I have a Blue Cross PPO through a Cobra company called Conexis. I have the family plan, which covers myself, my wife and my child. I have paid each bill very timely and I am in good status until 7/31/07. Yet I am literally pulling my hair out and stressing since we keep getting EOB's / Doctor's bills saying we are not covered since our insurance is terminated (which, obviously can't be right). I went to a pharmacy today to get a prescription filled and they said it was terminated. I have an online screen-shot of my Cobra status that says I am paid and covered. It has literally eaten me alive because there is some medication that I can't afford without the insurance, but if I don't take it, I have health problems. This shouldn't be happening and I want to start a lawsuit against the company? This whole scenario has put me and my family in unneeded distress. Is this possible?
Definitely call Conexis and tell them they need to fix this FAST! If they don't do anything soon, I would contact a lawyer that deals with health insurance companies. Maybe if they're threatened with a little legal action, they'll fix the paperwork faster. good luck and try not to stress!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Can a person have two health insurance policies from 2 different companies in the same state?
I met the max benefits on one plan and wanted to add a different company plan that doesn't have the max.
Yes, a person can have two different health insurance companies. Is it worth it? Not usually. You do not get to choose which one is primary. There are built in conditions to every policy, that says which is primary. AND, coverages do not STACK, they "coordinate". Buying a BETTER plan with higher limits, lower deductibles, etc, is going to cost MORE. You can't buy one plan with a $1,000 limit for $50 a month, buy a second plan with $1,000 limit for $50 a month, and end up with $2,000 of coverage total. You still only have $1,000 of coverage total. Lastly, if you've hit your max coverage limit, the new private health insurance doesn't have to COVER whatever it is going wrong with you - and likely they won't. They'll "exclude" coverage for that condition, OR, flat out refuse to give you insurance. It's very uncommon for it to be cost effective, to buy TWO health insurance policies. It's a much, much better idea, to buy the good coverage up front - even though it's more expensive.
Yes, a person can have two different health insurance companies. Is it worth it? Not usually. You do not get to choose which one is primary. There are built in conditions to every policy, that says which is primary. AND, coverages do not STACK, they "coordinate". Buying a BETTER plan with higher limits, lower deductibles, etc, is going to cost MORE. You can't buy one plan with a $1,000 limit for $50 a month, buy a second plan with $1,000 limit for $50 a month, and end up with $2,000 of coverage total. You still only have $1,000 of coverage total. Lastly, if you've hit your max coverage limit, the new private health insurance doesn't have to COVER whatever it is going wrong with you - and likely they won't. They'll "exclude" coverage for that condition, OR, flat out refuse to give you insurance. It's very uncommon for it to be cost effective, to buy TWO health insurance policies. It's a much, much better idea, to buy the good coverage up front - even though it's more expensive.
does medical/health insurance cover if your teeth is damaged when you fell down ?
does medical/health insurance cover if your teeth is damaged when you fell down ? Or you need Dental insurance to get your broken teeth repaired? Thx, Joe
You will need dental insurance.
You will need dental insurance.
What health Insurance plans cover pre-existing conditions?
I have an existing kidney condition, and am currently covered under my previous employers cobra. Since I am not yet working, and the cobra expires soon, i need an individual plan. BCBS will extend their plan for individual coverage, but at a fairly hight rate. So I was trying to find other options for individual plans that would cover my condition?
Try this site, http://cheap-health-insurance-rate.info Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area
Try this site, http://cheap-health-insurance-rate.info Here you can get free quotes from different companies in your area
What jazz song was used in the HBA health insurance ad on telly several years back?
I really like that little tune, and would like to get it as an MP3 file.
Ella Fitzgerald did Sunny for HSA Health Insurance , Listen / download here http://www.songofthesalesman.co.uk/ad.as
Ella Fitzgerald did Sunny for HSA Health Insurance , Listen / download here http://www.songofthesalesman.co.uk/ad.as
if a person has medicare health insurance is it wise to use your spouses ins.as a secondary?
