I have had extreme depression over the amount of hair I have. When I was in the military they were going to laser hair remove it for me because I was depressed, my doctor gave me the approval. I got out of the military too soon unfortunately. Are there any insurances that cover this? I have medicare and the veterans affairs military insurance. I'm willing to get a pricier insurance that will cover this. I don't think medicare will cover it. Anyone know about that too?
Unfortunately I do not think this will be covered. Instead, you will probably be sent to a psychiatrist and given medication for your depression. However, you are lucky because you could probably get the treatments on your own. While it takes many treatments to become effective, you could easily save money to do the laser hair removal treatments on your own.
Monday, June 20, 2011
where in the united states constitution does it say i "must buy health insurance"?
what are you in here for Bob? I didn't buy health insurance.
Nowhere, that is the individuals responsibility to buy health insurance! :-)
Nowhere, that is the individuals responsibility to buy health insurance! :-)
I need to get tested for diabetes but i dont have health insurance?
Should i just go to the emergency room and tell them all my symptoms or what
You surely have a friend that has diabetes . Ask them to check you with their glucose meter. Fast for 8 hours or more and check. Blood Glucose Levels (Check Regularly) * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL (100 milligrams of glucose for every 10th of a liter) is normal. * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100-125 mg/dL may indicate "pre-diabetes." * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher may indicate diabetes. * A blood glucose level -- after eating -- of 180 mg/dL is considered normal. Good luck
You surely have a friend that has diabetes . Ask them to check you with their glucose meter. Fast for 8 hours or more and check. Blood Glucose Levels (Check Regularly) * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL (100 milligrams of glucose for every 10th of a liter) is normal. * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 100-125 mg/dL may indicate "pre-diabetes." * A "fasting" blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher may indicate diabetes. * A blood glucose level -- after eating -- of 180 mg/dL is considered normal. Good luck
how can i go to a dentist with out health insurance?
I have a really bad tooth ache and need to go see a dentist if it doesn't kill me first i have no health insurance with my job i was wondering if a dentist would be able to do payments? or something monthly because i only get paid once a month but i really need to see one soon. I live in lakewood colorado and would love to find a dentist that would work with me
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
Are there any programs to help you with back bills if your Health insurance cancels you?
Why aren't they required to refund the money you paid for it if they didn't provide you the service? Is there anything that can help with back medical bills? I wasn't cancelled because of anything serious, just something I didn't realize I was diagnosed with-PCOS-wasn't on my app. It wouldn't have prevented me from getting the coverage. So what can I do?
The only way you'd get your premium back would be if they had never paid out any medical claims for you. Otherwise, they deduct the value of what you paid in from the claims that they take back. (So, technically, you are "getting back what you paid in," because it was taken away from the bills you're going to have to pay to your medical providers.) And no...there aren't any programs that I'm aware of to help with past medical bills under that circumstance. You're just going to have to work out payment plans with your providers. This is why its important to disclose absolutely everything on an insurance application. PCOS definitely would have been relevant to your insurer...either they wouldn't have issued you a policy to begin with, or you would have had a higher premium due to your medical status. I don't say this to be offensive, but technically not disclosing something like that on your application is insurance fraud (whether you intended to deceive the insurer or not). That's why you'll have a tough time finding a program to help you with the back bills. Sorry. :( (And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this might also make it a little harder for you to get coverage right now...unless you get group coverage through an employer, of course.)
The only way you'd get your premium back would be if they had never paid out any medical claims for you. Otherwise, they deduct the value of what you paid in from the claims that they take back. (So, technically, you are "getting back what you paid in," because it was taken away from the bills you're going to have to pay to your medical providers.) And no...there aren't any programs that I'm aware of to help with past medical bills under that circumstance. You're just going to have to work out payment plans with your providers. This is why its important to disclose absolutely everything on an insurance application. PCOS definitely would have been relevant to your insurer...either they wouldn't have issued you a policy to begin with, or you would have had a higher premium due to your medical status. I don't say this to be offensive, but technically not disclosing something like that on your application is insurance fraud (whether you intended to deceive the insurer or not). That's why you'll have a tough time finding a program to help you with the back bills. Sorry. :( (And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this might also make it a little harder for you to get coverage right now...unless you get group coverage through an employer, of course.)
Why cant the UFC get health insurance for its fighters?
I don't want a answer that it cost to much because the amount of money the company brings in they can afford it. As fighters continue to get hurt don't you think that it draws away from the sport?
