've paid their premiums. The regulation of the insurance industry is very important to Americans, whether they are uninsured or insured, and this is a vital component in President Obama's proposed legislation. It would be nice if there was a simple or single solution, and I really hope our Democrats show some backbone to get this legislation through. If you all want the deficit to be reduced over time, controlling health care costs is a necessary first step, because the insurance industry wants 35 cents out of every single health care dollar the nation spends (that's higher than even casinos are allowed to bilk us). Just think: If we have everyone covered and regulations in place to prevent discrimination due to pre-existing conditions or becoming injured/ill after having paid premiums for years, and if cost-containment measures are in place for the 1300 for-profit insurers in the U.S. today, this is a GOOD thing for American workers and their families. CEOs can still make huge profits, but no longer at the expense of Americans' physical and/or economic well-being.
Does World Financial Group offer health insurance within the company?
I was recently recruited, but need a job with health benefits for my family......
They likely offer health insurance, along with other types of insurance like life insurance. But you would be self employed, so it would be up to you to provide your own health insurance. My sister has been into that for a number of years, but more in the financial adviser end. She always was a straight A student, and she retired from her regular job early, so she had plenty of time to learn all about it.
They likely offer health insurance, along with other types of insurance like life insurance. But you would be self employed, so it would be up to you to provide your own health insurance. My sister has been into that for a number of years, but more in the financial adviser end. She always was a straight A student, and she retired from her regular job early, so she had plenty of time to learn all about it.
I just was diagnosed with PCOS and my health insurance is trying not cover treatment?
I have BCBS of Texas and they're stating it's a pre-existing condition. This is so frustrating because I am TTC #1. Anyone had a similar experience? What can I do?
OH my God !! I'm going through the same situation , I had a surgery and after they said (my insurance blue cross) that they will Cover for it I went ahead and did it, now they are telling me they don't want to cove for it!! it's $50.000 !! can you imagine my frustration!! now I don't know if you knew about your situation or the Dr. just told you about it!! the reason why I'm asking because blue cross told me that my Dr. has to write a letter say that I had no idea about the situation and she did, I just sent it to them I'm still waiting for an answer from them, that's why you should ask your Dr. to do that for you and see if it will help.good luck.
OH my God !! I'm going through the same situation , I had a surgery and after they said (my insurance blue cross) that they will Cover for it I went ahead and did it, now they are telling me they don't want to cove for it!! it's $50.000 !! can you imagine my frustration!! now I don't know if you knew about your situation or the Dr. just told you about it!! the reason why I'm asking because blue cross told me that my Dr. has to write a letter say that I had no idea about the situation and she did, I just sent it to them I'm still waiting for an answer from them, that's why you should ask your Dr. to do that for you and see if it will help.good luck.
25 dollars of the child support goes toward health insurance that was carried by is mother?
Now it is carried by the state at no charge for the last 6 months so do i still have to pay 25 dollars for it and can i get the 25 dollars back for the last 6 months
In most states they will attempt to recoup the state funds. Rather than getting the $25 back, I would think they would charge it to you, if I understand your question, which I'm not confident I do. It seems poorly worded.
In most states they will attempt to recoup the state funds. Rather than getting the $25 back, I would think they would charge it to you, if I understand your question, which I'm not confident I do. It seems poorly worded.
Can i get a temporary health insurance for 2 yrs until i graduate and start my job.Also which health insurance
has good benefits and is affordable.I need help choosing one
Sure, you can get private health insurance for a few years. If you're healthy, no preexisting conditions, you can get a policy for about $250 a month, with a very low deductible. If you want a lot less to pay in premium, you'll have to take a big deductible - like $4,000 a year before the insurance kicks in - but then it should cost you closer to $100 a month.
Sure, you can get private health insurance for a few years. If you're healthy, no preexisting conditions, you can get a policy for about $250 a month, with a very low deductible. If you want a lot less to pay in premium, you'll have to take a big deductible - like $4,000 a year before the insurance kicks in - but then it should cost you closer to $100 a month.
I need help choosing between 3 different Aetna health insurance plans, can you help?