I was told that if your primary ins. covers 80% and you have a second ins. it will not cover anything over the 80% so what is the benefit of carrying 2 insurance coverages?
Whoever told you that is definitely incorrect! Since I don't know the terms of your husband's policy, I'll use a hypothetical example here to try to show you how it works. Let's presume (for this example) that your policy through your husband has 80-20 coverage. (I'm also assuming, for simplicity's sake, that any deductibles have been met in my example. Just to give you a basic idea of how your secondary insurer might consider your claim.) Say Medicare approves $100 for one of your services. Since $100 has been approved, Medicare would actually pay $80. This would leave a balance of $20 after Medicare. Your secondary insurance would then consider the remaining balance of $20. Since your secondary also provides 80% coverage for that service, they would pay $16. Therefore the balance to you in this hypothetical example would be $4. (Medicare allowed charge - Medicare's actual payment - whatever your secondary pays = your balance.) There is no universal answer as to whether it is "wise" to use your spouse's insurance as secondary. It all depends on the terms of your spouse's policy and what premium you have to pay. For example, if your spouse has to pay a substantial premium to keep you on the secondary policy and it has a huge deductible, then it might not be worth it to stay on. If you never met the deductible, then the insurance would never make a payment. However, in general (and I stress "in general"), if your spouse's policy has decent coverage and you don't have to pay much of a premium to stay on it, then it might generally be worth it to stay on it. Another thing to consider - there are some things that Medicare just doesn't cover. For example, Medicare doesn't cover routine physical examinations. (other than the one-time physical they will cover during your first 6 months on Part B) However, if your spouse's policy provides coverage for something that Medicare doesn't, you can still use the secondary and not get stuck paying out of pocket. You'll have to evaluate whether you think its advantageous to you to stay on your spouse's policy. If you want to give more info on what kind of coverage your spouse's policy offers (deductible, what percentage it covers, how much extra premium your spouse has to pay to keep you on, etc.), it might be easier to help figure out what's best for you. Ooh...one more thing...prescriptions. If your spouse's coverage covers prescriptions, you might find that a better alternative than trying to figure out how to navigate Medicare Part D plans. (again, depending on how much you're paying in premium to keep yourself on your spouse's plan)
Whoever told you that is definitely incorrect! Since I don't know the terms of your husband's policy, I'll use a hypothetical example here to try to show you how it works. Let's presume (for this example) that your policy through your husband has 80-20 coverage. (I'm also assuming, for simplicity's sake, that any deductibles have been met in my example. Just to give you a basic idea of how your secondary insurer might consider your claim.) Say Medicare approves $100 for one of your services. Since $100 has been approved, Medicare would actually pay $80. This would leave a balance of $20 after Medicare. Your secondary insurance would then consider the remaining balance of $20. Since your secondary also provides 80% coverage for that service, they would pay $16. Therefore the balance to you in this hypothetical example would be $4. (Medicare allowed charge - Medicare's actual payment - whatever your secondary pays = your balance.) There is no universal answer as to whether it is "wise" to use your spouse's insurance as secondary. It all depends on the terms of your spouse's policy and what premium you have to pay. For example, if your spouse has to pay a substantial premium to keep you on the secondary policy and it has a huge deductible, then it might not be worth it to stay on. If you never met the deductible, then the insurance would never make a payment. However, in general (and I stress "in general"), if your spouse's policy has decent coverage and you don't have to pay much of a premium to stay on it, then it might generally be worth it to stay on it. Another thing to consider - there are some things that Medicare just doesn't cover. For example, Medicare doesn't cover routine physical examinations. (other than the one-time physical they will cover during your first 6 months on Part B) However, if your spouse's policy provides coverage for something that Medicare doesn't, you can still use the secondary and not get stuck paying out of pocket. You'll have to evaluate whether you think its advantageous to you to stay on your spouse's policy. If you want to give more info on what kind of coverage your spouse's policy offers (deductible, what percentage it covers, how much extra premium your spouse has to pay to keep you on, etc.), it might be easier to help figure out what's best for you. Ooh...one more thing...prescriptions. If your spouse's coverage covers prescriptions, you might find that a better alternative than trying to figure out how to navigate Medicare Part D plans. (again, depending on how much you're paying in premium to keep yourself on your spouse's plan)
Health insurance question about coverage?
