Thursday, December 9, 2010

Will America be better off in the long run with its current health care/insurance policies?

Looking thirty years into the future, do you think we'd be better off if we just left it the way it is? Do you think that our economy will continue to flourish by connecting health insurance to employment? If there are 307,000,000 people in this country and 47,000,000 people supposedly are without insurance, should we really care since that is the minority? That means that over 250,000,000 people have insurance and are happy, so wouldn't, in a democracy, the voice of the *majority* matter over the minority?
No. Costs will rise so much and price even more Americans out of the market, and decent healthcare. I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts? FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3]. Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4] Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.) Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8]. Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare? If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.

Will mandatory health insurance force people to pay for health care they do not believe in?

Will people be forced to pay for health insurance plan that covers only mainstream medicine, even if they use only alternative health care and never use allopathic practitioners? Or should people be allowed to choose plans which instead cover naturapathic doctors, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, faith healing , or whatever medical practice they do believe in?
Yes. You'll be forced to pay for coverage you don't want. And not just for yourself but for others. You SHOULD be allowed to selected the kind of treatments you want.

Are you aware that health insurance companies are spending million to fight reform?

The bulk of these ant-health reform organizations suddenly popping up all over America are financed by health insurance lobbyists funneling their funds through PR firms. Reform opponents: If you are just learning this for the first time, do you feel used and/or manipulated?
Yes, and it just shows you how much money they are making off of the current system....... Charge out the @ss for premiums and then deny service when the policyholder actually gets sick and then drop them....

Whats the best health insurance company for mental health visits?

Im looking for insurance for my sister. Shes 20 and we need to get her inurance asap. I need something that has the most mental health visits availabe (maybe unlimited) as she is what we believe to be anorexic and needs to see a therapist. Ive tried ehealthinsurance and a couple other websites but its of no use. Does anyone know which health insurance company offers the best coverage for this no matter the cost?
Probably the best plan would be a group policy through an employer because mental health is a big red flag with the insurance companies. Treatment can be very expensive and often doesn't work, so any company that would accept her may not cover her mental conditions as a pre-existing condition. Also, anorexia is a decline with most companies unless she is fully recovered and treatment free for a period of time up to 5 years. Contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can find out which companies may cover her and on what terms. There is no extra charge using an agent. Don't even try to do this without an agent. A history of declines with different companies is also a red flag.

Whats the best health insurance company for mental health visits?

Im looking for insurance for my sister. Shes 20 and we need to get her inurance asap. I need something that has the most mental health visits availabe (maybe unlimited) as she is what we believe to be anorexic and needs to see a therapist. Ive tried ehealthinsurance and a couple other websites but its of no use. Does anyone know which health insurance company offers the best coverage for this no matter the cost?
Probably the best plan would be a group policy through an employer because mental health is a big red flag with the insurance companies. Treatment can be very expensive and often doesn't work, so any company that would accept her may not cover her mental conditions as a pre-existing condition. Also, anorexia is a decline with most companies unless she is fully recovered and treatment free for a period of time up to 5 years. Contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can find out which companies may cover her and on what terms. There is no extra charge using an agent. Don't even try to do this without an agent. A history of declines with different companies is also a red flag.

If my employer offers health insurance to its employee, is it required to offer this benefit to all employees?

Health insurance for full time employees, is the employer required to offer insurance to every full time employee?
All of the same class of employees. We have union and non union and only give insurance to the non union. We pay the union employees a high wage and they divert several dollars an hour to the unions to pay for medical, apprenticeships, short term disability and retirement. Each month I write a large check to each union for the diversions they run around $8 an hour some less depending what that union voted on.

How do Mormon's handle health insurance for kids on a 2 year mission?

Does your company's health insurance continue to provide dependent coverage for Mormon kids while they are on a two year mission after high school?
No, usually the kids have to get private medical coverage for that two year period. Or go uninsured.

How come your employer can take life insurance out on you but can't provide health insurance for you?

Yea i just found out that any and every company that you go to work for has taken a life insurance policy out on you without your permission and many of these same jobs don't provide health coverage for there employees. I can't wait for Health Insurance Reform to pass.
You want to tell people/organizations how to spend their own money? You must be a democrat.

What is the age when you are dropped from your parent's health insurance in the USA?

I'm 21 and I just graduated college with my Associate's degree for now. Just wondering! Does being in a school make a difference for being on the health insurance also?
At 19 (19th birthday) you are ineligible to be on your parent's insurance unless you are a full time student. The specific insurance determines when you are no longer eligible if you are a student - it's typically your 23-25th birthday. If you are not attending school right now, you need to get individual coverage or take the COBRA insurance, if you are eligible for that (different states, different rules). If you are in good health, individual insurance should be inexpensive. If you return to school, you can probably rejoin your parents insurance.