My plan chooses are Aetna PPO Max, PPO 15, and PPO 5. Also I live in KY if that helps
The cheaper policy might have a higher deductable to be met each year. For example the cheapest policy at my work place, has a 2000 yearly deductable a 1500 a 500 The 500 one, I would pay more each month for, so that the deductable is lower. My dr is 25 per visit no matter which one. its more about hospital costs in my policy. The prescription coverage could be dif also. I chose to pay less each month, meaning for 25 to the Dr any service he can do in his office, i.e. blood work, xrays, treatements are all covered, if he sends me to another office, I pay for the services, and throughout the year until I spend 2000, I have no coverage, and the 25 office visits do not count in accumulation of the money I spend out of pocket to reach 2000. My prescriptions are a percentage I pay either 30/40/60 percent of the cost depending on if its a generic/brand or other type of prescription. If I wanted to spend 55 each pay period, I could get prescriptions for 3-6-9 dollars each, which is much cheaper, but wow, to spend 55 not knowing if I will get sick or need meds. Id rather have the omoney in my pocket. I can only say to choose the cheapest of the 3 and hope u dont get ill See if they use the urgent care clinics, I use them as a Dr option, they will do any xrays and treatments in their office and save me alot of money. The Dr I put as my primary I go to for services the urgent care doesnt do, certain shots, like the pneumonia vaccine, is only at my regular Drs office. Good luck on that, look at teh graph or chart that shows the coverages compared to get a better understanding. IF you are unlucky and get say cancer, or a bad injury, the most expensive ins would of been better to have, u have to choose what you can afford weekly though, dont go broke getting too expensive of coverage.
The cheaper policy might have a higher deductable to be met each year. For example the cheapest policy at my work place, has a 2000 yearly deductable a 1500 a 500 The 500 one, I would pay more each month for, so that the deductable is lower. My dr is 25 per visit no matter which one. its more about hospital costs in my policy. The prescription coverage could be dif also. I chose to pay less each month, meaning for 25 to the Dr any service he can do in his office, i.e. blood work, xrays, treatements are all covered, if he sends me to another office, I pay for the services, and throughout the year until I spend 2000, I have no coverage, and the 25 office visits do not count in accumulation of the money I spend out of pocket to reach 2000. My prescriptions are a percentage I pay either 30/40/60 percent of the cost depending on if its a generic/brand or other type of prescription. If I wanted to spend 55 each pay period, I could get prescriptions for 3-6-9 dollars each, which is much cheaper, but wow, to spend 55 not knowing if I will get sick or need meds. Id rather have the omoney in my pocket. I can only say to choose the cheapest of the 3 and hope u dont get ill See if they use the urgent care clinics, I use them as a Dr option, they will do any xrays and treatments in their office and save me alot of money. The Dr I put as my primary I go to for services the urgent care doesnt do, certain shots, like the pneumonia vaccine, is only at my regular Drs office. Good luck on that, look at teh graph or chart that shows the coverages compared to get a better understanding. IF you are unlucky and get say cancer, or a bad injury, the most expensive ins would of been better to have, u have to choose what you can afford weekly though, dont go broke getting too expensive of coverage.
Anyone have any great health insurance policies?
I need a family plan, am relatively healthy but need prescriptions.
The idea of a "Great" plan will differ with every person you like, I can give you some ideas on what is available and I hope this helps. First let me start by sayiing the fact that you need prescriptions may or may not affect you qualifying for a plan, please consult with a qualified Health Insurance Agent in your area, or a Health Insurance Company in your state. Plans and what is available in the USA: PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) This type of plan is most popular, whereas you can visit physicians and medical professionals, hospitals ET that are within the network and receive services at pre-negotiated rates. This type of plan will offer Deductibles, Co-Insurance, Co-pays. You will only pay for services if needed, or as you go along. The advantage with a PPO is that they allow you to visit thousands of different doctors, the Disadvantage is that you must pay deductibles, co-insurance, copays- which can cost you thousands if you actually use the plan. HMO (health maintence organization) with this type of plan you pre-pay for medical needs. You will pick one physician as your primary care physician and see her/him for all your medical needs. They include Co-pays, and some now include deductibles for hospitalization. Advantages, excellent for someone who wants to use lots of services -little or no out of pocket costs for medical services. Disadvantages, Primary care physicians can be very busy and you will be locked in, referrals must come from the primary care physician. HSA (Health SAvings Accounts) these are the newest type of plans, called "Consumer Driven Healthcare" perfect for anyone self employed and healthy. They have High Deductibles, the consumer will pay for all medical needs up to deductible, and can open a HSA account at a financial institution in order to save money (fed. tax free)!! to pay toward his/her deductible. I personally have this type of plan, these are the fastest growing types of plans in USA. Advantages, Low premiums, Tax savings are wonderful, long term savings can benefit your retirement account. Disadvantages, with no HSA account funded the consumer could pay a high deductible for medical needs.