OK my dad has been diagnosed with an early stage of prostate cancer. He is 57 and retired from the police department and has to provide his own health insurance. He does not have cancer coverage. A friend said he may be able to buy coverage from his current company even though he has a pre-existing condition since he is already insured with them. Is this true? Do companies really do this? Doesn't seem logical to me at this stage.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Need explanation for Health insurance benefits?
For my health insurance I have to pay : Out-of-Pocket Max : $3000 individual and $9000 family I am trying to figure out what exactly that means. Does it mean that the limit of out of pocket maximum per person is $3000. So for any one person in my family I am not supposed to pay more than $3000? Please explain. Thank you.
It means, once you've paid $3,000 per person, or a total of $9,000 that year, you don't have to pay any more coinsurance for covered procedures.
It means, once you've paid $3,000 per person, or a total of $9,000 that year, you don't have to pay any more coinsurance for covered procedures.
If health insurance is made madatory, will Christian Scientists be exempt from buying it?
If not, won't that be an interference with the freedom of religion guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution?
They can declare religious rights and be exempt from health care. I live in the People's Republic of Massachusetts and health insurance is mandatory. But a tax filer can claim religious freedom and waive the requirements. It WOULD be an interference. That's why they'll be exempt.
They can declare religious rights and be exempt from health care. I live in the People's Republic of Massachusetts and health insurance is mandatory. But a tax filer can claim religious freedom and waive the requirements. It WOULD be an interference. That's why they'll be exempt.
Why not limit health insurance to catastrophic insurance and allow fee for service for everything else?
A "food stamps" type program can be used to provide poor and working poor with access to fee for service and catastrophic insurance? This would solve 90% of the healthcare cost escalation by eliminating third party payment systems which have led to overuse of healthcare----why is congress so dumb!!!?
Because that will not address the problems with the health system of the USA that results in it failing so many Americans. I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts? FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3]. Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4] Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.) Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8]. Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare? If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.
Because that will not address the problems with the health system of the USA that results in it failing so many Americans. I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts? FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3]. Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4] Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.) Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8]. Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare? If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.
Is United American Insurance Company a good health insurance or fake?
With the many health insurances out there, it is difficult to find a good and reasonably priced healthcare provider. I work for myself and cannot afford to pay more than $300/month on my health insurance. I tried $5000 deductable hospital plans and that is way too much upfront $ for most people including myself, before you pay the 20 to 30%. Some companies are fake insurances, as they make you think they are legit, but are not and are health savings plans, of which , no doctor or hospital recognizes them, and you get stuck paying the whole bill yourself anyway! When you do have to go to the hospital, how do you know your insurance will pay your bill? These insurance companies are into making money and do not care if you live or die, as long as you keep paying them! Buyer beware! Insurance salesmen/women will sell you the moon, but you get nothing in return. Does anyone know if this "United American Ins. Co." any good? Give me good or bad feedback! Alan B.
As an independent agent I'm able to carry UA but have refused because their policies are not very good. They have many limitation to what they'll pay, such as a daily limit if you're admitted to the hospital. There are many other policies available for about the same premium. I think you might be confusing health savings plans with health discount plans. Health savings accounts are good for the right person. I have yet to find the right person for a health discount plan.
As an independent agent I'm able to carry UA but have refused because their policies are not very good. They have many limitation to what they'll pay, such as a daily limit if you're admitted to the hospital. There are many other policies available for about the same premium. I think you might be confusing health savings plans with health discount plans. Health savings accounts are good for the right person. I have yet to find the right person for a health discount plan.