I know you dont want to hear it but the main reason is cost. You can't compare it to your own or your parents plan, because a lot of those are guaranteed rates under normal circumstances. In most places the company cuts a per-person deal with the insurance company so every one has the same set costs and the healthy people end up paying higher amounts to factor out for the sick. The problem with the UFC is they would have to approach an insurance company and find a per-person rate. Insurance companies takes a very large amount of factors into consideration but it ultimately comes down to how much they expect they will need to pay in medical expenses for that companies employees and then they charge the company roughly that amount (they use math to make a very informed decision that has the likely result of them gaining money while still providing the promised medical care). The issue with the UFC is when the insurance company ran their math equations to determine the amount they would need to charge the UFC per fighter to cover all of their medical expenses and still get a profit the number is going to be ridiculously high because due to the fact they fight/train for a living so they are very likely to incur a significant number of medical expenses as a result. Insurances companies are run for profit, they will use a lot of factors to determine a rate they will still likely make a profit out of and for someone with such a high liklihood of significant medical expenses that number is so high it's not pratical. EDIT: Also, once someone starts incurring significant medical expenses insurance companies often try as hard as they can to get that person off of their coverage. They will use odd loopholes, or offer significant incentives to drop people with high medical expenses. I got cancer when I was 16 and after treatment the insurance company kept offering my dad new benefits and lower premiums if he would drop me from his coverage.
I know you dont want to hear it but the main reason is cost. You can't compare it to your own or your parents plan, because a lot of those are guaranteed rates under normal circumstances. In most places the company cuts a per-person deal with the insurance company so every one has the same set costs and the healthy people end up paying higher amounts to factor out for the sick. The problem with the UFC is they would have to approach an insurance company and find a per-person rate. Insurance companies takes a very large amount of factors into consideration but it ultimately comes down to how much they expect they will need to pay in medical expenses for that companies employees and then they charge the company roughly that amount (they use math to make a very informed decision that has the likely result of them gaining money while still providing the promised medical care). The issue with the UFC is when the insurance company ran their math equations to determine the amount they would need to charge the UFC per fighter to cover all of their medical expenses and still get a profit the number is going to be ridiculously high because due to the fact they fight/train for a living so they are very likely to incur a significant number of medical expenses as a result. Insurances companies are run for profit, they will use a lot of factors to determine a rate they will still likely make a profit out of and for someone with such a high liklihood of significant medical expenses that number is so high it's not pratical. EDIT: Also, once someone starts incurring significant medical expenses insurance companies often try as hard as they can to get that person off of their coverage. They will use odd loopholes, or offer significant incentives to drop people with high medical expenses. I got cancer when I was 16 and after treatment the insurance company kept offering my dad new benefits and lower premiums if he would drop me from his coverage.
With 40 million here without health insurance go to Canada?
A few Canadians come here for specialized treatment, but not very many. They are all covered and polls show they would not switch to our system. Why do you think that is? Politicians?
greed. Many people are able to rip off others with the system we have now. I heard Bill Clinton speak about this & he is AMAZING. He explained how it all works & how it would work if the plan would go through. We would save so much money it would not cost us anything. Yet where is the money going to know. It is going to people who lack integrity & have a good thing going. They are the ones who pay the right wing media so much money. Most people who go to a hospital walk out without anything being done. They go through testing. They get some oxy-something pills. It is just a place to make people sicker & to make a ton of money. I worked in a hospital & I was so nice to the patients. The hospital doesn't want someone soothing people it wants them to be stressed out. Often people will pull out IVs so they can walk out cause the wait is so long. People from nursing homes are going back home with MRSA.
greed. Many people are able to rip off others with the system we have now. I heard Bill Clinton speak about this & he is AMAZING. He explained how it all works & how it would work if the plan would go through. We would save so much money it would not cost us anything. Yet where is the money going to know. It is going to people who lack integrity & have a good thing going. They are the ones who pay the right wing media so much money. Most people who go to a hospital walk out without anything being done. They go through testing. They get some oxy-something pills. It is just a place to make people sicker & to make a ton of money. I worked in a hospital & I was so nice to the patients. The hospital doesn't want someone soothing people it wants them to be stressed out. Often people will pull out IVs so they can walk out cause the wait is so long. People from nursing homes are going back home with MRSA.
Need health insurance but dont have any?
I want to have some health insurance or some type of health care insurance for me. I don't have a job right now and i am 25. I am wondering how i can apply for some insurance if i don't have a job or the money at the moment. by the way... i am attending college.
OK, the kicker is, you want an insurance company to give you a policy for FREE. That's not going to happen. You can go to a local agent, and try to get a policy. If you are in perfect health, at your age, a low deductible plan should cost you about $250 a month. Or, a high deductible plan might be as little as $100 a month. Or, you can get a full time job, with benefits, and do the school thing evenings and weekends.