What evidence is there that people who refuse to get car insurance will pony up for health insurance?

I maintain that this bill is an attack on the poor and minorities. These constitute the majority of those without car insurance, and there's no evidence to suggest these people will now buy health insurance.....which means they WILL BE AT RISK OF GOING TO PRISON FOR NON-PAYMENT.
If the government can't even order enough Swine flu vaccines, how do you think they will control healthcare? They won't. They will run all the health insurance companies out of business if they have to cover pre-existing conditions. Why pay for health insurance until you get some bad disease that needs treatment? This whole thing is about denying healthcare to the elderly and disabled. This is a fix for Social Security.

Is my husband eligible for private health insurance?

He is not yet a permanent resident or Australian Citizen. Can he still receive private health insurance?
You have to ask your local health providers and they will give you a questionairre and decide if he will be covered... not sure if your are in the U.S. or so. In many states, non-citizens are eligible for insurance.

How do you figure out the relative impact of "pre-tax" expenses like health insurance payments?

I am working up a salary proposal and the employee co-pay on the health insurance is roughly 7500 pretax. How do I figure out how much that will affect my budget?
That will depend upon your tax bracket. And your tax bracket is dependent upon your total income, filing status, number of exemptions, any itemized deductions, etc. so it's not easy to predict. However you can get a rough estimate by taking the Total Tax line from your tax return and comparing it to the table here:,,… The benefit will be roughly equal to your marginal tax rate times the $7,500. Keep in mind that if it drops you into a lower bracket that you'll need to crunch some more numbers to account for the lower tax rate.

Whats more important in this economy: health insurance for children or a buck in a smoker's pocket?

The new tobacco tax will fund health insurance for Children. If I had to choose this seems to be a no brainer. But for you, from a national level: what would you prioritize?
We need people to quit smoking that way we save money in health related problems which is one of the factor of high health insurance and a big chunk of our budget.

can you insure a child on health insurance that is not your child?

In New York State, can someone put their live in boy/girlfriend's children on their health insurance. Or the live in partner for that matter?
To be covered under your health insurance they must be related to you by blood, marriage or legal adoption.

How much/who are the personal health/dental insurance providers?

I'd like to know a bit about personal health insurance, considering most things on the internet are spam from scammers I'd prefer to know what the average person actually does when their job doesn't offer health insurance. I'm especially interested in dental insurance providers. Thanks for any information you can provide concerning this.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Can an employer charge different rates for the same health insurance based on the employee's income?

My employer is instituting a progressive health insurance rate plan. The more money you make, the more you pay for the same benefit. Is this legal?
I would think so. They don't have to pay any of your insurance. It makes sense to charge based on the person's ability to pay. Sounds like a reasonable system to me! And check out this site, if you want to find your best or cheapest health insurance rates just in few minutes, Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area, its the best way to find an affordable health insurance with a reliable company. Hope this help,

Why Do Health Insurance Companies Take Your Money That You Give In Good Faith?

...and then do everything they can to deny your claims? If it were reasonable challenges that they made, that would be one thing, but the absurd levels they go to deny consumers their benefits seem to border on criminally negligent, imo. Is this why so many Americans have had it--up to here--with depending on the insurance companies for quality health care, when it is clear that all they are concerned with is making every penny possible, no matter how much or how long they've been paid by their custumers?
Heath insurance is a business first - thier buiness only prospers when they make lots of money. Insurance companies only make money by taking in more money they dole out, which makes it good business for them to deny claims.

question regarding health insurance. the small company i work with is considering dropping out of network?

coverage in order to reduce the massive costs of health insurance. we are insured through oxford health. i am the sole provider for a family of four. we are all healthy at the moment. if the doctors we use now are all in network, how could this type of coverage wind up hurting me? could I wind up taking a massive hit financially as a result of having an insurance plan with no out of network coverage? how much of a risk is this?
If you only ever use in network coverage, this won't hurt you. If, though, you ever go on vacation, or travel in any way, it could hurt you a way lot if something happened while you were away from your network area. Just look at your last five years or so of claims. How many of them are "out of network"?

Is the government forcing us to have health insurance the same as forcing us to have automobile insurance?

Personally I think this is a stupid analogy. Having an automobile and operating an automobile is a choice and privilege. What lawful choice is there to opt out of government health insurance?
No because driving is optional did you know if you go private the prices are going to be higher. Taxes is one thing but the government has no right to require I buy anything with my money. Especially in this economy when people barely have enough money to keep a roof over their head. Sure I got health insurance but now my family is out on the street.

How can you get your child off of a step parent's health insurance?