Can I be put back on my father's health insurance?
I am 20 years old. I believe my father has Blue Cross of California from his work. When I was 18, I got a full time job, and had my own health insurance. I believe I was taken off his policy because I was not a full-time student. I have lost my job, therefore lost my health insurance. With all the new bills/laws going around about health care, can I be put back on his policy?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info to solve my similiar problem.
29 weeks pregnant. Is independent health a good health insurance?
is independent health a good health insurance im 18 yrs old and applyed for it? like whats the insurance good for?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
What is the cheapest health insurance money can buy?
Not only the cheapest, but also is good overall for a single 35 year old guy. Thanks.
The thing you have to understand is that if you're looking for cheap, that's what you are going to get. Health insurance is expensive. Everybody, no matter what they pay, thinks it is expensive. I think mine is expensive too. If you are looking for a comprehensive coverage plan at a reasonable price, look into a high deductible health plan that qualifies you to open a Health Savings Account. The benefits of a this type of plan are unbeatable, and the cost is generally less expensive than a traditional co-pay plan.
The thing you have to understand is that if you're looking for cheap, that's what you are going to get. Health insurance is expensive. Everybody, no matter what they pay, thinks it is expensive. I think mine is expensive too. If you are looking for a comprehensive coverage plan at a reasonable price, look into a high deductible health plan that qualifies you to open a Health Savings Account. The benefits of a this type of plan are unbeatable, and the cost is generally less expensive than a traditional co-pay plan.
My daughter's health insurance is changing during her 9th month of pregnancy?
Her deductible is going from $700 with the old insurance company up to $1,400.00 from the new insurance company. Will that copay be prorated due to the fact that the old insurance company covered her for 8 months? Do the old and new companies work out what's due from who?
It will most likely not be prorated but she needs to call the NEW insurance company to find out how all of this works. No one on here can have a clue since you didn't mention what the name of the two insurance companies were and we also don't know what specific policy she had/has with either company.
It will most likely not be prorated but she needs to call the NEW insurance company to find out how all of this works. No one on here can have a clue since you didn't mention what the name of the two insurance companies were and we also don't know what specific policy she had/has with either company.
Some of you have been convinced to buy Health Insurance as a result of watching a talking 'duck' on a TV?
Commercial. Some of you have bought Automotive and Property insurance as a result of watching a talking 'lizard' on a TV commercial. This is scary. It frightens many of us that you are some of the same folks who voted in our last election. Please tell us, what did Obama use to sell himself to you?
He gonna give me the free gas and pay ma mortgage! If I hep him, he gonna hep meh- Peggy Johnson at an Obama rally. Do I have to explain this? I think you know.
He gonna give me the free gas and pay ma mortgage! If I hep him, he gonna hep meh- Peggy Johnson at an Obama rally. Do I have to explain this? I think you know.
IS $32,000 a year too much for the government to pay per year per person for health insurance?
I submitted a question concerning this subject and made a simply math effor that was promptly corrected by someone better in math then I am but I know private insurance is cheaper than $32,000 per year per person. It would seem logical for the government to buy every one of the 31,000,000 an insurance policy from a private company for less money.
Yes, that's a bit too much, considering most people don't even earn that much money. I don't (my wife does), but I'm close. I certainly do not expect, not do I want, the government to give me anything that I can't afford to purchase myself. Except for the protection of soldiers and cops.
Yes, that's a bit too much, considering most people don't even earn that much money. I don't (my wife does), but I'm close. I certainly do not expect, not do I want, the government to give me anything that I can't afford to purchase myself. Except for the protection of soldiers and cops.
I live in Ohio and don't have health insurance through my employer, I need surgery for cervical disc disease.
I make too much money to qualify for medicaid and my employer doesn't offer health insurance. I believe I need surgery for cervical degenerative disc disease. Can anyone give my any ideas as to how to have the required MRI and surgery at little to no cost? Any serious answers would be greatly appreciated. I am in a lot of pain. Thanks.