The idea of a "Great" plan will differ with every person you like, I can give you some ideas on what is available and I hope this helps. First let me start by sayiing the fact that you need prescriptions may or may not affect you qualifying for a plan, please consult with a qualified Health Insurance Agent in your area, or a Health Insurance Company in your state. Plans and what is available in the USA: PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) This type of plan is most popular, whereas you can visit physicians and medical professionals, hospitals ET that are within the network and receive services at pre-negotiated rates. This type of plan will offer Deductibles, Co-Insurance, Co-pays. You will only pay for services if needed, or as you go along. The advantage with a PPO is that they allow you to visit thousands of different doctors, the Disadvantage is that you must pay deductibles, co-insurance, copays- which can cost you thousands if you actually use the plan. HMO (health maintence organization) with this type of plan you pre-pay for medical needs. You will pick one physician as your primary care physician and see her/him for all your medical needs. They include Co-pays, and some now include deductibles for hospitalization. Advantages, excellent for someone who wants to use lots of services -little or no out of pocket costs for medical services. Disadvantages, Primary care physicians can be very busy and you will be locked in, referrals must come from the primary care physician. HSA (Health SAvings Accounts) these are the newest type of plans, called "Consumer Driven Healthcare" perfect for anyone self employed and healthy. They have High Deductibles, the consumer will pay for all medical needs up to deductible, and can open a HSA account at a financial institution in order to save money (fed. tax free)!! to pay toward his/her deductible. I personally have this type of plan, these are the fastest growing types of plans in USA. Advantages, Low premiums, Tax savings are wonderful, long term savings can benefit your retirement account. Disadvantages, with no HSA account funded the consumer could pay a high deductible for medical needs.
How funny will it be when the Senate refuses to pass the House's health insurance fix....a very real?
possibility because of a procedural problem that Republicans are calling their "trump card"
This will probably be the case.
This will probably be the case.
Health Insurance for Recent College Grad?
I just graduated from college, and my school health insurance has expired. I'm not working, and back to live with my parents. My mom refuses to add me to her insurance plan (Aetna). She is saying that I'm over 21, that's why she can't add me, but my dad who's 65, and also working, and is eligible for Medicare, is on her plan, along with my 13 year old brother. What can I do to make her add me? I really need health insurance.
First you need to understand it's not your mom that is refusing, it's the health insurance plan. Every health insurance plan has rules as to what family members qualify. Spouse and children 18 and younger can be covered, but once you turn 18 you have to be in college FT for it to cover you and in most cases if your in college FT it will only cover you to the age of 21. So since you are 21 and out of school the insurance will not cover you, even if you are living at home and have no insurance, this is just how it is otherwise everyone could be covered under a family plan forever, which would make health insurance through an employer too expensive for people to carry. Since you are an adult, and finished w/college you need to look for a job that offers benefits, in the mean time you can check out your state medicaid coverage and see if you qualify. Your not alone in this everyone who grows up and turns 18 has to find their own health insurance coverage, or if they go to college FT they can have it until they are 21, then your own. Don't mean to sound harsh but your an adult and your parents can't provide everything for you forever, even if they wanted to this is the rules of health insurance plans. So find a job w/health insurance, in the meantime see if you can enroll for medicaid (state health insurance coverage). It's tough, but this is life. Best of luck! HR Manager
First you need to understand it's not your mom that is refusing, it's the health insurance plan. Every health insurance plan has rules as to what family members qualify. Spouse and children 18 and younger can be covered, but once you turn 18 you have to be in college FT for it to cover you and in most cases if your in college FT it will only cover you to the age of 21. So since you are 21 and out of school the insurance will not cover you, even if you are living at home and have no insurance, this is just how it is otherwise everyone could be covered under a family plan forever, which would make health insurance through an employer too expensive for people to carry. Since you are an adult, and finished w/college you need to look for a job that offers benefits, in the mean time you can check out your state medicaid coverage and see if you qualify. Your not alone in this everyone who grows up and turns 18 has to find their own health insurance coverage, or if they go to college FT they can have it until they are 21, then your own. Don't mean to sound harsh but your an adult and your parents can't provide everything for you forever, even if they wanted to this is the rules of health insurance plans. So find a job w/health insurance, in the meantime see if you can enroll for medicaid (state health insurance coverage). It's tough, but this is life. Best of luck! HR Manager
Does Teacher's health insurance pay for giving birth?
My sister is thinking about becoming a teacher. I asked her some of the reasons why she wants to do it. One of her biggies were the supposed great benefits and one of them being awesome health coverage. That made me think of what is a major hospital bill she will end up paying and I thought of pregnancy bill. Is this teacher's health insurance that awesome that it will pay for those types of bills? Thanks.
No one here can possibly know. It depends on the specific group plan she's covered under.
No one here can possibly know. It depends on the specific group plan she's covered under.
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