My child is on his step-mother's health insurance. She won't give me an insurance card so I have to pay for his RX and pay when I take him to the doctor. I want to get him off her insurance so I can get insurance on him myself. I have NO idea how she got his social security number because his dad doesn't know it. How can I have him dropped from her coverage so I can get my own on him?
I don't know why you would have to drop him from her insurance. It seems that if he was sick or hurt you would take him to the dr. and have the insurance to cover it, the step mother wouldn't even have to know he was sick or hurt or went to the dr. I just don't see how him being on her insurance helps her, she has to pay for him to be on the insurance. Of course if he is visiting his father and something happens to him than the insurance she has on him would be helpful. You could also find out if having 2 insurances would pay for everything like he gets sick and the dr. visit is $100, your copay is $50 would her insurance pay the other $50 and vice versa if he was at her house?

How do health insurance claims work?

ok so I just registered for a student health insurance plan. now if I go to a doctor for treatment and have him fill out a claim form, what happens next? Do I pay him for treatment and then mail the claim form to the insurers to reimburse me? Or do they pay him directly?
Check the policy to see if you have to go to the campus clinic first. You should be getting a card in the mail soon that shows the doctors office what type of policy you have. If there is a co-pay amount you will have to pay that amount at the time of the appointment. Your doctors office will bill the insurance company for the rest and if you received services, like an X-ray, that are subject to the deductible you will be billed for that. Don

What to do if there is no health insurance?

A friend has no health insurance. She is a single parent of a relatives children and makes just enough to NOT qualify for Medi-cal. A doctor recently suggested that she get an MRI for a reoccurring medical problem. She has shared with me that she can pay for the MRI, but is concerned that the MRI may show a medical problem that needs surgery or hospitalization? What would her treatment options be with no insurance and a paycheck to paycheck monthly budget if the MRI does show something?
wow i have the same exact problem! I need to get an mri and am worried if it shows malignancy what i will do next. I would like to know too

How many small businesses will go out of business if republican succeed in increasing health insurance rates?

Health insurance is one of the biggest costs for small business that choose to support their employees. We have seen 200% grown in premium costs over the last 6 years. It looks likely that republicans will succeed in squashing any significant reform in the health care bill. How many small businesses will go out of business as a result? Or will they simply drop employee matching leaving the entire cost up to individuals?
The more the better from their point of view as then that will mean that Obama's reforms are damaging America, or so they will argue. And that means that they can go back to the wonderful healthcare system that no other western nation has! It surprises me that so many Americans seem not to be aware about Obama's healthcare plans [a]. During the election, he campaigned for these changes stating that he felt it was unfair to have a system where insurance companies try to escape paying claims and was elected to bring in changes [b]. First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. His system is similar to that which works in Holland, Taiwan [c] and Switzerland. It works there and private healthcare companies provide most the insurance to the people there. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [d]. FACT – insurance companies admit that they push up costs, buy politicians and do not pay out for many claims when they should [e]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [f]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, the Netherlands, Cuba, Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage. And no western European nation with universal healthcare has moved away from it. And the sad thing is, that the insurance companies have spent loads of money to fight these reforms [g] and loads of politicians are taking the thirty pieces of silver from them to fight the reforms, rather than fight for the health of the American people. Remember, I back my facts up with evidence. Those who say they are wrong tend not to. If they are wrong, e-mail me with proof and let me know.

How would Bush's proposal for tax deductible health insurance work?

I understand that he would propose a $7500 tax break for singles, $15000 for family. What currently comes out of my paycheck for insurance would become taxable. So, am I to believe we will be getting (yet another) tax statement from our employer or insurance company (for individual plans) telling us the value of our health insurance? I estimate my insurance (and I arrived at this by checking what my COBRA payments would be should I leave the company) to be worth $14400, pretty close to the max allowed under Bush's proposal. I by no means think I have "cadillac" health insurance. My preventative care is already 100 % covered. I pay a $1000 deductible for every family member (max of $3000) even before my insurance kicks in. After that I pay 15% coinsurance until my max out of pocket is met $5,000. This is assuming I stick with in network providers. I pay $83.50 every two weeks in premiums. I would be for this plan if all the money taxed off the upper crust was put into a fund
OK, I think instead of kicking in money for a gym membership, we should have "state sponsored gyms". Which is kinda silly, because we have state paid for sidewalks and streets, and MOST people have shoes, and you can walk/run down the street for NOTHING. Use the stairs, not the elevator. Park at the far end of the lot. Walk to the grocery store. Outlaw fast food joints. And ice cream. And smoking, and booze, and private car ownership - if we all BIKED to work, we'd be much healthier. That will do WONDERS for our health. I'm not familiar with Bush's plan. Sorry, haven't heard of it. But I do know that anything government does, they do it the least effeciently with the highest fraud. So I'm not crazy about government controlled anything (except military). And I'm REALLY not crazy about government health care, social medicine, whatever you want to call it. It works about as well as government housing - which I do NOT want to live in.