My best advice would be to look in your local yellow pages, and make calls for estimated costs at facilities in your area. Prices will vary depending on which state you are in....in fact, the prices can vary quite a bit between facilities in the same area. I work in a free standing imaging center, and we charge about half what the hospital (located in the same town!) charges. Look in the yellow pages under "x-ray" or "physicians - radiologist" and start calling facilities. If you call the imaging department of a hospital, make sure you get both the technical fee (for the cost of the procedure) and the professional fee (for the radiologist's reading). Most free standing imaging centers combine those costs into one fee. Other things to think about.....find out if the facility offers a cash discount for uninsured patients. Where I work, we offer 40% off the cost of CTs and MRIs for uninsured patients, if they pay the total on the day of service. Also, find out if they can make a payment plan for you, if you cannot come up with all of the money at the time of your procedure. We ask for 25% down at time of service, and then we do a payment plan, mapping out monthly payments for the balance. Sometimes the monthly payment is fairly low.....$50 even. A little bit of research can save you some money!
My best advice would be to look in your local yellow pages, and make calls for estimated costs at facilities in your area. Prices will vary depending on which state you are in....in fact, the prices can vary quite a bit between facilities in the same area. I work in a free standing imaging center, and we charge about half what the hospital (located in the same town!) charges. Look in the yellow pages under "x-ray" or "physicians - radiologist" and start calling facilities. If you call the imaging department of a hospital, make sure you get both the technical fee (for the cost of the procedure) and the professional fee (for the radiologist's reading). Most free standing imaging centers combine those costs into one fee. Other things to think about.....find out if the facility offers a cash discount for uninsured patients. Where I work, we offer 40% off the cost of CTs and MRIs for uninsured patients, if they pay the total on the day of service. Also, find out if they can make a payment plan for you, if you cannot come up with all of the money at the time of your procedure. We ask for 25% down at time of service, and then we do a payment plan, mapping out monthly payments for the balance. Sometimes the monthly payment is fairly low.....$50 even. A little bit of research can save you some money!
WHAT OR WHERE can i get temporary HEALTH insurance?
I rarely go to the doctors EVER------- so i dont pay the extra $90 a month for insurance through work employment! but now i need to see a doctor, just once! nothing expensive....but in this economy every penny counts! ARE there any legit GOOD company's that DO temporary-short term health insurance policies? if so can u tell me??:) thank you!!! :)
I have GOOD temporary insurance. I'm like you, I don't go to the doctor unless it is a total emergency, and that is why this plan works for me. if I go to an urgent care, I just have to make a $50 co-pay and I don't have to meet my deductible. So I saved a bundle by going with a high deductible since they waive it anyway as long as I go to an urgent care facility. The $90 through your employer is still a better deal, though, since it is around the same price and your employer plan would be more comprehensive. If that is still an option, you should go with your employer. However I turned down my employer's offer and now have missed my window to get on their group plan. If that is what happened with you, then i would look into this short term plan, but if you still have a chance to get on with your employer, I would do that. Here's the link I used when I applied for my short term plan: http://www.bestshorttermplan.com
I have GOOD temporary insurance. I'm like you, I don't go to the doctor unless it is a total emergency, and that is why this plan works for me. if I go to an urgent care, I just have to make a $50 co-pay and I don't have to meet my deductible. So I saved a bundle by going with a high deductible since they waive it anyway as long as I go to an urgent care facility. The $90 through your employer is still a better deal, though, since it is around the same price and your employer plan would be more comprehensive. If that is still an option, you should go with your employer. However I turned down my employer's offer and now have missed my window to get on their group plan. If that is what happened with you, then i would look into this short term plan, but if you still have a chance to get on with your employer, I would do that. Here's the link I used when I applied for my short term plan: http://www.bestshorttermplan.com
what is the health policy in great China? Does Govt. provide free health or you have to buy health insurance?