OK, the kicker is, you want an insurance company to give you a policy for FREE. That's not going to happen. You can go to a local agent, and try to get a policy. If you are in perfect health, at your age, a low deductible plan should cost you about $250 a month. Or, a high deductible plan might be as little as $100 a month. Or, you can get a full time job, with benefits, and do the school thing evenings and weekends.
Is there any point for a man in his mid twenties buying health insurance?
It looks like another $200-$300 or more per month that will make it harder to survive financially.
Accidents are one reason to be insured...the other has to do with getting insurance after you find out you need it. In other words, say you're not insured. You go to the clinic because you don't feel good. They find something seriously wrong with you, like cancer. You know to get treatment will be mega expensive....so you go to get insurance. You can then be denied coverage of any pre-existing condition that you did not previously have insurance for. It's called creditable coverage. They can say, "yes, we'll insure you, but we won't pay for your cancer treatments for six months because you weren't insured for cancer before." Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, http://cheap-health-insurance-usa.blogspot.com/ Here you can get free quotes from different health insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find an afforable health insurance with a reliable company. Best Wishes,
Accidents are one reason to be insured...the other has to do with getting insurance after you find out you need it. In other words, say you're not insured. You go to the clinic because you don't feel good. They find something seriously wrong with you, like cancer. You know to get treatment will be mega expensive....so you go to get insurance. You can then be denied coverage of any pre-existing condition that you did not previously have insurance for. It's called creditable coverage. They can say, "yes, we'll insure you, but we won't pay for your cancer treatments for six months because you weren't insured for cancer before." Check out this site, if you want to find the best or the cheapest health insurance just in one minute, http://cheap-health-insurance-usa.blogspot.com/ Here you can get free quotes from different health insurance companies in your area, its the best way to find an afforable health insurance with a reliable company. Best Wishes,
why is Obama on the side of The private health insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industries?
Obama, like John McCain, did not support HR 676, the single-payer legislation. when would the Democrats learn that there is a cost to be paid for working on behalf of corporations and dis-empowering citizens. isn't "change" his main slogan? should he change his plan regarding health plan? http://www.alternet.org/healthwellness/9
To be fair, McCain seems to be more on side with them than Obama. At least Obama is going to try to do something about the death rate of American children. FACT- the USA spends more on healthcare per person than any other nation on the planet. FACT - US kids aged under five are more likely to die than kids in western European countries with universal healthcare.
To be fair, McCain seems to be more on side with them than Obama. At least Obama is going to try to do something about the death rate of American children. FACT- the USA spends more on healthcare per person than any other nation on the planet. FACT - US kids aged under five are more likely to die than kids in western European countries with universal healthcare.
Have you found doctors and health insurance providers to be really insensitive about fertility issues?
I swear that my ob/gyn was rolling her eyes the entire time during my 'fertility consultation.' the entire appointment was 15 minutes, but I had the feeling she wanted it to be done after just 5 minutes.
No but when I had my hysterectomy 2 weeks ok the insurance company still hadn't OK'd it, I got a letter from them about 5 days later saying they surgery was approved but the hospitlization wasn't, I stayed 2 nights because I've had heart valve replacement surgery and I have to take blood thinners and be watched for excessive bleeding or blood clots. Ins. companies are sooo stupid.
No but when I had my hysterectomy 2 weeks ok the insurance company still hadn't OK'd it, I got a letter from them about 5 days later saying they surgery was approved but the hospitlization wasn't, I stayed 2 nights because I've had heart valve replacement surgery and I have to take blood thinners and be watched for excessive bleeding or blood clots. Ins. companies are sooo stupid.
Where can i go to get Lasik surgery, that is covered by Health Insurance?
This is in New york of course, Manhattan or Bronx would be Key.
It depends if you need the surgery to have better vision and improve your eyes/sight, or if you just don't wanna wear glasses. Just go to a doctor and ask if the surgery will improve your vision/if it'll be beneficial/needed. If s/he says yes, then she will have insurance cover it.
It depends if you need the surgery to have better vision and improve your eyes/sight, or if you just don't wanna wear glasses. Just go to a doctor and ask if the surgery will improve your vision/if it'll be beneficial/needed. If s/he says yes, then she will have insurance cover it.
does lens crafters axcept golden rule health insurance?
im going to be buying contacts but a lot of eye doctors dont axcept golden rule united health care insurance so i would like to know if lens crafters axcept it?
If you picked up the vision plan (which is additional) then you'd need to contact them to see who takes it. Start with your broker. That's why you use a broker to get some direction. It's easier to contact the insurance company to find out where you can use it instead of calling all of the providers to see if they take it.
If you picked up the vision plan (which is additional) then you'd need to contact them to see who takes it. Start with your broker. That's why you use a broker to get some direction. It's easier to contact the insurance company to find out where you can use it instead of calling all of the providers to see if they take it.
Why do my health care insurance premiums go up annually even though I have not used it at all in the year?
Do private insurance companies (and thus its customers) actually end up paying for hospital bills of the uninsured (once the original person declares bankruptcy, etc.)? Why do my premiums have to go up for someone else? Why can't we just throw the uninsured in jail until they can pay their hospital bill?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
I have a question about federal health insurance and politicians.?
Where can I find out which congressmen/women and senators have health insurance through the federal goverment?
Unless they're making some kind of statement (and one Congressperson has, but I've forgotten his name), all full-time civilian federal employees are covered by the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
Unless they're making some kind of statement (and one Congressperson has, but I've forgotten his name), all full-time civilian federal employees are covered by the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
I am thinking of offering my employees health insurance, some of them smoke, will this affect the cost?
How much more can I expect to pay for the smokers?
Health insurance premiums are calculated by determining the claims experience of your group and then modeling that and other age and demographic factors into a rate that is expected to cover the claims liability for a given plan year. Although Group Plans are designed to help absorb the cost of individuals with higher risks/expenditures, it is erroneous to state that there is no effect on the rates. In fact, to the contrary, since statistically smokers will increase your overall plan costs, they will therefore increase your claims experience and inflate the cost needed to cover that liability. In other words - higher rates. Offering a credit or discounted rate to non-smokers; or for smokers enrolling in an accredited smoking cessation program, are both ways to help reduce the risk of cost to your plan. This, and other like Preventive Care measures, are your best way of controlling plan costs, regardless of the size of your insured population.
Health insurance premiums are calculated by determining the claims experience of your group and then modeling that and other age and demographic factors into a rate that is expected to cover the claims liability for a given plan year. Although Group Plans are designed to help absorb the cost of individuals with higher risks/expenditures, it is erroneous to state that there is no effect on the rates. In fact, to the contrary, since statistically smokers will increase your overall plan costs, they will therefore increase your claims experience and inflate the cost needed to cover that liability. In other words - higher rates. Offering a credit or discounted rate to non-smokers; or for smokers enrolling in an accredited smoking cessation program, are both ways to help reduce the risk of cost to your plan. This, and other like Preventive Care measures, are your best way of controlling plan costs, regardless of the size of your insured population.
if they make the health insurance mandatory are they gonna regulate the price?
with the auto you can choose not to have one ,but with health you don't get to choose not to live whether you are healthy or not you have to live,i just don't understand how people are going to pay for it
well the idea is that the extra money will cover the extra clients. the way they want to regulate price is capping the % of profits the company can make. I'd much rather companies not make a profit of my medical bills. only the doctors and his staff should be getting rich off my heath care. but single payer is a bad word to the tea partiers and conservatives.
well the idea is that the extra money will cover the extra clients. the way they want to regulate price is capping the % of profits the company can make. I'd much rather companies not make a profit of my medical bills. only the doctors and his staff should be getting rich off my heath care. but single payer is a bad word to the tea partiers and conservatives.
Is there any chance that sex reassignment surgery will be covered under the new health insurance program like?
they have in Canada?
The NPO I work for is part of a national campaign called Healthcare for America Now (HCAN). While, at this time, I don't know of any work specifically to pay for SRS it wouldn't surprise me if this issue were to open the door to it. I advice contacting your Senate and House Reps and asking them if they support the principles that HCAN is fighting for. If they do than you know that they are fighting for you to receive the best possible healthcare available. If they aren't then you know that they likely won't support us in the fight to make Transition a procedure that should be covered. The first link in my sources section is to HCANs website so that you can gain more information on this issue. The second link is to congress.org. By entering your zipcode you can find who YOUR congressmen and women are and how to contact them. I do hope that we can have transition covered in the near future.
The NPO I work for is part of a national campaign called Healthcare for America Now (HCAN). While, at this time, I don't know of any work specifically to pay for SRS it wouldn't surprise me if this issue were to open the door to it. I advice contacting your Senate and House Reps and asking them if they support the principles that HCAN is fighting for. If they do than you know that they are fighting for you to receive the best possible healthcare available. If they aren't then you know that they likely won't support us in the fight to make Transition a procedure that should be covered. The first link in my sources section is to HCANs website so that you can gain more information on this issue. The second link is to congress.org. By entering your zipcode you can find who YOUR congressmen and women are and how to contact them. I do hope that we can have transition covered in the near future.