Is it similar to USA where everyone has to buy health insurance which is not possible for everyone. I am assuming that it should not be like USA otherwise how can 1.3 billion population buy health insurance. Health insurance concept is not possible in that huge population. How does health system work in China ??????????????
Sorry there is no government health care for the masses in China. If you get ill you will have to pay for it yourself. You can buy private healthcare insurance for China but read the small print on it.
Sorry there is no government health care for the masses in China. If you get ill you will have to pay for it yourself. You can buy private healthcare insurance for China but read the small print on it.
Getting health insurance for a small business?
What is the best way to find a good plan for a new small business? High deductible HSA for a starting company with 3 to 5 employees. I have tried searching online but I feel as though it is just running me in circles and I haven't called any of the big insurance companies yet because I hesitate to give out too much of the employee/employer information just yet. Thanks in advance for any help offered!
I don't know any other way apart from filling forms an speaking to agents. You can try http://www.best-american-insurers-free-c they are quick and won't ask for much employer info, just general.
I don't know any other way apart from filling forms an speaking to agents. You can try http://www.best-american-insurers-free-c they are quick and won't ask for much employer info, just general.
why should the politicians have health insurance.when so many americans don;t and we pay for theirs.?
i;am a veteran and can't get health insurance because i was told my wife makes to much money.yet as a tax payer i and all of America pay for the outstanding health care for the politicians.if America can;t have health insurance why should the politicians have it paid for by the tax payers.look at all the money the taxpayers could save if the politicians gave up their health insurance paid for by the tax payers.
Thank you for your service to the country. You know how, as a taxpayer, you don't like paying for politicians' healthcare? Well, why should anyone want to pay for your healthcare, if you do not qualify under the guidelines? Income limits are there for a reason. They are not arbitrary. As for the politicians: It is their job, just like any government employee. Should we take away health benefits from all people who work in government, or just the politicians? Are all elected officials politicians? Should we take away healthcare from sheriffs, judges, mayors, and city council members, dog catchers--anyone who runs for office? I'm afraid you have given in to liberal logic: that if someone has something, that means someone else doesn't. This is a fallacy. You think there is this pie, and that if some people get big slices, than others get little ones. The economy is not static, like a pie. It is growing. Here's the secret: You can expand your slice of the pie. But first things first, you have to stop blaming others for what you do not have.
Thank you for your service to the country. You know how, as a taxpayer, you don't like paying for politicians' healthcare? Well, why should anyone want to pay for your healthcare, if you do not qualify under the guidelines? Income limits are there for a reason. They are not arbitrary. As for the politicians: It is their job, just like any government employee. Should we take away health benefits from all people who work in government, or just the politicians? Are all elected officials politicians? Should we take away healthcare from sheriffs, judges, mayors, and city council members, dog catchers--anyone who runs for office? I'm afraid you have given in to liberal logic: that if someone has something, that means someone else doesn't. This is a fallacy. You think there is this pie, and that if some people get big slices, than others get little ones. The economy is not static, like a pie. It is growing. Here's the secret: You can expand your slice of the pie. But first things first, you have to stop blaming others for what you do not have.
Can somebody suggest me some good health insurance company which can provide me insurance for four months.?
I graduated very recently from a US university. And, I had campus care insurance. It might take some time for me to join the job. And, I would like to have some kind of health insurance for four months. Can you please suggest me some good company which can offer me insurance for such a short period?
It sounds like you will probably need some form of short term health insurance. If you are unsure of when exactly you will get permanent health insurance coverage from your new job then you may want to consider purchasing a regular individual health insurance policy that is permanent though. Here is some more information on short term health insurance and also some information on how to choose a good health insurance company:
It sounds like you will probably need some form of short term health insurance. If you are unsure of when exactly you will get permanent health insurance coverage from your new job then you may want to consider purchasing a regular individual health insurance policy that is permanent though. Here is some more information on short term health insurance and also some information on how to choose a good health insurance company:
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