Are there good health policies for Cat for health insurance?
I need some providers , before I get another Cat,
I have it for all 6 of my cats..the first plan i had was horrible..i now have gopetplan..i love it..no problems at all. Before signing up with any go to the betterbusinessbureau.com and see if the company has any complaints against them Also here is a great site..petinsurancereview.com
I have it for all 6 of my cats..the first plan i had was horrible..i now have gopetplan..i love it..no problems at all. Before signing up with any go to the betterbusinessbureau.com and see if the company has any complaints against them Also here is a great site..petinsurancereview.com
Do you think Big Health Insurance Companies could be any happy with Obama making them bigger profits?
millions of new mandatory customers/subsidized customers/no price controls/stocks on the rise What kind of Thank You letter should Big Insurance send to Obama?
Democrats accuse big corporations of being evil but it is all talk! Insurance and big pharma are going to profit big time. Look at what happens in the defense industry $5000 toilet seats now $1000 aspirins
Democrats accuse big corporations of being evil but it is all talk! Insurance and big pharma are going to profit big time. Look at what happens in the defense industry $5000 toilet seats now $1000 aspirins
I have a large cyst on my face, but no health insurance?
It's really big, about an inch and a half long under my right eye. It looks bruised and is really noticeable to other people. I've read that dermatologists have a shot that can remove them. My biggest problem is that I don't have medical insurance. How much does this shot cost, and are there any alternative treatments that are cheaper or more effective?
How long have you had this cyst? Has a doctor seen this yet? It can be something more than just a cyst, such as skin cancer (not to alarm you, but if this is something that suddenly "popped up", then you really need to see a doctor about this.) However, if this is something that slowly developed, you may be right and may be a sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are harmless, slow-growing bumps under the skin, often appearing on the scalp, face, ears, back, or groin area. The cysts usually contain dead skin and other skin particles. Treatment for sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts can usually be treated by a physician by puncturing the top and removing its contents. However, large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst. I also read that some cysts may disappear on their own after time and not reappear. If you're worried about cost, try calling a medical college or local doctor and ask for a reference as to where you could go for a reasonable cost to get this looked at. When I was pregnant, I used a clinic used to train doctors, which saved me quite a bit of money.
How long have you had this cyst? Has a doctor seen this yet? It can be something more than just a cyst, such as skin cancer (not to alarm you, but if this is something that suddenly "popped up", then you really need to see a doctor about this.) However, if this is something that slowly developed, you may be right and may be a sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are harmless, slow-growing bumps under the skin, often appearing on the scalp, face, ears, back, or groin area. The cysts usually contain dead skin and other skin particles. Treatment for sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts can usually be treated by a physician by puncturing the top and removing its contents. However, large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst. I also read that some cysts may disappear on their own after time and not reappear. If you're worried about cost, try calling a medical college or local doctor and ask for a reference as to where you could go for a reasonable cost to get this looked at. When I was pregnant, I used a clinic used to train doctors, which saved me quite a bit of money.
Where can my husband get cheap health insurance?
I'm on medicaid because I'm pregnant, but my husband has asthma and has no way of paying for doctors visits or getting inhalers. He has recently had an asthma attack that lasted a whole week! but we can't afford the ER bills every time he has an attack
I would suggest he reads up on fasting. Basically 40 days of fasting will cure him forever but he needs to read up to believe, or go to a clinic to see the cured ones but fasting clinics cost lots of money and are very rare hence my first suggestion. I did it simply using google. Or, he might qualify for free government healthcare, see: http://www.simplyinsurancequotes.com/lin for a quadrillion dot gov websites.
I would suggest he reads up on fasting. Basically 40 days of fasting will cure him forever but he needs to read up to believe, or go to a clinic to see the cured ones but fasting clinics cost lots of money and are very rare hence my first suggestion. I did it simply using google. Or, he might qualify for free government healthcare, see: http://www.simplyinsurancequotes.com/lin for a quadrillion dot gov websites.
health insurance with legal separation in connecticut?
In connecticut, if you are legally separated, can you get separate medical insurance or do you still have to use your spouses?
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need it ASAP
Try Charter Oak, I know here in Ct, Governor Jody Rell says is real cheap for families. So, u may want to look into in Massachusetts. Personally, I think everyone should have free health insurance like they do in Sweden and Ireland. Let me know please.
Try Charter Oak, I know here in Ct, Governor Jody Rell says is real cheap for families. So, u may want to look into in Massachusetts. Personally, I think everyone should have free health insurance like they do in Sweden and Ireland. Let me know please.
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